Do any USMB Conservatives support Jeb?

I agree that he's better than Hillary and better than obama is now, but I cannot vote for him, I will not vote for him.

you might want to reconsider that....there are at least 2 or more supreme court justices who will retire in the next 8 years and as much as I don't like Jeb....I would rather take a shot with him getting it right, than knowing that the stalinist judges hilary will appoint will take a wrecking ball to the Bill of Rights.....

He won't, worse, he will add progressive judges who will get approved by the Congress simply because a GOP POTUS nominated them. He would add two John Roberts types. No thanks.

Doesn't really matter, if the GOP is stupid enough to elect Jeb, he cannot beat Hillary, even with my vote.

I agree with Pred Fan. Jebster isn't getting my vote in any election.

Aren't you people tired of the Bushes and the Clintons running Washington? I mean really. Is any thinking individual to believe that these two are the best we can do to run the greatest country in the world?

I actually expect the dems to try and put up Hillary because it is all about being female. But the republicans putting up Jeb? What it means for republicans is, you aren't involved enough because that man can NOT win unless Hillary absolutely implodes.

If you support Jeb, please tell all of us what the difference between what he believes, and what Hilly believes. We know they both are for illegal immigration. (sis you notice the word illegal? Yeah, great POTUS) We know they are both for common core. We know they were kinda shady, and made lotsa money off taxpayers.

Seriously, this is the best EITHER party can do? I am here to tell you, we are all DOOMED if it is the best they can do, really!

I have stated several times on this board....

The ONLY way I would vote for JEB is if Hillary is the nominee..

By FAR, the lesser of 2 evils.

and if Hillary DOESN'T get the nomination, they don't have anyone to beat whichever Republican gets the nod.

How is Jeb better than Hillary? Where do the even differ?
I f you dont think there's any difference between them then you're not paying attention and you're part of the problem.
you might want to reconsider that....there are at least 2 or more supreme court justices who will retire in the next 8 years and as much as I don't like Jeb....I would rather take a shot with him getting it right, than knowing that the stalinist judges hilary will appoint will take a wrecking ball to the Bill of Rights.....

He won't, worse, he will add progressive judges who will get approved by the Congress simply because a GOP POTUS nominated them. He would add two John Roberts types. No thanks.

Doesn't really matter, if the GOP is stupid enough to elect Jeb, he cannot beat Hillary, even with my vote.

I agree with Pred Fan. Jebster isn't getting my vote in any election.

Aren't you people tired of the Bushes and the Clintons running Washington? I mean really. Is any thinking individual to believe that these two are the best we can do to run the greatest country in the world?

I actually expect the dems to try and put up Hillary because it is all about being female. But the republicans putting up Jeb? What it means for republicans is, you aren't involved enough because that man can NOT win unless Hillary absolutely implodes.

If you support Jeb, please tell all of us what the difference between what he believes, and what Hilly believes. We know they both are for illegal immigration. (sis you notice the word illegal? Yeah, great POTUS) We know they are both for common core. We know they were kinda shady, and made lotsa money off taxpayers.

Seriously, this is the best EITHER party can do? I am here to tell you, we are all DOOMED if it is the best they can do, really!

I have stated several times on this board....

The ONLY way I would vote for JEB is if Hillary is the nominee..

By FAR, the lesser of 2 evils.

and if Hillary DOESN'T get the nomination, they don't have anyone to beat whichever Republican gets the nod.

How is Jeb better than Hillary? Where do the even differ?
I f you dont think there's any difference between them then you're not paying attention and you're part of the problem.

No, we are NOT saying there isn't a difference between them. What we are saying is there isn't enough of a difference for us to come out and vote.

Sending a 240 hitter to the plate, or a 243 hitter to the plate to win a series, is not worth me going to the ballpark to view it. Now throw a 300 hitter up to bat, and I am there!
Let me make these Jeb Bush apologists understand something...........we, the conservative base, came out en mass to give the republicans the House, the Senate, and a bunch of governorships. We accomplished this even in blue states such as Illinois.

What were we promised for doing this? An attempt to repeal Obamacare, a stoppage of all this liberal craziness, no illegal amnesty, closing of the borders......or at least some sort of attempt. Etc.

What did we get? The establishment leaders in both the senate and house, telling the new people to toe the line, or they were SCREWED!

And then, and then, they turn around and THROW the constitution out, turning everything upside down, by insisting that it now takes 2/3rds to STOP the Iran deal, instead of pass it.

Fool me once, shame on you, let you continue to fool us, oh HELL NO!

You want an establishment candidate? Then you get him in. We have enough trouble dealing with libs, we aren't going to deal with you too. You CAN'T get him in without us, I know it, and you know it. So you had better promote someone who will fight for all of us, instead of being a place holder.

