Pelosi, Waters, Nadler and Schiff still sitting on the USMCA Trade Deal

And you wonder why people think that The Current Dem Lead Congress is the worst this country has ever had.

Still nothing done on immigration reform.

Still nothing done on the USMCA trade deal.

Trump asked for The Dems to help make it possible for people to purchase Health Insurance across State lines to increase competition and lower costs, and The Dems ignored him.

Exactly what are they sucking up oxygen for and getting paid for?

Andy Puzder: NAFTA desperately needs to be replaced. So why is Democratic leadership standing in the way?

The leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada have already signed the most important trade deal in a generation. Mexico and Canada, not China, are currently our two largest trading partners. For the sake of America’s economy and workers, this deal needs to get done.

The only obstacle is political obstruction by congressional Democrats more intent on depriving President Trump of a win than bestowing one on the American people.

This is politics at its worst, and that’s saying something.

The United States stands to make immense economic gains from this comprehensive renegotiation of the deeply flawed 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The importance of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is widely recognized on both sides of the political aisle, yet more than nine months after the signing ceremony, it lingers in Congress, unratified, undebated and uncertain.

As a “non-self-executing treaty,” both Houses of Congress have to pass the USMCA before it can take effect. Like all treaties of this magnitude, the deal deserves careful debate. But, given its broad popularity, the process should be much further along by now.

The question isn’t whether the deal is worth making, but rather why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is preventing debate. Various Democratic lawmakers have suggested that they might wish to tweak certain aspects of the agreement, but so far they’ve largely avoided even learning about the details.

The reasons for ratifying the USMCA as quickly as possible are readily apparent. NAFTA was poorly negotiated, typical of an era of very bad trade dealings by American leaders that hurt the people they should protect the most.

Full story at the link provided

comprehensive renegotiation???? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

A few minor tweaks and a pretty new name. The name change was the biggest change in the whole damn thing
Well, then why are the Dems sitting on it? do they have a better proposal or something?

How many bills passed by the house that morons in the senate refuse to vote on ?? 100??
Harry Reid hasn't been majority leader since 2015. Why are you bring up him.
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.

In what ways?
Please be specific.
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.

I'm fine with Pelosi claiming victory and for the changes she got. Its a win for the American people so congress and the president can take the credit. As for your assessment its wrong.
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.

I'm fine with Pelosi claiming victory and for the changes she got. Its a win for the American people so congress and the president can take the credit. As for your assessment its wrong.

Tell me how it is wrong. Tell me what the major changes are from NAFTA to USCMA.
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.

In what ways?
Please be specific.

Give me a couple hours and I will. Making dinner for my wife now before she heads off for a night shift. Will be back with that soon...I promise
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.

I'm fine with Pelosi claiming victory and for the changes she got. Its a win for the American people so congress and the president can take the credit. As for your assessment its wrong.

Tell me how it is wrong. Tell me what the major changes are from NAFTA to USCMA.

Its funny that you don't know. Look there goes your credibility out the window :itsok:
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.

In what ways?
Please be specific.

Give me a couple hours and I will. Making dinner for my wife now before she heads off for a night shift. Will be back with that soon...I promise

Propaganda is time consuming.
BTW, you brought it up, dotard!
Propaganda is time consuming.
BTW, you brought it up, dotard!

Propaganda is quick and easy, facts take time. You would not understand this as you do not comprehend facts, just the talking points from your party masters.


1. Cars and trucks must have 75 percent of their components manufactured in Mexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs (up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA). While this sounds some what impressive, there are only two car lines sold being made in these countries that did not already meet the 75% rule. Trump wanted it to be 85%, but the other two would not agree to that, so he relented.

2. 40% of an automobile and 45% of a light truck must be produced using an average labor wage of $16/hour by 2023. Very nice for Mexicans, meaningless for Americans and not enough to force companies to bring production home when the average union auto worker is making $28 an hour with a whole lot better (and more expensive) benefits.

3. Restrictions on the import of U.S. ultra-filtered milk into Canada have been removed. This is a niche product used mostly by people like body builders and such looking for a boost in protein without extra sugar. Total sales in America are in the 130 million range and the companies that make it are very limited.

4. US producers will have access to an additional 3.6% of Canada’s dairy market. The entire Canadian Dairy market is about 10.5 billion total, so 3.6% of that is about 380 million. The US dairy market is about 47 billion, so the extra sales come out to 0.81% addition...less than 1% more sold...and that is only if they can take advantage of the full 3.6% extra that is open...which is not guaranteed. According to the US International Trade commission the new deal would add about 227 million a year to US dairy sales, or 0.61%. I guess they are not expecting the dairy companies to be able to take advantage of the whole extra 3.6% of the Canadian market.

5. Pharmaceutical companies can maintain patents on biologics for a 10-year term, up from eight years. Now, this again sounds pretty good until you learn that in the US it was 12 years, and Trump lowered it to 10 years so that Canada would up their to 10% also Basically a zero sum gain as the in the US generics can be sold two years sooner.

6. The White House said that the USMCA will create 176,000 jobs. Again, sounds impressive till you find out that is over the 16 year lifespan of the USMCA...or about 11,000 per year or 917 extra jobs per month...917! Not exactly a needle mover in regards to the economy.

7. The White House also said that the USMCA would add 76,000 new auto jobs in the US...over the 16 year lifespan...that comes out to 4750 a year or 396 a month. Again...not really moving the needle at all considering there are 9.9 million auto workers in the US right now.

I hope that helps, there are more but this gets the picture across.

Now, if you know of any major changes and how they would effect the economy I would love to hear about them.
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

Pelosi has to pass it now, Trump wins again!!

They both will claim victory, Pelosi got the changes she wanted so she can also claim victory.

