Do Any of You Really Care about the 2024 Presidential Election?

I supported Trump twice, but I am as sick of him as I am of Biden.
Pretty much have entered the Fuck It mentality and will probably go third party because I have had it with the two corrupt parties.

Which one since 1900 has ever done more or better than outsider Trump. Against the entire operation, almost single-handedly he fulfilled promises at least.

Regan? I'll wait.
But do you have a passion for either candidate? Are you excited at all about the upcoming election?
At this point, definitely not, still feeling the last two presidential races have been trying to pick lessor of two mediocre to poor choices, and neither party putting forth a candidate of merit.
So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

I have reservations about Biden's age... but other than that, I'm fine with him running again.
At this point, definitely not, still feeling the last two presidential races have been trying to pick lessor of two mediocre to poor choices, and neither party putting forth a candidate of merit.

You know what, we say that nearly every election I've been involved with since 1980. "Oh, I'm picking the lesser of two evils".

And to a degree, that's healthy. Cults of personality are not good for the body politic.

But with the exception of Trump, both parties have run guys who would make perfectly serviceable presidents, to be honest.
True, Biden's 2nd term will be the "Weekend at Bernies" presidency, matching sunglasses

Or not.

Let's take a look at our last bunch of Presidents, shall we?

Reagan lived to by 93
Ford lived to be 93
George Bush lived to be 94
Jimmy Carter is 98, probably on his last legs.

81 just doesn't seem that old, really.

And if we are getting down to a Trump vs. Biden fight... Trump is going to be 78 next year. And he's in far worse health than Biden is.

Do Any of You Really Care about the 2024 Presidential Election?​

As far as I can see nearly no American really likes to vote again "Trump vs Biden" - but looks like exactly this will happen. And when the deadly narcissist Donald Trump will win then the whole world will eventually sink down into the anarchy of autocrats, oligarchs and superrich 24/7-idiots - and if so I don't give a damn for the survival of our most superstupid species - or a future for life on earth at all. Question: Why did we leave behind the pharaoes and their slavery of death thousands of years ago when we now make new pharaoes and don't care about life on earth any longer? What for heavens sake is wrong with the whole mankind?

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Anybody can see that Biden's mental condition is deteriorating every day even though the media and the democrat party is desperate to downplay it. Do you really want a mentally impaired guy with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button for another four years? You betcha the 2024 election is important.
Anybody can see that Biden's mental condition is deteriorating every day even though the media and the democrat party is desperate to downplay it. Do you really want a mentally impaired guy with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button for another four years? You betcha the 2024 election is important.

Explain me please why you write such a propagandistic bullshit although you know that it is nothing else than propagandistic superbullshit. Do you think everyone else is an idiot?
Explain me please why you write such a propagandistic bullshit although you know that it is nothing else than propagandistic superbullshit. Do you think everyone else is an idiot?

So then you agree Biden should have an independent neurological evaluation with the findings made public. That would prove your point, right?
The world and the US will carry on no matter who the fucking morons vote for.

Only because something falls this means not it is not able to fall longer and deeper. What a luck to be weightless during the fall from heaven to hell. The other way - hell to heaven - needs much more energy and endavour.

I only care in the sense that I think the Republicans take the Senate so I'd prefer Biden in the White House to avoid any more nutjob conservatives on the Supreme Court.
So then you agree Biden should have an independent neurological evaluation with the findings made public. That would prove your point, right?

You are not able to exclude humanity ... and suffering ... and death ... and dignity.
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Let's take a look at our last bunch of Presidents, shall we?

Reagan lived to by 93
Ford lived to be 93
George Bush lived to be 94
Jimmy Carter is 98, probably on his last legs.

81 just doesn't seem that old, really.

And if we are getting down to a Trump vs. Biden fight... Trump is going to be 78 next year. And he's in far worse health than Biden is.
86 is too old for the most important job in the world. He's too old for his 1st term. Kennedy vs Desantis sounds interesting.
Joe is too senile to even do real press conferences. Just imagine how idiotic he'd sound during a national security emergency
If Biden wins the 2024 election as the Democratic candidate and serves out his entire term, he would be 86 years old at the end of his presidency in January 2029.

Trump still can do real press conferences and debates. I prefer Desantis, we'll see.

As far as I can see nearly no American really likes to vote again "Trump vs Biden" - but looks like exactly this will happen. And when the deadly narcissist Donald Trump will win then the whole world will eventually sink down into the anarchy of autocrats, oligarchs and super-rich 24/7-idiots - and if so I don't give a damn for the survival of our most super-stupid species - or a future for life on earth at all. Question: Why did we leave behind the pharaohs and their slavery of death thousands of years ago when we now make new pharaohs and don't care about life on earth any longer? What for heavens sake is wrong with the whole mankind?
You have it exactly backwards.
The oligarchs elected Biden in 2020, or should I say bought the election for Biden in 2020.

Trump isn't the Pharoah, he'd be president for 4-years to save the world from World War 3. Trump knows how to make deals, Biden is stupid and senile.

Biden has the world tracking toward world war 3. Elon Musk proved that the FBI helped elect Biden by censoring Biden's crimes.
But do you have a passion for either candidate? Are you excited at all about the upcoming election?
There are a lot of problems in America so I don’t think it’s a matter of excitement but a matter of concern for any American who cares about the country… and of course their well-being if they care about their well-being they would or should care about how the government is running things.
Only because something falls this means not it is not able to fall longer and deeper. What a luck to be weightless during the fall from heaven to hell. The other way - hell to heaven - needs much more energy and endeavor.
A "sneak attack" can happen anytime and anywhere. No big deal. Not something to be proud of. Stupid ideas can get you dead.

I look forward to the primary season.....mainly to see how the DNC is going to fuck-over any dem that dares to run against Tater.....Hopefully he will die or be 25th-ed by then.

The gop will make short work of Cumswalla.
In my opinion, Kamala Harris was chosen to be VP partly because she is black and female, but mostly because she can be totally managed by the deep state as Biden is. And if they consider that more advantage than liability in 2024, she will be on the ticket again on the theory that when Biden has to drop out for whatever reason, they still have a President they can easily control.

The National GOP is feckless and incompetent in keeping on message, even promoting a message, and being able to develop consensus and unity.

The DNC, totally controlled by the deep state, is very proficient in keeping on message which is pretty much broad and vague and pretty much meaningless but sounds nice. And they are superb at controlling the message and the troops.

As I believe the deep state to be misguided at best and intentionally destructive to America and the American way at worst, that is why I can't get too excited about the 2024 election regardless of who the nominees are.

I hope and pray something will happen to change my mind about that.

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