Do Any of You Really Care about the 2024 Presidential Election?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

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Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

It is a matter of proximity. It is not close enough to get too worked up, for me, and likewise at this point polling is meaningless.
It is a matter of proximity. It is not close enough to get too worked up, for me, and likewise at this point polling is meaningless.

But do you have a passion for either candidate? Are you excited at all about the upcoming election?
I care I have always been a political junkie since I was too young to vote. 2024 is going to be interesting I see it as wide open no guarantees as who the candidate for either party will be. Look for an old fashion floor fight at the Democratic convention of policy planks and who their candidate will be. Maybe the same with the Republicans.
Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

Since when did either party care what the American people think or want?
Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

I confess to some fatigue in dealing with it day after day. So excited about the election? No.

Part of that might be a defense mechanism as I have no confidence the GOP will retake the White House or expand their majority in the House--maybe won't even keep it--or win the Senate majority. Republicans notoriously shoot themselves in the foot arguing over this or that issue or cancel somebody if he/she displeases them in any way.

Right or wrong, stupid or defensible, ideologically fanatical or whatever, no matter how much they might disagree on any issue Democrats will stick together and obey orders on what to say they think, what they speak, what they believe, and how they vote.

And the left controls virtually all the MSM and social media that has any significant audience so they can control whatever message they want.

So yes I care. But enthusiasm isn't part of that.
I confess to some fatigue in dealing with it day after day. So excited about the election? No.

Part of that might be a defense mechanism as I have no confidence the GOP will retake the White House or expand their majority in the House--maybe won't even keep it--or win the Senate majority. Republicans notoriously shoot themselves in the foot arguing over this or that issue or cancel somebody if he/she displeases them in any way.

Right or wrong, stupid or defensible, ideologically fanatical or whatever, no matter how much they might disagree on any issue Democrats will stick together and obey orders on what to say they think, what they speak, what they believe, and how they vote.

And the left controls virtually all the MSM and social media that has any significant audience so they can control whatever message they want.

So yes I care. But enthusiasm isn't part of that.

Well said. Thank you for your response. :thup:
Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

Not a dem but quite happy to vote for Biden again. He's been a pleasant surprise and has gotten a lot of legislation passed in an atmosphere that the GOP has (and continues to) poison at every turn. So that is just me.

In the macro...

The MAGA folks are just as passionate because Trump rationalizes their latent racism and hate. After 40 years (give or take) of being told that they were wrong to hate someone for the color of their skin or lifestyle choices...the toothless neanderthals in the south were suddenly told it was okay to have these deranged thoughts. That is what you see on this board daily.

One MAGA idiot the other day was on this board wishing Hitler a happy birthday. Instead of other MAGA idiot calling her out on it...they too joined in. Its a sickness. But they get to vote too. So as long as that passion is there on the deranged right, the rather simple choice of voting for someone who is not crazy is an easy one to make.
Yeah, I'm paying attention to the next presidential selection. It's always good to know who your enemies are going to be.
Those in power are not there to serve the people, they are there to control the people in order to protect planet earth from them.

From here on out you will only see massive spending to fight climate change and a failing economy as a result.

From here on out, only dictatorships will do.

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