Canadas human right record exposed: 2,398 for the U.S., 1 for Canada: That's the lopsided record on targeting forced labour


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Domestic covert police states don't really bother human rights, we just express such sentiments when it is convenient and beneficial to us. We pretend the "other guys" are so much different than we are, so inhumane.

The abuses against our own citizens is a gift to U.S protectionists who will rightfully express the reality that Canada is a creepy police state who refuses to enforce international rights in the same manner they disparage and destroy Canadians domestically.

I've tried to make it a new policy of mine not to criticism China and others since Canada is dishonest about our rights here. However, if we are going to take a loud public stance and don't back it up with action, it's a sign to our allies just what we represent. This is also potential cause for U.S tariffs since we agreed to terms in the new NAFTA.

I should start an online tourism business and promote people to come visit Ontario to "bask in the remnants of the historic system the former East Germans lived under since maintained by Canada!". I could even invite the Creepy Ones from the OPP, TPS et al to be guest speakers...

A Uyghur activist raised a concern during an event in Washington, D.C., this month. It came during a discussion about a new U.S. law targeting modern slave labour.

At that think-tank gathering, people were evaluating how the law has worked and how it hasn't since it took effect six months ago.

During the discussion, Omer Kanat pointed to one problem: U.S. trading partners. He said some are doing little to stop the trade in forced-labour goods. And he mentioned one country specifically: the one next door.

"Canada has not stopped any shipments," the former journalist and prominent Uyghur advocate told the gathering at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"Even though [Canada] is obligated to enforce the ban on forced-labour goods under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement."

Awkward, but true.


Canada risks trade penalties, Liberal MP says​

Canada had better wake up, says one Canadian parliamentarian. Otherwise, he warns, the country faces economic consequences.

The glaring disparity, Liberal MP John McKay says, could eventually lead the U.S. to file a complaint under our trade pact and then, potentially, slap retaliatory penalties on some Canadian goods.

"There's going to be some retaliatory measure. And it's perfectly understandable," McKay told CBC News in an interview.

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