The irony of it all is that it is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0, a few minor tweaks here and there and nothing that will move the dial at all as far as the economy goes.

I'm fine with Pelosi claiming victory and for the changes she got. Its a win for the American people so congress and the president can take the credit. As for your assessment its wrong.

Tell me how it is wrong. Tell me what the major changes are from NAFTA to USCMA.

Its funny that you don't know. Look there goes your credibility out the window :itsok:

I do know dumbfuck...there are ZERO...NONE...NADA...ZILCH.

Which is why you could not name one and had to make a stupid ass comment instead.
Propaganda is time consuming.
BTW, you brought it up, dotard!

Propaganda is quick and easy, facts take time. You would not understand this as you do not comprehend facts, just the talking points from your party masters.


1. Cars and trucks must have 75 percent of their components manufactured in Mexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs (up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA). While this sounds some what impressive, there are only two car lines sold being made in these countries that did not already meet the 75% rule. Trump wanted it to be 85%, but the other two would not agree to that, so he relented.

2. 40% of an automobile and 45% of a light truck must be produced using an average labor wage of $16/hour by 2023. Very nice for Mexicans, meaningless for Americans and not enough to force companies to bring production home when the average union auto worker is making $28 an hour with a whole lot better (and more expensive) benefits.

3. Restrictions on the import of U.S. ultra-filtered milk into Canada have been removed. This is a niche product used mostly by people like body builders and such looking for a boost in protein without extra sugar. Total sales in America are in the 130 million range and the companies that make it are very limited.

4. US producers will have access to an additional 3.6% of Canada’s dairy market. The entire Canadian Dairy market is about 10.5 billion total, so 3.6% of that is about 380 million. The US dairy market is about 47 billion, so the extra sales come out to 0.81% addition...less than 1% more sold...and that is only if they can take advantage of the full 3.6% extra that is open...which is not guaranteed. According to the US International Trade commission the new deal would add about 227 million a year to US dairy sales, or 0.61%. I guess they are not expecting the dairy companies to be able to take advantage of the whole extra 3.6% of the Canadian market.

5. Pharmaceutical companies can maintain patents on biologics for a 10-year term, up from eight years. Now, this again sounds pretty good until you learn that in the US it was 12 years, and Trump lowered it to 10 years so that Canada would up their to 10% also Basically a zero sum gain as the in the US generics can be sold two years sooner.

6. The White House said that the USMCA will create 176,000 jobs. Again, sounds impressive till you find out that is over the 16 year lifespan of the USMCA...or about 11,000 per year or 917 extra jobs per month...917! Not exactly a needle mover in regards to the economy.

7. The White House also said that the USMCA would add 76,000 new auto jobs in the US...over the 16 year lifespan...that comes out to 4750 a year or 396 a month. Again...not really moving the needle at all considering there are 9.9 million auto workers in the US right now.

I hope that helps, there are more but this gets the picture across.

Now, if you know of any major changes and how they would effect the economy I would love to hear about them.

:linky: sweetie. Your post ain't off the top of yer' head.
Propaganda is time consuming.
BTW, you brought it up, dotard!

Propaganda is quick and easy, facts take time. You would not understand this as you do not comprehend facts, just the talking points from your party masters.


1. Cars and trucks must have 75 percent of their components manufactured in Mexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs (up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA). While this sounds some what impressive, there are only two car lines sold being made in these countries that did not already meet the 75% rule. Trump wanted it to be 85%, but the other two would not agree to that, so he relented.

2. 40% of an automobile and 45% of a light truck must be produced using an average labor wage of $16/hour by 2023. Very nice for Mexicans, meaningless for Americans and not enough to force companies to bring production home when the average union auto worker is making $28 an hour with a whole lot better (and more expensive) benefits.

3. Restrictions on the import of U.S. ultra-filtered milk into Canada have been removed. This is a niche product used mostly by people like body builders and such looking for a boost in protein without extra sugar. Total sales in America are in the 130 million range and the companies that make it are very limited.

4. US producers will have access to an additional 3.6% of Canada’s dairy market. The entire Canadian Dairy market is about 10.5 billion total, so 3.6% of that is about 380 million. The US dairy market is about 47 billion, so the extra sales come out to 0.81% addition...less than 1% more sold...and that is only if they can take advantage of the full 3.6% extra that is open...which is not guaranteed. According to the US International Trade commission the new deal would add about 227 million a year to US dairy sales, or 0.61%. I guess they are not expecting the dairy companies to be able to take advantage of the whole extra 3.6% of the Canadian market.

5. Pharmaceutical companies can maintain patents on biologics for a 10-year term, up from eight years. Now, this again sounds pretty good until you learn that in the US it was 12 years, and Trump lowered it to 10 years so that Canada would up their to 10% also Basically a zero sum gain as the in the US generics can be sold two years sooner.

6. The White House said that the USMCA will create 176,000 jobs. Again, sounds impressive till you find out that is over the 16 year lifespan of the USMCA...or about 11,000 per year or 917 extra jobs per month...917! Not exactly a needle mover in regards to the economy.

7. The White House also said that the USMCA would add 76,000 new auto jobs in the US...over the 16 year lifespan...that comes out to 4750 a year or 396 a month. Again...not really moving the needle at all considering there are 9.9 million auto workers in the US right now.

I hope that helps, there are more but this gets the picture across.

Now, if you know of any major changes and how they would effect the economy I would love to hear about them.

:linky: sweetie. Your post ain't off the top of yer' head.

Here is the White House comments.

USMCA Will Boost Economic Growth and Create Jobs

I do not have links for other parts of it as I did the analysis months ago at work and did not save the links to my home computer. This is just what I remembered from doing it.

Though I did use this site tonight to verify some of the USMCA numbers before I posted them.

From NAFTA to USMCA: Understanding Changes to Free Trade in North America

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