Dems effed around, and now they're gonna find out.

For another thing, FuckTardo, the law was passed 6 years after the alleged crime was committed.

Look up Ex Post Facto sometime.

Again, take a look at how the statute of limitations of crime was extended by the Governor during COVID due to the courts being largely shut down.

Then take a look at Merchan's hearing on this issue where he found that due to the extension, the charges under 175.10 had not yet expired.

Your unwillingness to actually get into the rulings or jury instructions is severely hamstringing your argument.
Says you, citing you. And you have no idea what's going on.

Back in the jury instructions, the secondary crimes that the jury had to assess as part of the felony enhancements of 175.10 to determine if there was intent to commit, aid or conceal them......was FECA and NY 17-152. Along with a trio of standards for meeting 'unlawful means."

The jury unanimously found that Trump falsified business records. AND that he had falsified those records with the intent to commit, aid or conceal another crime, the standard necessary to upgrade 34 misdemeanors into 34 felonies.

Remember, Duke....I know more than you.
Doesn't matter, smartass. Ex Post Facto.
Again, take a look at how the statute of limitations of crime was extended by the Governor during COVID due to the courts being largely shut down.

Then take a look at Merchan's hearing on this issue where he found that due to the extension, the charges under 175.10 had not yet expired.

Your unwillingness to actually get into the rulings or jury instructions is severely hamstringing your argument.
You take a look at The Constitution.

I've read the jury instructions, there's no way they could return any verdict except guilty.
So the jury unanimously decided Trump did 1) this, 2) that, or 3) the other?

They unanimously decided that Trump had falsified records with the intent to commit, aid or conceal another crime.

Sorry, this isn’t like ordering off a Chinese menu. You think someone can be charged with intending to rob a bank, or intending to shoot someone, or intending to hijack a car - a four jurors think the evidence proved it was the bank, another four think it was proved it was shooting, and the remaining four think it was the carjacking - and that counts as unanimous?!

Oh, the Chinese menu. So turley is doing your thinking for you.

Alas, Turley was wrong and again on this case. So you may want take his entertainment with a grain of salt.
2. Yes dear, it's over. Nobody's constitution rights were violated, except those of the American people whose right to know what kind of person they're voting for was usurped by the conspiracy to hide the truth.

We have a “Constitutional right” to “know what kind of person we are voting for”?

Liberals are so $&%@ retarded….
You take a look at The Constitution.

I've read the jury instructions, there's no way they could return any verdict except guilty.

Yeah, the States define the Statutes of Limitations for State Crimes. With the governor of NY having the authority to extend those statutes under circumstances like COVID.

He did. An entire hearing where this topic was debated was heard before Judge Merchan. You didn't know that because you don't read. You regurgitate.

And you've never read the jury instructions.
You didn't even know what the secondary crimes were until I told you. They're not hard to find, taking up page 43 to 47.

Anyone who had actually read the jury instructions would have know exactly what the secondary crimes were. You didn't.
Doesn't matter, smartass. Ex Post Facto.

The ability to toll out statutes of limitations in circumstances like COVID is already part of the governor's authority under NY law. He merely exercised that authority.

The issue of tolling statutes of limitations was already adjudicated by an appellant court in Brash v. Richards. And they found that the governor definitely had that authority.
The ability to toll out statutes of limitations in circumstances like COVID is already part of the governor's authority under NY law. He merely exercised that authority.

The issue of tolling statutes of limitations was already adjudicated by an appellant court in Brash v. Richards. And they found that the governor definitely had that authority.
Yeah, you don't get it. What they did was patently illegal.

What year was the law passed? You must be part German. Germans are arrogant and tend to overthink things to their detriment.
Yeah, you don't get it. What they did was patently illegal.

What year was the law passed?
Says you, citing yourself as a legal authority. And you're nobody.

The issue of the governor's authority to toll the statutes of limitations under NY law has been adjudicated in Brash v. Richards. It was found the governor definitely had this authority. So the statute of limitations was was tolled for 228 days during COVID.

With Judge Merchan recognizing and abiding the governor's authority in rulings on this very topic.

