Alternative To The Electoral College

Okay I've amused myself enough poking the trolls. Going back to my New Year's Resolution now. But those arguing the value of the Electoral College and why it is superior to ANY other means of choosing who will lead the country have made a very good case here. The leftists who want absolute power forever of course won't agree.

And there we are.
So Jim Jordan, Donald Trump, Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Dan Bongino make up the team to ensure honest elections. You're entirely comfortable with that because it is a group. Yay for you.

I don't believe for a minute you mean a word of it. All I'm seeing is the same justification for dishonest elections that we get from leftwingers/Democrats all the time.

Again have a lovely day.

I was involved is SW evaluation for decades

These machines just do simple tabulation
Not a difficult process to design or evaluate.

Similar to those tests you used to take when you were a kid and filled out those tests with a #2 pencil

The machine is either accurate counting those dots or not
Much Ado About Doodoo

Neither Hillary nor Gore got more than 50% of the Popular Vote, so the elections of 2000 and 2016 would have been thrown into the House of Representatives under that system anyway. There the Republican candidates would have won 30 to 20.

It is really significant in determining how drastically we're being manipulated that the media ignore this fact and gets us all upset about something that never happened.

Am I correct that in 1992 Bill Clinton didn't get 50% of the popular vote either?

Suppose that the presidency was decided by Popular Vote. What is the likelihood that future presidents would favor the most populous areas in his executive decisions? Congress authorizes the money but the Executive Branch spends it in ways that benefit them politically. Certain cities and states would benefit more than they do now while Podunk USA gets virtually ignored.
Am I correct that in 1992 Bill Clinton didn't get 50% of the popular vote either?

Suppose that the presidency was decided by Popular Vote. What is the likelihood that future presidents would favor the most populous areas in his executive decisions? Congress authorizes the money but the Executive Branch spends it in ways that benefit them politically. Certain cities and states would benefit more than they do now while Podunk USA gets virtually ignored.
President will represent the will of the people regardless of where they live.
He will represent all the people, not just those who voted for him.

Do Presidents today only represent the states that voted for him?
It totally amazes me that in today's computer/tech age, we sometimes have to wait days, weeks, or even more than a month to figure out who won an election. We're going backwards, not forwards.
Are you under the impression that every single vote was counted on election night, say, in 1980, 1984, 1972, etc????

They weren't The call of who won the election was made by statistical analysis of votes cast vs. votes outstanding and in what areas of each state have not reported. As states have become more and more divided along party lines, it makes sense that the outcomes would be delayed since you can no longer make the reliable analysis due to such division.
Well hey cheating takes planning, time and work. Coming up with 'believable' phony ballots takes time when and where they are needed. And when they have to rig a court to nullify a challenge to the count, that also takes some time to arrange. Plus they have to be sure those machines are scrubbed and unreadable before the checkers get to them. They have to make sure there is no 'evidence' or 'insufficient evidence' of any voter hanky panky no matter how much there actually was. Sort of like planning the perfect murder that even Columbo can't solve. Appreciate how difficult all that is. It takes a lot of time.
If idiocy ever goes to $50 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your head?
Hate to break it to you, but when you fill out a ballot and hand it to a person it goes into a box and you have no way of knowing if it was counted in the way you filled out the ballot or whether it was counted at all if done with a hand count.

Or if some clerk somewhere erased her selections and filled out the ballot themselves.

Given the absolute idiocy she has displayed on this and every other thread, it's likely a good thing for all of us that someone is switching her votes.
The best idea I have heard is to keep the electoral college the way it is. 270 to win. But you also add in the stipulation that the president-elect must get a plurality of the popular vote (more PVs than anyone else). Meaning that the democratic idea of the leading vote getter is the winner. We've had something like 59 presidential elections. The Electoral college winner not winning the popular vote is pretty rare, I think it has happened like 6 times out of 59. So it wouldn't be invoked that often if it were to come to fruition.

Currently, If nobody gets 270, you have the House pick the President. If no candidate gets both the majority of the electoral vote as well as the plurality of the popular vote, have the House pick the President just like we would anyway.
The best idea I have heard is to keep the electoral college the way it is. 270 to win. But you also add in the stipulation that the president-elect must get a plurality of the popular vote (more PVs than anyone else). Meaning that the democratic idea of the leading vote getter is the winner. We've had something like 59 presidential elections. The Electoral college winner not winning the popular vote is pretty rare, I think it has happened like 6 times out of 59. So it wouldn't be invoked that often if it were to come to fruition.

Currently, If nobody gets 270, you have the House pick the President. If no candidate gets both the majority of the electoral vote as well as the plurality of the popular vote, have the House pick the President just like we would anyway.

MAGA would be fine with that. Why?

Because individual members of the House do not get a vote, what happens is there is one voter per state delegation. They see that as an advantage to their side.

Are you under the impression that every single vote was counted on election night, say, in 1980, 1984, 1972, etc????

They weren't The call of who won the election was made by statistical analysis of votes cast vs. votes outstanding and in what areas of each state have not reported. As states have become more and more divided along party lines, it makes sense that the outcomes would be delayed since you can no longer make the reliable analysis due to such division.

We can make it easier on ourselves by counting mail-in ballots as they are received and releasing the results when the polls close.

But Republicans won’t let it happen, then complain that it takes so long.
Mail in ballots should be outlawed with very few exceptions
Mail in ballots were extremely popular in 2020 with a record number of people voting.
It was safe and convenient.

if you disagree, you are welcome to point out any significant corruption

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