Do Dems Have Votes For Papa Obama Health Care Suicide Pact ?


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
Do Dems Have Votes For Papa Obama Health Care Suicide Pact ?

Tip: HotAir

Two-time Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez (Investors Business Daily ) latest cartoon take on the Democrats’ rush to electoral oblivion in the midterms, and perhaps beyond, is dead-on.


Tip: Gateway Pundit

Speaker Pelosi doesn’t have the votes to ram Obamacare through the House.
The Hill reported:

House Democratic leaders don’t have the votes to pass healthcare reform. At least not yet.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has expressed confidence that when push comes to shove, healthcare reform will pass Congress. But there will be plenty of pushing in the days ahead.

Pelosi is clearly down in the vote count. Thirty-four House Democrats are either firm no votes or leaning no, according to The Hill’s whip list. Dozens more are undecided.
Nope. This horse shit is going to die on the vine and never see the light of day. This time next year you won't be able to find anybody that will admit to even being a Democrat let alone who will admit that they voted for the bill.
Silly far right conloons. This will be passed by Friday or Saturday. Nancy does not need the 11 blue dogs to pass the Senate bill as is. It will pass, BHO will sign it, then it goes back to Senate for another revision. That is where the rubber better meet the road for the Democratic Party, or the House will go Republican this fall.
Does anyone still take Investors Business Daily seriously anymore?????

Just over the past year they have made a complete fool of themselves.
Silly far right conloons. This will be passed by Friday or Saturday. Nancy does not need the 11 blue dogs to pass the Senate bill as is. It will pass, BHO will sign it, then it goes back to Senate for another revision. That is where the rubber better meet the road for the Democratic Party, or the House will go Republican this fall.

I can't be as optimistic, but I still believe it has a better chance than what a lot of the cons on here are saying.
Looking good for healthcare

Most significant legislation in 40 years
The Hill: Democratic candidates distance themselves from PapaObamacare

The Hill:

Hardly any Democrat running for Congress seems to want to talk about healthcare.

Of the 26 leading Democratic House candidates contacted by The Hill, only one would commit to voting for the Senate healthcare bill if and when it comes to the House floor.

Out of the more than two dozen Democratic challengers and open-seat House candidates, only 10 commented for this story. Eight outright declined to comment.

Those declining to comment for this story included: former Delaware Lt. Gov. John Carney; Illinois open-seat candidate Dan Seals; Indiana state Rep. Trent Van Haaften; Nebraska state Sen. Tom White; Franklin County, Ohio, Commissioner Paula Brooks; Pennsylvania special-election candidate Mark Critz; Bethlehem, Pa., Mayor John Callahan; and former Marine Capt. Rob Miller in South Carolina.

Those who didn’t respond to multiple messages were: Pike; Wills; Palm Springs, Calif., Mayor Steve Pougnet; Kansas state Rep. Raj Goyle; Louisiana state Rep. Cedric Richmond; Tennessee state Sen. Roy Herron; Pennsylvania state Rep. Bryan Lentz; and Washington businesswoman Suzan DelBene.

On its website, The Hill is tracking which way members of Congress are leaning on the bill. Recently, vulnerable Reps. Michael Arcuri (D-N.Y.) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) signaled they would switch their votes from yes in November to no on the Senate bill.
Looking good for healthcare

Most significant legislation in 40 years

Hope it turns out to be true. At this point, the stigma of failure would be worse than any of the shit they'll get flung at them once passed (not that it would be much different than what they're already getting).
Looking good for healthcare

Most significant legislation in 40 years

Hope it turns out to be true. At this point, the stigma of failure would be worse than any of the shit they'll get flung at them once passed (not that it would be much different than what they're already getting).

Once is is passed, Republicans have to run on their intent to repeal it

See how popular that is
Looking good for healthcare

Most significant legislation in 40 years

Hope it turns out to be true. At this point, the stigma of failure would be worse than any of the shit they'll get flung at them once passed (not that it would be much different than what they're already getting).

They have failed already

Gallup: Health care not top priority for Americans or Obama's whining - little effect

While Papa Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid or the "Gang of Three" have spent almost a year whining over an unpopular bill to overhaul the health-care system, it appears the US public does not care.


Looking good for healthcare

Most significant legislation in 40 years

Hope it turns out to be true. At this point, the stigma of failure would be worse than any of the shit they'll get flung at them once passed (not that it would be much different than what they're already getting).

Once is is passed, Republicans have to run on their intent to repeal it

See how popular that is

Since it is unpopular now
and PapaObama Care collects taxes for four years before any "program" kicks in

We would have to say Chances are pretty good
looking good for healthcare

most significant legislation in 40 years

hope it turns out to be true. At this point, the stigma of failure would be worse than any of the shit they'll get flung at them once passed (not that it would be much different than what they're already getting).

they have failed already

gallup: Health care not top priority for americans or obama's whining - little effect

while papa obama, nancy pelosi, and harry reid or the "gang of three" have spent almost a year whining over an unpopular bill to overhaul the health-care system, it appears the us public does not care.



hope it turns out to be true. At this point, the stigma of failure would be worse than any of the shit they'll get flung at them once passed (not that it would be much different than what they're already getting).

they have failed already

gallup: Health care not top priority for americans or obama's whining - little effect

while papa obama, nancy pelosi, and harry reid or the "gang of three" have spent almost a year whining over an unpopular bill to overhaul the health-care system, it appears the us public does not care.




