Do Any of You Really Care about the 2024 Presidential Election?

I think the 2024 election will be clusterfuck. Plus, the Democrat filth have learned how to steal elections with fraudulent ballots so there will be no integrity.

This once great country is now pretty much fucked. Socialist shithole here we come.

"A Republic, if you can keep it". We ain't gonna keep it. We are too chickenshit to do anything and the Leftest will steal our country just like they have stole others.
100% pure bullshit. Why thinks everyone all others in the USA are idiots? Why this continous stream of brainwash with bullshit?
Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

well thankfully the RNCstill believes in democracy and will have primaries so the people can decide
Who is "we" in this context, time waster? The election observers from the OSCE are professionals. Your judges are professionals.
I was a poll watcher. So I am among the 'we'. We also had many other poll watchers who were communicating with us the night of election day. And many others who reported their experiences since.

Now what do you have other than partisan propaganda to offer to the discussion?
At this point, definitely not, still feeling the last two presidential races have been trying to pick lessor of two mediocre to poor choices, and neither party putting forth a candidate of merit.

That's what this fucked up "system" of ours spits out. Fix the system, improve the quality of its participants (over time).
What's all together also nothing else than bullshit.
What is total bullshit are your opinions of US politics and elections. You just don't understand reality.
Biden sold classified documents and access to his offices to make money. Biden is always wrong, he didn't even want to kill Bin Laden.

Trump built a real estate empire. See the difference? Trump is generally right, Biden is always wrong. Which would do better as president?

Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

I already plan on writing in Pat Paulsen.

If a Republican wins, they will suddenly discover massive overspending is okay again and will raise the debt ceiling at least three more times.

If a Democrat wins, the Republicans will claim they can't stand massive overspending and will threaten to shut down the government if it doesn't stop.
I already plan on writing in Pat Paulsen.

If a Republican wins, they will suddenly discover massive overspending is okay again and will raise the debt ceiling at least three more times.

If a Democrat wins, the Republicans will claim they can't stand massive overspending and will threaten to shut down the government if it doesn't stop.

The sheetbag D launched a man-made virus (with help of American enemies) and intentionally killed millions of Elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, locked up kids for nearly 2 years all to seize power.

Worthless "R" seemed OK with all of it?

Even with all of that, posters still blame one man. Trump. This makes it difficult to take any of you all seriously. More like hate. I Wish ill will far too often these days.
As it stands now, I'm voting for Joetard!
I'm voting for stagflation!!

As stagflation never has really occurred in the U.S. for 7-10 years like it should!!!

Since last year, my investments are making 8-12% semi-annually locked in!

I'm F'in loving it......:rock::rock::rock:...
As it stands now, I'm voting for Joetard!
I'm voting for stagflation!!

As stagflation never has really occurred in the U.S. for 7-10 years like it should!!!

Since last year, my investments are making 8-12% semi-annually locked in!

I'm F'in loving it......:rock::rock::rock:...

How are you beating the S&P 500? Any diversified (age adjusted) IRA,401K all down under this fraudulent regime.
The sheetbag D launched a man-made virus (with help of American enemies) and intentionally killed millions of Elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, locked up kids for nearly 2 years all to seize power.

Worthless "R" seemed OK with all of it?

Even with all of that, posters still blame one man. Trump. This makes it difficult to take any of you all seriously. More like hate. I Wish ill will far too often these days.
There was almost a cogent thought in there.

There was almost a cogent thought in there.

Got it. Put you down as on side of Evil anti-American scum. Enemy combatant, within. Laughs at murder of elderly. As they were likely Trump voters. OK to use their ballots for the takeover. Zero moral compass. No integrity. Like Mac or GG. In fact you had been outed as NACs sock long ago. Makes sense now. Worthless.

Worst of all. OK to damage millions of Children....many permanently.
Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

Well I never have high expectations and they haven’t been met yet.
Just the right bonds I've paid into since the early 90's up to my retirement in 2010.

I have Bonds & Stocks. An advisor picks. Typical target date funds? I am losing less than 2022. But when stocks go up Bonds go down? Vice versa? Big damage to Bonds was done in 2022? Correct?
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I have Bonds & Stocks. An advisor picks. I am losing less. But when sticks go up Bonds go down? Vice versa? Big damage to Bonds was done in 2022? Correct?

My bonds compound at a fixed point from when I bought them while Bi-annually adjust yearly to the inflation rate as long as they're not cashed.
So you can see why inflation gives me wood!!
I have Bonds & Stocks. An advisor picks. Typical target date funds? I am losing less than 2022. But when stocks go up Bonds go down? Vice versa? Big damage to Bonds was done in 2022? Correct?
I'm a fan of the 60/40 Rule.
60% growth stocks like QQQ
40% income stocks like utilities

I'm not a fan of Bonds, except T-Bills when the interest rates are above utility dividends
Got it. Put you down as on side of Evil anti-American scum. Enemy combatant, within. Laughs at murder of elderly. As they were likely Trump voters. OK to use their ballots for the takeover. Zero moral compass. No integrity. Like Mac or GG. In fact you had been outed as NACs sock long ago. Makes sense now. Worthless.

Worst of all. OK to damage millions of Children....many permanently.
The tards of the New Right convinced Trump voters not to get the Trump Vaccine. I warned not getting vaxxed would kill them and affect the outcome of elections.



That's what this fucked up "system" of ours spits out. Fix the system, improve the quality of its participants (over time).
Too much emphasis on populist BS down to what somebody thinks should be the lowest common denominator, without regard for character, moral behavior, intellectual ideas and ideals, or positive leadership, over electability.

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