Do any USMB Conservatives support Jeb?

I agree with Pred Fan. Jebster isn't getting my vote in any election.

Aren't you people tired of the Bushes and the Clintons running Washington? I mean really. Is any thinking individual to believe that these two are the best we can do to run the greatest country in the world?

I actually expect the dems to try and put up Hillary because it is all about being female. But the republicans putting up Jeb? What it means for republicans is, you aren't involved enough because that man can NOT win unless Hillary absolutely implodes.

If you support Jeb, please tell all of us what the difference between what he believes, and what Hilly believes. We know they both are for illegal immigration. (sis you notice the word illegal? Yeah, great POTUS) We know they are both for common core. We know they were kinda shady, and made lotsa money off taxpayers.

Seriously, this is the best EITHER party can do? I am here to tell you, we are all DOOMED if it is the best they can do, really!

I have stated several times on this board....

The ONLY way I would vote for JEB is if Hillary is the nominee..

By FAR, the lesser of 2 evils.

and if Hillary DOESN'T get the nomination, they don't have anyone to beat whichever Republican gets the nod.

How is Jeb better than Hillary? Where do the even differ?
I f you dont think there's any difference between them then you're not paying attention and you're part of the problem.

Yeah people keep saying that but when I ask them to tell me the difference, no one can.
Do you support charter schools and school vouchers?
Do you support caps on medical malpractice suits?
Do you support expanded rights for gun owners?
Do you support capital punishment?
Do you support ending subsidies for crony capitalism?

If the answer is Yes then you ought to support Bush over Hillary because he supports all those things and voted/acted on them as governor of FL.

Thanks for actually answering the question, yes I support them. However, you need to understand that he won't do any of those things. Remember in 2010 and again in 2014 when we were told all of the things that the GOP was going to do if we gave them power? they haven't done it. Crux has tried, Paul has tried, even Rubio. Jeb Bush is among the establishment GOB who won't do what Conservatives want or what they promise us they will do. You cannot trust him. I will never vote for him. Not that it matters though, Jeb Bush is the only candidate that is a guaranteed loser to Hillary. Even if I voted for him.
He won't, worse, he will add progressive judges who will get approved by the Congress simply because a GOP POTUS nominated them. He would add two John Roberts types. No thanks.


Because John Roberts is much worse than Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Great logic, that.


Meh, when it counted, who let us down? Roberts did. That's who. No thanks.
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.

I was a naive and idealistic college student when I supported Perot. I contributed to syphoning votes away from Bush 41 which handed the office to Bill. Live and learn...I won't make the same mistake again by supporting a third party candidate who doesn't stand a chance, and I absolutely will not abstain from casting a vote.
I have stated several times on this board....

The ONLY way I would vote for JEB is if Hillary is the nominee..

By FAR, the lesser of 2 evils.

and if Hillary DOESN'T get the nomination, they don't have anyone to beat whichever Republican gets the nod.

How is Jeb better than Hillary? Where do the even differ?
I f you dont think there's any difference between them then you're not paying attention and you're part of the problem.

Yeah people keep saying that but when I ask them to tell me the difference, no one can.
Do you support charter schools and school vouchers?
Do you support caps on medical malpractice suits?
Do you support expanded rights for gun owners?
Do you support capital punishment?
Do you support ending subsidies for crony capitalism?

If the answer is Yes then you ought to support Bush over Hillary because he supports all those things and voted/acted on them as governor of FL.

Thanks for actually answering the question, yes I support them. However, you need to understand that he won't do any of those things. Remember in 2010 and again in 2014 when we were told all of the things that the GOP was going to do if we gave them power? they haven't done it. Crux has tried, Paul has tried, even Rubio. Jeb Bush is among the establishment GOB who won't do what Conservatives want or what they promise us they will do. You cannot trust him. I will never vote for him. Not that it matters though, Jeb Bush is the only candidate that is a guaranteed loser to Hillary. Even if I voted for him.
You understand he actually did those thngs as governor of FL, right?
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
So the solution is to let the Democrats keep winning? :cuckoo:
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
So the solution is to let the Democrats keep winning? :cuckoo:

Again, I stated that I wouldn't vote for him in the primary...yet I'd somehow be responsible for contributing to the Dems winning if I supported him in the general?? Talk about -- > :cuckoo:
I know Soros and the Progs love Jebby, but do any USMB Conservatives support Jeb?

Not super particularly.

Generally, at this stage of the game, I support whoever ticks off the left-wingers the most. Currently that seems to be trump. And I also like Trump because he is willing to say, what most Republicans are completely unwilling to say.

In a perfect world, I'd vote for Fred Thompson, or James Traficant. James is dead, and Fred is forgotten.

The next best is (in my opinion) John Kasich, but that's only because I know him. He's been governor of Ohio for the last 4 years. He's held down the wasted money on Green-scam energy, kept the budget in check, and kept Ohio from being in crisis like California or Michigan.