I hear you

Veteran Democratic Pollsters Warn the Dems: Drop Health Care or Face "Unmitigated Disaster in November"

Here are some of the "best" parts

(WaPo)- In "The March of Folly," Barbara Tuchman asked, "Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-interest suggests?" Her assessment of self-deception -- "acting according to wish while not allowing oneself to be deflected by the facts" -- captures the conditions that are gripping President Obama and the Democratic Party leadership as they renew their efforts to enact health-care reform.

Their blind persistence in the face of reality threatens to turn this political march of folly into an electoral rout in November. In the wake of the stinging loss in Massachusetts, there was a moment when the president and the Democratic leadership seemed to realize the reality of the health-care situation. Yet like some seductive siren of Greek mythology, the lure of health-care reform has arisen again.

As pollsters to the past two Democratic presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, respectively, we feel compelled to challenge the myths that seem to be prevailing in the political discourse and to once again urge a change in course before it is too late. At stake is the kind of mainstream, common-sense Democratic Party that we believe is crucial to the success of the American enterprise.

However, a solid majority of Americans opposes the massive health-reform plan. Four-fifths of those who oppose the plan strongly oppose it, according to Rasmussen polling this week, while only half of those who support the plan do so strongly.

And the bottom line is that the American public is overwhelmingly against this bill in its totality even if they like some of its parts.

Unless the Democrats fundamentally change their approach, they will produce not just a march of folly but also run the risk of unmitigated disaster in November.
I hear you

Veteran Democratic Pollsters Warn the Dems: Drop Health Care or Face "Unmitigated Disaster in November"

Here are some of the "best" parts

(WaPo)- In "The March of Folly," Barbara Tuchman asked, "Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-interest suggests?" Her assessment of self-deception -- "acting according to wish while not allowing oneself to be deflected by the facts" -- captures the conditions that are gripping President Obama and the Democratic Party leadership as they renew their efforts to enact health-care reform.

Their blind persistence in the face of reality threatens to turn this political march of folly into an electoral rout in November. In the wake of the stinging loss in Massachusetts, there was a moment when the president and the Democratic leadership seemed to realize the reality of the health-care situation. Yet like some seductive siren of Greek mythology, the lure of health-care reform has arisen again.

As pollsters to the past two Democratic presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, respectively, we feel compelled to challenge the myths that seem to be prevailing in the political discourse and to once again urge a change in course before it is too late. At stake is the kind of mainstream, common-sense Democratic Party that we believe is crucial to the success of the American enterprise.

However, a solid majority of Americans opposes the massive health-reform plan. Four-fifths of those who oppose the plan strongly oppose it, according to Rasmussen polling this week, while only half of those who support the plan do so strongly.

And the bottom line is that the American public is overwhelmingly against this bill in its totality even if they like some of its parts.

Unless the Democrats fundamentally change their approach, they will produce not just a march of folly but also run the risk of unmitigated disaster in November.

Again, bfd.
Truth is hard for the left. In fact,

Truth is the worst enemy of the left

But hey, more power to you

It is your story and you can tell it any way you want

Very sad how far the Narcissism of Papa Obama has dragged down the left


Is Papa Obama's Narcissism good or bad for America? - It's about Obama not Healthcare


Obama's Malignant Narcissism

Obama is going for the "nuclear option" to force very bad and very toxic medicine down our throats. He is willing to sacrifice his congressional majorities to get the biggest, most budget-busting entitlement ever imagined into the permanent fabric of American national life. The main beneficiaries of Obamacare will be Obama's ego and the Permanent Left. This is his chance to be FDR, and he can't control his need for that glorified image. He is therefore crossing the Rubicon -- making an irreversible decision that will define his presidency forever, win or lose. This is not just another grandiose gesture. Obama now stands revealed for what he is.
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Truth is hard for the left. In fact,

Truth is the worst enemy of the left

But hey, more power to you

It is your story and you can tell it any way you want

If that's addressed to me, I'm not telling any story. I've already admitted I don't know how this will turn out. I'm just not gonna take any of your arguments or sources for why this won't pass seriously.

And since this is in the humor section now, here's some more:

Sadly, No! HCR Shovin’ Stuff!


Papa Obama and his healthcare are a joke now

Gallup is so rightwing
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Obama has already committed himself to being a one term president. He doesn't care if any other Dems get re-elected either. Fact is that this health care bill is very unpopular, and is growing in it's unpopularity. The people are having a hard time understanding why their leadership is pushing healt6hcare instead of fixing the economy and unemployment, which would help with many peoples health care.

I see disaster for the Dems in November. And what do I think of that?

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
The bill is going to pass, not doubt about it.

This will allow the two parties to campaign on it. The GOP will have to stop lying and debate the good things in it, and the Dems will have to stop lying and talk about financing it.

This is going to be a fun election cycle. For one thing, the candidates of the far left loons and the far right loons are going to get flushed into the center and slaughtered in the election.
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