What is the difference between Jan 6th rioters trying to shut down the government and the Palestinian rioters trying to shutdown Universities.

Neither subvert democracy. Both are protests/riots.
The J6 riot lasted a few hours, the college riots are nationwide and are lasting several days.
The 800 J6 rioters were hunted down and are in prison for years, the college rioters will not be prosecuted, same as the BLM rioters.
So its the double-standard thing, leftists can riot, conservatives can't.

If you take over the government, what do you think the impact will be on democracy?

If you take over a university, it'll be much less problematic.

The J6 thing was, and still is, potentially dangerous to the whole of the US.

It erodes people's trust in democracy, had it succeeded in any way, it would have toppled the government, with what impact. People might be willing to try again, though the way it's been dealt with might mean people are a little more wary of this.

Really, I think the ignorance of people is astounding. People don't look at other countries and see the dangers there. They support Trump and think it's nothing because they like Trump and fuck it, why shouldn't they get whatever the fuck their tiny little brains want?

It's not a fucking double standard thing. It's a fucking IGNORANCE thing. People who no clue what the fuck they're talking about pushing dangerous ideas that they've been force fed by dangerous people who may or may not have a fucking clue what they're doing.

If it's the Russians and Chinese, they probably do know what they're doing. If it's just some rich dude with three screws loose, who the hell knows? If it's people like the Koch brothers, then they have no clue what they're doing, they just spend their money to try and get more power for them weasily little fucking selves.
What is the difference between Jan 6th rioters trying to shut down the government and the Palestinian rioters trying to shutdown Universities.
i would say that the Jan 6 was mostly an engineered entrapment exercise by factions of the US government, and the protests at colleges are engineered exercise sponsored and financed by external and internal forces that have yet to be revealed.
What is the difference between Jan 6th rioters trying to shut down the government and the Palestinian rioters trying to shutdown Universities.
You are talking onions and strawberries aka no possible comparison aka like the fake republican party trying to impeach Biden without hard evidence as a basis.
i would say that the Jan 6 was mostly an engineered entrapment exercise by factions of the US government, and the protests at colleges are engineered exercise sponsored and financed by external and internal forces that have yet to be revealed.
So the events and perpetrators of January 6th were pretty bad huh?
NFW US troops get into fighting Hamas in Rafah, NFW.
When Bebe launches the final assault on Rafah and many more civilians are killed, any bets on what happens next?
More and bigger riots, or the summer break is here, party on?

The pier is to bring in food, not US troops.

Fighting FOR Hamas
Lots of difference. First of all nobody was shot during the student uprising while TDS lefties seem to think Ashli Babbitt deserved to die on Jan 6. Nobody on Jan 6 tore down the American Flag. On the contrary they carried American Flags. The Jan 6 protestors had all the permits they needed and were invited inside the building. And the most important thing is that the Feds made no attempt to hunt down student trespassers and most who were arrested were released. Jan 6 mom and pop demonstrators who were guilty of simple trespass at best faced 4 years in prison.
Let me repeat.

We are putting over a thousand armed US troops on a giant floating $400 million island just off the coast of Gaza.

If Hamas fires on those US troops, those troops will fire back.


Watch that short video.

The USA is getting directly involved in this WAR WITH HAMAS.
i would say that the Jan 6 was mostly an engineered entrapment exercise by factions of the US government, and the protests at colleges are engineered exercise sponsored and financed by external and internal forces that have yet to be revealed.
Jan 6th engineered by Donald Trump
What is the difference between Jan 6th rioters trying to shut down the government and the Palestinian rioters trying to shutdown Universities.
A query bordering, no, way past the border, of idiocy.

The protesters are not trying to overthrow the government.
The acts of Jan 6 was not a protest, it was an attempt, led by Trump, to destroy the US government.

the fact you ask the question means you're in no way qualified to answer the question.
One group has had people arrested put on trial found guilty and put in prison lets see if the same standard is applied to the other.
One group violently tried to overthrow the government.
The other group is protesting peacefully with few exceptions MOSTLY bough about by Pro-war activists.
What is the difference between Jan 6th rioters trying to shut down the government and the Palestinian rioters trying to shutdown Universities.

Nothing. Both are criminal acts and should be treated as such.
Does this help?
What is the difference between Jan 6th rioters trying to shut down the government and the Palestinian rioters trying to shutdown Universities?
Sure, some, though I've gathered those rioting on Jan 6th had multiple motives, "Palestinian" may accurately describe but a tiny portion of those currently demonstrating at U.S. universities, an even smaller portion who may or may not be trying to shut them down. A false dichotomy and then some.
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A query bordering, no, way past the border, of idiocy.

The protesters are not trying to overthrow the government.
The acts of Jan 6 was not a protest, it was an attempt, led by Trump, to destroy the US government.

the fact you ask the question means you're in no way qualified to answer the question.
I think he's just confused and honestly curious. Our what bleeds leads, billionaire owned media promotes such responses. They quite deliberately trigger us to fight with each other rather than focus upon them.
One group violently tried to overthrow the government.
The other group is protesting peacefully with few exceptions MOSTLY bough about by Pro-war activists.
No one didn’t most on 1-6 were charged with things like trespassing and disorderly conduct the same type of things the college protesters are being charged with but are not being prosecuted for. When you have situations where graduations are being cancelled Jewish students are being advised to stay and some colleges want to go back remote classes over safety concerns this crossed the line of peaceful protest.
What is the difference between Jan 6th rioters trying to shut down the government and the Palestinian rioters trying to shutdown Universities.

Duration? Damages?

Actual impact on other people's lives due to duration?

A cop shooting one the J6 protesters in cold blood as opposed to the kid gloves being shown to the Pali-scum ones?

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