No politician is perfect, but he has what I consider a good track record. Especially since before 2011, we were heading into a deficit crisis. He got us completely through it, without jacking up taxes.

Yet Kasich doesn't have a chance, and I know it. I've actually been confused by the whole thing. Why do people run, who know they don't have any chance? Never understood that.

But back to Jeb Bush.... I don't see him leading the Republicans to victory, and if he did win, I'm not sure he'd be better than the democrat alternatives.

My gut reaction is that 'Bush' has too much baggage. If the socialist sub-prime lending bubble had popped just two years later, might have been different. But democracy is the rule of the ignorant, and the ignorant think Bush magically caused everything. We can beat people with the facts until they turn yellow and puke. The ignorant majority only know "bush was prez, and the economy crash"... so I think Jeb should bow out honestly. I doubt he'll make it.

The only wild card joker in the mix is Hilliary. If Hilliary runs, I won't bother reading up on the candidates. Nor will I bother watching the debates. I'll automatically vote for whoever is opposite Hilliary, no matter who they are.

The Republicans could run anyone against Hilliary, and they have my vote. They could run Jeb... Trump.... Santorum... Perry.... heck they could run Smurfette, Shrek, or Fluttershy from my little pony, and I'd vote for any or all of them.

The only way I'd not vote, is if the Republicans resurrected Hitler and Stalin, and ran them on a ticket together against Hilliary..... and even then.... I'd have to think about it. Hilliary is like a satanic fungus, that needs some political bleach to hose down the voting booths with after this election.
He's not my choice. I will vote for him only as a lesser of two evils.

2 Bushes is enough.
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
So the solution is to let the Democrats keep winning? :cuckoo:

Again, I stated that I wouldn't vote for him in the primary...yet I'd somehow be responsible for contributing to the Dems winning if I supported him in the general?? Talk about -- > :cuckoo:
It's not all about you, hon.
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
So the solution is to let the Democrats keep winning? :cuckoo:

Again, I stated that I wouldn't vote for him in the primary...yet I'd somehow be responsible for contributing to the Dems winning if I supported him in the general?? Talk about -- > :cuckoo:
It's not all about you, hon.

Then what was the point in quoting me with that response, chief??:dunno:
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
So the solution is to let the Democrats keep winning? :cuckoo:

Again, I stated that I wouldn't vote for him in the primary...yet I'd somehow be responsible for contributing to the Dems winning if I supported him in the general?? Talk about -- > :cuckoo:
It's not all about you, hon.

Then what was the point in quoting me with that response, chief??:dunno:
It was addressed to PredFan or didntyou get that?
As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
So the solution is to let the Democrats keep winning? :cuckoo:

Again, I stated that I wouldn't vote for him in the primary...yet I'd somehow be responsible for contributing to the Dems winning if I supported him in the general?? Talk about -- > :cuckoo:
It's not all about you, hon.

Then what was the point in quoting me with that response, chief??:dunno:
It was addressed to PredFan or didntyou get that?
As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.
So the solution is to let the Democrats keep winning? :cuckoo:

Again, I stated that I wouldn't vote for him in the primary...yet I'd somehow be responsible for contributing to the Dems winning if I supported him in the general?? Talk about -- > :cuckoo:
It's not all about you, hon.

Then what was the point in quoting me with that response, chief??:dunno:
It was addressed to PredFan or didntyou get that?

Why didn't you say that to begin with??:lol:
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.

I was a naive and idealistic college student when I supported Perot. I contributed to syphoning votes away from Bush 41 which handed the office to Bill. Live and learn...I won't make the same mistake again by supporting a third party candidate who doesn't stand a chance, and I absolutely will not abstain from casting a vote.[/QUOT

Nothing naive about voting for the better candidate..... Perot has been proven right on NAFTA.......there is so little difference between Jeb and Hilly I dont think they have valid point on voting for him just to deny her. They are the same.
Drudge: dems for Jeb.

They're the only ones who support him because he'll continue Obama's destruction of the middle class
No more Bush's. No more Clinton's. I just hope that it doesn't come down to a choice between the two. If so does anyone know if Lyndon LaRouche is running this time?
Drudge: dems for Jeb.

They're the only ones who support him because he'll continue Obama's destruction of the middle class

They will support him up until the actual election then the knives will come out and poor Jeb will wonder what the hell happened.
I sincerely hope he does not win the nomination and would not vote for him in the primary, but I absolutely would support him to prevent Billary from being in the WH.

As long as we keep doing that, we will keep getting these losers. We did it in 2008 and again in 2012. If we do it again, we will lose to Hillary in 2016.

I was a naive and idealistic college student when I supported Perot. I contributed to syphoning votes away from Bush 41 which handed the office to Bill. Live and learn...I won't make the same mistake again by supporting a third party candidate who doesn't stand a chance, and I absolutely will not abstain from casting a vote.

Hey knock yourself out. I won't do that.

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