Judge Merchan's Letter to Trump Trial Lawyers Raises Eyebrows

Not until July 11th.
Sentencing doesn't address a conviction. D'Oh!

Where you desperate people picked up this talking point is irrelevant. Trump has been convicted -- by a jury. He is a convicted felon.

In a typical case, a convict will be interviewed by a probation officer in the days after the verdict and be given the opportunity to accept responsibility and present mitigating factors that could reduce any sentence. That is going to be difficult for a man who has constantly railed against the case against him — not to mention the very judge who will decide the sentence.

Convicts report to probation offices.

Trump is guilty. We all know it. LOL

The stench of desperation coming out of Magadonia is nauseating.

Trump is a convicted felon. I believe Trump will be reporting to the Probation Office even before the sentencing. Mr. Trump had bail waved. He's out on his own personal cognizance while he awaits sentencing. He's a convicted felon.
Not until July 11th.
It's called: usmb dumb trump convicted post

This is definitely a keeper post because this the type of thing you people are well known to always run away from later.

usmb dumb trump convicted post.png
Sentencing doesn't address a conviction. D'Oh!

Where you desperate people picked up this talking point is irrelevant. Trump has been convicted -- by a jury. He is a convicted felon.

In a typical case, a convict will be interviewed by a probation officer in the days after the verdict and be given the opportunity to accept responsibility and present mitigating factors that could reduce any sentence. That is going to be difficult for a man who has constantly railed against the case against him — not to mention the very judge who will decide the sentence.

Convicts report to probation offices.

Trump is guilty. We all know it. LOL

The stench of desperation coming out of Magadonia is nauseating.

Trump is a convicted felon. I believe Trump will be reporting to the Probation Office even before the sentencing. Mr. Trump had bail waved. He's out on his own personal cognizance while he awaits sentencing. He's a convicted felon.
Guilty of throwing your traitor out of office…But, it is interesting watching you guys fail at every turn….

1. It's clear it was posted on two different dates way before the verdict was rendered

Judge Juan Merchan said the comment was left on a Facebook post by the New York court system on May 29—one day before Trump’s conviction—and stated, “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted.”

The comment was made on a May 21 post from the system’s Facebook page, Merchan said in his letter, though the post referenced by Merchan no longer showed a comment from Anderson as of Friday evening.

2. It's clear that it is a violation
"If the post were accurate—which is unclear—it would be a violation of rules barring jurors from sharing information about their role or the trial with people outside the court until the trial is over."
Not sure what your point is supposed to be. :auiqs.jpg:

From the OP link: "If it's someone posting with no basis for it as it appears..."

Attorney Neama Rahmani told Newsweek Friday that defense lawyers typically can't use jury conversation as a reason for seeking a new trial.

"Jury deliberations are sacred, and the defense usually can't use juror discussions as a basis for a new trial or to appeal, even if the jurors misunderstood the facts or the law," Rahmani said via email.

"One exception, however, is if outside influences are brought into the jury deliberation room," he added. "That may be a basis for a new trial."

Rahmani added: "The burden for a new trial is high, though. The defense must show both an improper outside influence and prejudice."

"A stray comment on social media is not enough for a new trial," he wrote.

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