The establishment republicans were given the tolls to handle the situation with Obama. They DIDN'T! So why, oh why, would we even consider voting for their mush to give away the farm again?
you might want to reconsider that....there are at least 2 or more supreme court justices who will retire in the next 8 years and as much as I don't like Jeb....I would rather take a shot with him getting it right, than knowing that the stalinist judges hilary will appoint will take a wrecking ball to the Bill of Rights.....

He won't, worse, he will add progressive judges who will get approved by the Congress simply because a GOP POTUS nominated them. He would add two John Roberts types. No thanks.

Doesn't really matter, if the GOP is stupid enough to elect Jeb, he cannot beat Hillary, even with my vote.

I agree with Pred Fan. Jebster isn't getting my vote in any election.

Aren't you people tired of the Bushes and the Clintons running Washington? I mean really. Is any thinking individual to believe that these two are the best we can do to run the greatest country in the world?

I actually expect the dems to try and put up Hillary because it is all about being female. But the republicans putting up Jeb? What it means for republicans is, you aren't involved enough because that man can NOT win unless Hillary absolutely implodes.

If you support Jeb, please tell all of us what the difference between what he believes, and what Hilly believes. We know they both are for illegal immigration. (sis you notice the word illegal? Yeah, great POTUS) We know they are both for common core. We know they were kinda shady, and made lotsa money off taxpayers.

Seriously, this is the best EITHER party can do? I am here to tell you, we are all DOOMED if it is the best they can do, really!

I have stated several times on this board....

The ONLY way I would vote for JEB is if Hillary is the nominee..

By FAR, the lesser of 2 evils.

and if Hillary DOESN'T get the nomination, they don't have anyone to beat whichever Republican gets the nod.

How is Jeb better than Hillary? Where do the even differ?
I f you dont think there's any difference between them then you're not paying attention and you're part of the problem.

Yeah people keep saying that but when I ask them to tell me the difference, no one can.
Just try to visualize waking up and realizing that Hildebitch is the POTUS. Are you honestly saying that even JB would be no better? I am all for another nominee and as I've said I think Rubio is the best option but that's JMO. But Hillary? Corrupt, lying, arrogant, half brain damaged witch, the President? Good Lord.
Troothless is still babbling and still proclaiming that her opponents are the ones who are lying, I see.

What's the over/under on a new banishment for Troothless THIS time?
He won't, worse, he will add progressive judges who will get approved by the Congress simply because a GOP POTUS nominated them. He would add two John Roberts types. No thanks.

Doesn't really matter, if the GOP is stupid enough to elect Jeb, he cannot beat Hillary, even with my vote.

I agree with Pred Fan. Jebster isn't getting my vote in any election.

Aren't you people tired of the Bushes and the Clintons running Washington? I mean really. Is any thinking individual to believe that these two are the best we can do to run the greatest country in the world?

I actually expect the dems to try and put up Hillary because it is all about being female. But the republicans putting up Jeb? What it means for republicans is, you aren't involved enough because that man can NOT win unless Hillary absolutely implodes.

If you support Jeb, please tell all of us what the difference between what he believes, and what Hilly believes. We know they both are for illegal immigration. (sis you notice the word illegal? Yeah, great POTUS) We know they are both for common core. We know they were kinda shady, and made lotsa money off taxpayers.

Seriously, this is the best EITHER party can do? I am here to tell you, we are all DOOMED if it is the best they can do, really!

I have stated several times on this board....

The ONLY way I would vote for JEB is if Hillary is the nominee..

By FAR, the lesser of 2 evils.

and if Hillary DOESN'T get the nomination, they don't have anyone to beat whichever Republican gets the nod.

How is Jeb better than Hillary? Where do the even differ?
I f you dont think there's any difference between them then you're not paying attention and you're part of the problem.

Yeah people keep saying that but when I ask them to tell me the difference, no one can.
Do you support charter schools and school vouchers?
Do you support caps on medical malpractice suits?
Do you support expanded rights for gun owners?
Do you support capital punishment?
Do you support ending subsidies for crony capitalism?

If the answer is Yes then you ought to support Bush over Hillary because he supports all those things and voted/acted on them as governor of FL.
Jeb is actually a much better candidate than people give him credit for. He is far more conservative than his brother.
That said, I wont support him in the primaries I'd prefer a fresh face like Scott Walker. But if Jeb is the nominee I'll certainly vote for him. He is head and shoulders above anyone the Dems could put forward.
True enough.
Personally, I don't think he's conservative enough....which can be an asset if/when common ground needs negotiated.
Like you, I wouldn't vote for him in the primaries either but I would in the GE.....hoping it doesn't come to that though,,,,God, I pray it doesn't come to that (I may note even cast a vote for potus if it happens)

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