Alternative To The Electoral College

MAGA would be fine with that. Why?

Because individual members of the House do not get a vote, what happens is there is one voter per state delegation. They see that as an advantage to their side.

You may be right. I do not really care that much which party/group gets the advantage. Its a matter of right and wrong. 100 years ago, we were looking at ticker tapes. Radio had barely been invented. Phonographs were hand crank models. Today, information and data travel so fast that when I sneeze in Phoenix, I get a text from a friend in Europe saying "God Bless You". We can--and should--give the people a voice in electing the president. If it benefits Dems, Republicans, Greens, morons, or the Federation of Eagles (if they're still around), I don't care. The states get to weigh in but so do the people. If "loser" is getting 10M more votes of the people than the "winner", something is screwy. In the past, we couldn't practically address it. Now we can.

The change in the stipulation is the keystone of a bigger plan. We need to have 4 or 5 "super Tuesdays" for the primaries instead of one election here and one election there then 10 elections, then 3 then 4 then 7. Have 10 states at a time in one region go to the polls on the first 2nd Tuesday of February, then the 2nd Tuesday of March, have 10 other states on the other side of the nation go to the polls. Candidates who have urban appeal are not at a disadvantage as they are in Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina; effectively killing them off before industrialized states get to vote.

Then when the general election comes around, have a month of early voting. We count the votes on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. You get more participation, you get more buy in, you get fewer stunts (aka October surprises).
I was involved is SW evaluation for decades

These machines just do simple tabulation
Not a difficult process to design or evaluate.

Similar to those tests you used to take when you were a kid and filled out those tests with a #2 pencil

The machine is either accurate counting those dots or not
it has been proven that the Dominion machines were programmed to switch the vote counts.
President will represent the will of the people regardless of where they live.
He will represent all the people, not just those who voted for him.

Do Presidents today only represent the states that voted for him?
So, tell me how Biden represents Trump supporters.
We can make it easier on ourselves by counting mail-in ballots as they are received and releasing the results when the polls close.

But Republicans won’t let it happen, then complain that it takes so long.
Early voting should not be allowed as it's only done by people who aren't considering anything, including late happenings that could change your vote.
Mail in ballots were extremely popular in 2020 with a record number of people voting.
It was safe and convenient.

if you disagree, you are welcome to point out any significant corruption
Since the pandemic is over, we don't need "safe" anymore and convenient, is just another term for it being easier to cheat.
So, tell me how Biden represents Trump supporters.
Let me give you an example.

Republicans voted against the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.
But our President made sure that even those districts whose representative voted against it still received funding for projects in their communities.

Is Biden a great guy or what?
Since the pandemic is over, we don't need "safe" anymore and convenient, is just another term for it being easier to cheat.

It worked and people loved voting by mail and we had a record turn out
No significant “cheating” was found

So why would you want to make it more difficult to vote?
Lefties are always criticizing how we vote for president with the electoral college so I have two alternate ideas:

1. We've got 50 states and a small handful of territories so we give them all one vote each based on the popular votes in those areas.

2. We've got 3,244 counties in the country so we give each county one vote each plus that small handful of territories and they all get one vote each based on popular votes in those areas
Why are you afraid of just going straight popular vote like every other elected office?
Get off your fat asses and go vote

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