Dems effed around, and now they're gonna find out.

No one on the right believes it, either, but we do poke fun at the prez
NOW* ….Now that you have been told it’s fake. Even though it was always known it was a campaign smear paid-for by the Democrats. Just like they told you Hunter’s laptop was “Russian Disinformation”. They just lie and the left keeps coming back for more.
In my entire 73 years on this earth, I have met no pornstars, and only 3 transexuals. This is not a problem.
Not a problem? Why are the Democrats campaigning with drag queens? And promoting child sexual mutilation?

The American College Of Pediatricians just came out and condemned this quackery. Yet here you are defending it for the party….. like you are trained to do.
Clearly, you are only interested in a one sided story, and the truth eludes you.

You know what that makes you?

An intimate relationship with a foreign spy is a “one sided story”? Did the same people who told you Hunters laptop was “Russian disinformation” tell you that?
NOW* ….Now that you have been told it’s fake. Even though it was always known it was a campaign smear paid-for by the Democrats. Just like they told you Hunter’s laptop was “Russian Disinformation”. They just lie and the left keeps coming back for more.

yeah, right, how can anyone smear a guy who fornicates with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gives birth, not once, but with two different women, and conned thousands out of millions on a fake university scam, stiff over 100 contractors for pay, was fined $2 million for embezzling funds from his charity and the state shut it down for 'illegal activity', has 88 felony counts and has been convicted of 34 of them, how does one 'smear' such an individual?

Explain this to me.
Not a problem? Why are the Democrats campaigning with drag queens? And promoting child sexual mutilation?

The American College Of Pediatricians just came out and condemned this quackery. Yet here you are defending it for the party….. like you are trained to do.

No one is promoting child mutilation, stop it.
An intimate relationship with a foreign spy is a “one sided story”? Did the same people who told you Hunters laptop was “Russian disinformation” tell you that?

yes, your side of the story is one side of the story. The latter is irrelevant. I surprised hyperbole bothers you when your master leader, Donald Trump, wrote the book on it.
No one is promoting child mutilation, stop it.

You are the party of child sexual mutilation. You had a drag queen defending medical transitioning children at your party’s convention. Not only can puberty blockers and cross sex hormone sterilize and destroy sexual function, it inhibits brain development. This is what your party is doing to kids. This is your party defending this. You vote for this. Own it.

yeah, right, how can anyone smear a guy who fornicates with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gives birth, not once, but with two different women, and conned thousands out of millions on a fake university scam, stiff over 100 contractors for pay, was fined $2 million for embezzling funds from his charity and the state shut it down for 'illegal activity', has 88 felony counts and has been convicted of 34 of them, how does one 'smear' such an individual?

Explain this to me.
if you don’t care about Hunter Biden selling his fathers political influence to foreign interests, why should I care about Trump having a consensual relationship with a pronstar?
Fact is, if all that stuff was done by Biden, you wouldn’t give a rats ass. The media would just tell you it was Russian disinformation and you would go back to sleep.
You are the party of child sexual mutilation. You had a drag queen defending medical transitioning children at your party’s convention. Not only can puberty blockers and cross sex hormone sterilize and destroy sexual function, it inhibits brain development. This is what your party is doing to kids. This is your party defending this. You vote for this. Own it.

No dem I know defends child sex changes. Any dem who does does not have my support. I'm against puberty blockers. Most dems I know are against them as well. This is a kind of thing that psychiatrists are pushing and I do not support them.

But your party has 2000 children separated from their parents for a crime no greater than a misdemeanor, and that's per Trump policy and YOU SUPPORT IT. That's child abuse on a large scale. Joe Biden has no policy for mutilating children, nor is it on the DNC platform, but your child separation at wholesale levels is Trump policy.

Trump is a 4x indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

But the GOP is a runaway criminal organization.

if you don’t care about Hunter Biden selling his fathers political influence to foreign interests,

That's false. There is no evidence of it. Nothing that Hunter has done has impacted USA foreign policy.

why should I care about Trump having a consensual relationship with a pronstar?
Your question has an assumed premise.
Fact is, if all that stuff was done by Biden, you wouldn’t give a rats ass.
That's false. If Sen Menendez, an indicted Dem., is found guilty, I support the judge's sentence. IF Rep Cuellar, and indicted Dem, is found guilty, I support the Judge's sentence. I supported Blagojevich's sentence for selling a senate seat for cash.