A link you've never followed to instructions you've never read.

Again, you didn't know what the secondary crimes that were used for the felony enhancement of 175.10 were until I told you. These were clearly laid out in detail on page 43 through 47 of those instructions.

Anyone who had actually read those instructions would know what the secondary charges were. You didn't.
So the jury unanimously decided Trump did 1) this, 2) that, or 3) the other?

Sorry, this isn’t like ordering off a Chinese menu. You think someone can be charged with intending to rob a bank, or intending to shoot someone, or intending to hijack a car - and four jurors think the evidence proved it was the bank, another four think it was proved it was shooting, and the remaining four think it was the carjacking - and that counts as unanimous?!


It doesn't matter which of the crimes the jurors think apply, all three apply. Pecker, Cohen and Trump conspired together on the election fraud. Pecker got immunity, Cohen went to jail, Trump was an unindicted co-conspirator on Cohen's charges.

Cohen wouldn't have been involved in writing the check to Daniels if Pecker hadn't been warned by the Enquirer's lawyer that what he was doing was illegal and cut it out. Pecker had already paid out $150,000 and suspected he wasn't going to get it back. Unlike Trump, Pecker had auditors and a board of directors to answer to.

Pecker's testimony absolutely buried Trump and Trump hasn't uttered a bad word about Pecker or turned the Cult lose on him either. Makes me wonder what Pecker has on Trump.
Pecker's testimony absolutely buried Trump and Trump hasn't uttered a bad word about Pecker or turned the Cult lose on him either. Makes me wonder what Pecker has on Trump.

You're a little scary. You're the only other person I've run into that has asked that very observant question.
It doesn't matter which of the crimes the jurors think apply, all three apply. Pecker, Cohen and Trump conspired together on the election fraud. Pecker got immunity, Cohen went to jail, Trump was an unindicted co-conspirator on Cohen's charges.

Cohen wouldn't have been involved in writing the check to Daniels if Pecker hadn't been warned by the Enquirer's lawyer that what he was doing was illegal and cut it out. Pecker had already paid out $150,000 and suspected he wasn't going to get it back. Unlike Trump, Pecker had auditors and a board of directors to answer to.

Pecker's testimony absolutely buried Trump and Trump hasn't uttered a bad word about Pecker or turned the Cult lose on him either. Makes me wonder what Pecker has on Trump.
Except election fraud was never charged. :rolleyes-41:

The State alleged it, but it never happened.
Except election fraud was never charged. :rolleyes-41:

Charges aren't required. Intent to commit, aid or conceal another crime is.


Which you'd know if you'd ever read the jury instructions. You're shoveling personal credibility like coal today.
Charges aren't required. Intent to commit, aid or conceal another crime is.

View attachment 962637

Which you'd know if you'd ever read the jury instructions. You're shoveling personal credibility like coal today.
All of it is for naught due to Ex Post Facto.

You can't criminalize something then charge anyone for doing it in the past.

The offenses can only be charged from the day forward of the law being passed.

Law was passed in 2021, alleged offense occurred in 2016. Should never have been brought.
All of it is for naught due to Ex Post Facto.

Says you, citing yourself as a legal authority. And you're nobody.

Back in reality, the issue of the govenor's authority to toll the statute of limitation was already adjudicated in Brash v. Richards.

You can pretend this never happened or that your personal opinion is a legal standard.

Just be prepared for disappointment when the law doesn't abide your play pretend.
You can't criminalize something then charge anyone for doing it in the past.

You're confused. 175.10 was already on the books when Trump committed those crimes. As was the felony enhancement. As was 17-152. As was FECA.

You're floundering, bud.

The offenses can only be charged from the day forward of the law being passed.

Law was passed in 2021, alleged offense occurred in 2016. Should never have been brought.

Nope. 175.10 and 17-152 has been on the books since AT LEAST 2014. FECA since 1972.

You just don't know what you're talking about.
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I don’t follow these fake Trump made-for-tv dramas anymore. This one has a guy named “Pecker” in it?

Anyone else remember when we had a Dick, “Colon” and Bush in the White House?

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