Judge Merchan's Letter to Trump Trial Lawyers Raises Eyebrows

Doubt Trumps name would have been in there if it’s a “different case”
Oh believe me, there are all sorts of folks who put out these false memes both for and against Trump. We have to be on constant alert and check out everything. I can't find the article that said it related to a different case, but since the defense hasn't put out a statement on it, I suspect there is little valid to it.

Sure sounds like a set up, by this person, PRETENDING to be a cousin of a jurist.

No cousin would post that and knowingly get his cousin in trouble, and a mistrial for Trump.
Have you seen the stuff people post online? Dude probably has videos of himself sucking Tide Pods. Attention whores seek instant gratification without regard to consequences.
'Trump is innocent. The calls for a mistrial!'


The guy is a self-admitted shitposter who later deleted the post.

Too, too funny...

The putrid stench of desperation coming out of GOP and MAGA circles.

After Facebook Comment From Juror’s ‘Cousin’ Sparks Conspiracy​

"In a post on his social media site Truth Social, Trump decried the letter, writing simply: “MISTRIAL!”"

Well, this is interesting.

If true, it should lead to a mistrial. Merchan took it seriously enough to give a heads-up to both sides.

Or is there something else out here and this is the old three card monte at work?

Questions have surfaced regarding the jury in former President Donald Trump's New York City hush money trial after the presiding judge flagged a post to social media alleging that a juror had spoken about Trump's verdict before it was handed down.
According to New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan's letter, which was sent to Trump lawyer Todd Blanche and Manhattan District Attorney Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass, a comment was left on the New York State Unified Court System's Facebook page by a user under the name "Michael Anderson," who wrote, "My cousin is a juror and says Tump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!"
The comment was in response to a post by the court on May 29, a day before the former president was convicted of 34 felony counts in connection to hush money paid to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Merchan wrote that as of Friday, Anderson's comment was "labeled as one week old."
It is unclear if Anderson is related to one of the 12 jurors who served on Trump's case, or if the comment was posted online prior to the former president's conviction on May 30. Several Trump supporters suggested on social media that the comment was grounds for a mistrial.

usmb fake poster trump trial.png

belongs to a Facebook group of Trump supporters???
I think the Judge is signaling that he will give Trump probated jail time.

Let's hope Trump does not back down.

The Judge is waiting for SCOTUS to ascertain the amount of immunity if any that Trump as an ex-President.

If there is some, it will apply to when he was President excluding everything before and after.
I think the Judge is signaling that he will give Trump probated jail time.

Let's hope Trump does not back down.

The Judge is waiting for SCOTUS to ascertain the amount of immunity if any that Trump as an ex-President.

If there is some, it will apply to when he was President excluding everything before and after.

The SCOTUS isn't weighing immunity as an Ex-President, there is none.

The SCOTUS is weighing how much immunity a President has while in office.

A subtle but important distinction.

In a follow-up post, a Facebook user also named Michael Anderson whose profile picture appears to be the same used in the original post, suggested the post was made ironically, calling himself a “professional s**tposter,” multiple outlets reported. That user also belongs to a Facebook group of Trump supporters, The Washington Post reported.
Doesn't matter. The post was made on an official NY state account
good thing democrats talk too much
but, as usual, you guys started the party before the cake was delivered.

truals are not overturned because some rando (Ia trumpist, of course. ) claiming shit posts on the internet.
this happened before the trial was over and the judge can still call a mistrial or any other action he deems necessary,,
He won't. This judge should have recused himself, but he didn't. Doing the right thing is not in this judge's repoirtoire.
Sweetheart, you invented the game and set the rules and now you want to cry forfeit?

We're just getting started

Your game

Your rules

You will HATE it
Don't Bet The Farm On That. :)

And, no Democrat made the rules up. That's the rule of law working. If it were you or me in Trump's situation, we would not be shown nearly the deference he has been shown.

I suspect you are the one that is going to hate the results when all is said and done.
Umm...yeah. That's what I said. He can appeal immediately after his sentence is handed down.
Yes that’s why the judge could still declare a mistrial based on the new information about the jury being rigged.

Likely won’t though given what we know about this judge
Yes that’s why the judge could still declare a mistrial based on the new information about the jury being rigged.

Likely won’t though given what we know about this judge

What new information?

That someone said they had a cousin who talked about the verdict?

The judge notified both defense and prosecution (as was appropriate), what is the outcome of checking?
  • Is this guy a troll and has no association with the jury?
  • Is he related to a member of the jury?
  • Has he been brought before the Judge in the presence of the defense and prosecution and questioned under oath?
  • Have the jury members been contacted to see if they even know who this guy is and if they are related?
  • Have the jury members been questioned by the Judge, defense, and prosecution under oath to see if they had any such conversation?

* * IF * * the guy is real (which it appears he's not just an internet troll) and is related to a juror and if such a conversation took place, then I agree a mistrial is in order. Then restart the trial. If it's BS, then their is no mistrial and the verdict stands.


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