Do Democrats Have the Guts to Tell Obama to Shut Up and Sit Down?


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016

lets face reality everyone knows Obama is a fraud, liar, anti-American Kenyan Muslim with zero popularity and the worst President ever.

Obama is a Illegal alien born in Kenya, He's a Muslim thru and thru, He wants to make America ISLAMIC, That's Why He's been flooding America with Muslim Refugees, Mostly Males age 15 to 30, Thats the age of Islamic Fighters Here to take over America, Real Refugees would be Christian or Jewish or Kurds, Muslims in the Middle East are putting a Genocide on them and the Democrats are letting them those same Muslims come to America, Lock N Load America, It's Coming, Thanks Obama.
OP is so busy whoring his cross-posts for pennies that he doesn't even notice O'bama left office six months ago.

What a maroon.
OP is so busy whoring his cross-posts for pennies that he doesn't even notice O'bama left office six months ago.

What a maroon.
That's not exactly true. He set himself up as The President of The Confederacy for The Resist Democracy Movement.
So he is still actively trying to Phuck America and undermine our Democracy like the Devil Worshiping Marxists.

lets face reality everyone knows Obama is a fraud, liar, anti-American Kenyan Muslim with zero popularity and the worst President ever.

Obama is a Illegal alien born in Kenya, He's a Muslim thru and thru, He wants to make America ISLAMIC, That's Why He's been flooding America with Muslim Refugees, Mostly Males age 15 to 30, Thats the age of Islamic Fighters Here to take over America, Real Refugees would be Christian or Jewish or Kurds, Muslims in the Middle East are putting a Genocide on them and the Democrats are letting them those same Muslims come to America, Lock N Load America, It's Coming, Thanks Obama.
Europe is almost Islamic it happen when he was the President .
OP is so busy whoring his cross-posts for pennies that he doesn't even notice O'bama left office six months ago.

What a maroon.
That's not exactly true. He set himself up as The President of The Confederacy for The Resist Democracy Movement.
So he is still actively trying to Phuck America and undermine our Democracy like the Devil Worshiping Marxists.

And the fluoride in the water is a chemical mind control device, and there's a communist behind every bush, and I have here in my hand a list, and the moon landing was faked, and the stars on the Playboy cover are Hefner's rating of that month's centerfold and Hillary had and affair with Yoko and Paul McCartney is dead but Elvis isn't.... yammer yammer yammer ... :blahblah:

Poster please.
OP is so busy whoring his cross-posts for pennies that he doesn't even notice O'bama left office six months ago.

What a maroon.
That's not exactly true. He set himself up as The President of The Confederacy for The Resist Democracy Movement.
So he is still actively trying to Phuck America and undermine our Democracy like the Devil Worshiping Marxists.

And the fluoride in the water is a chemical mind control device, and there's a communist behind every bush, and I have here in my hand a list, and the moon landing was faked, and the stars on the Playboy cover are Hefner's rating of that month's centerfold and Hillary had and affair with Yoko and Paul McCartney is dead but Elvis isn't.... yammer yammer yammer ... :blahblah:

Poster please.
It is ENABLERS like you that are the reason EMPIRES Fall.

When the Enemy is at The Gates, you mock those who defend the gates.
Once they are inside The Gates, you cry for help from those same people you mocked.

Going through life, blind deaf and dumb is no way to go through life, son.

Liberalism is a terminal disease. It kills people.

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