I"m against criminals. So far, no evidence of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden has been produced. If there were. Comer would impeach Biden in an NY minute, but they have been investigating for a couple of years, and have found no wrongdoing by Joe Biden. After 6 years of US Attorney David Weiss investigating Hunter Biden, all he found was tax violation and gun permit application violations. Hell, if that were a republican, the NRA would be all over it. Nothing on 'money laundering' 'corruption', 'influence peddling', nothing on this after 6 frickin' years, and not one criminal referrals on Joe Biden.

The media would just tell you it was Russian disinformation and you would go back to sleep.
weasel words are not an argument.
No dem I know defends child sex changes. Any dem who does does not have my support. I'm against puberty blockers. Most dems I know are against them as well. This is a kind of thing that psychiatrists are pushing and I do not support them.

But your party has 2000 children separated from their parents for a crime no greater than a misdemeanor, and that's per Trump policy and YOU SUPPORT IT. That's child abuse on a large scale. Joe Biden has no policy for mutilating children, nor is it on the DNC platform, but your child separation at wholesale levels is Trump policy.

Trump is a 4x indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

But the GOP is a runaway criminal organization.

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Thousands of children are being sex trafficked across the boarder every year. That’s why these laws were in place before Trump ever took office. It’s all part of the TDS narrative. The photos of “kids in cages” were from Obama’s presidency. They just lie to you over and over.

The Democrat’s policy (inaction) at the boarder is what is facilitating children being trafficked. They create the environment where thousands of children are separated from their parents before they ever cross into the United States.

“It’s something that has happened thousands of times in the past year. In fact, Border Patrol agents identified more than 6,200 fraudulent family members in fiscal year 2019, which runs from Oct. 1, 2018 through Sept. 30, 2019. This is at a time when Border Patrol agents apprehended over 473,000 people who presented themselves as a family unit.

The reason so many are making the perilous journey through Mexico with a child – whether it’s a fraudulent family or a biological parent or legal guardian – is obvious: many before them were allowed to stay in the United States despite their illegal entry across the border. In the recent past, CBP could hold most families just a few days before releasing them into the U.S. or transferring them to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who by a 2015 court order had to release families into the United States within 20 days. The result was that these families were able to remain in the U.S. – often indefinitely.”

Border Crisis: CBP Fights Child Exploitation

How Biden’s border policies will increase sex trafficking of children to US

Doesn’t matter if you claim not to support it, you are voting for child sexual mutilation. You are voting for lax boarder policies that facilitate child exploitation. But but but Donald Trump had sex with a pornstar……
That's false. There is no evidence of it. Nothing that Hunter has done has impacted USA foreign policy.

No evidence? So, you believe Burisma gave junkie Hunter a million dollar salary for a position he had zero qualification or experience for? Why? You believe the Biden family collected 20 million dollars from foreign entities as just routine & random gifts? You believe the same junkie turned artist sells his work for 500K a pop?

10% to the big guy.

The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

Joe Biden Met Nearly Every Foreign Associate Funneling His Family Millions - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

Hunter Biden Did Actually Know Who Bought His Art
Is your cognitive inability congential, or were you dropped at birth.

The jury cast 408 separate votes on the charges, 34 time 12, and all were "Guilty." This is over, Lisa, except maga wailing and bailing.
This one is pretty obvious. He was robbed of his Constitutional rights to know the specific crime he was being charged with - not a buffet presented to the jury where they can pick which they want, and it doesn’t have to be unanimous - as well as his right to out on an expert defense witness who could exonerate him. Or that unconstituional gag order. And there are more….but I’m 3 minutes late to meet my friend for a walk.

Hasta la vista, leftie.
Is your cognitive inability congential, or were you dropped at birth.

The jury cast 408 separate votes on the charges, 34 time 12, and all were "Guilty." This is over, Lisa, except maga wailing and bailing.
1) You shouldn’t make nasty comments about someone else’s cognitive ability when you don’t even know the difference between “except” and “accept.”

2) Of course it’s not over. This was a clear violation of Trump’s constitutional rights and will be overturned. In doing so, the appeals court (or SCOTUS) will list all the ways in which the Democrats manipulated the law to hurt Trump’s presidential campaign - and then everyone who doesn’t already know will see the North Korean tactics the Left takes against its political rivals.

A man in middle-stage dementia, who has brought in 10 million illegals, ratcheted up energy costs (which impact everything else), enabled Iran to fund the Oct 7th massacre of Jews, is presiding over rampant violent crime, and cannot find his way off stage and wanders away in the middle of a meeting CANNOT WIN WITHOUT A LOT OF CHEATING.

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