Stop Lying About Growing Black Support for Trump

Whites didn't build this country and we didn't ask to be bought over here. But we were and I was born here. So your white ass has nothing to say. When the real Native Americans
(not westvall) start telling me to leave, I'll consider leaving. When the real Native Americans tell me to give them their land back, I'll do so. But your white ass has no say. Nothing that applies to whites in this situation applies to us. We did not invade this land and then start killing the natives that were here. In fact we fought with Native Americans in some places to stay free. Search the Seminole Wars and learn something chump. So don't even begin trying that false equivalence white boi.

And I'm not gay. Apparently you must be, because you and the other racists have a real fixation on gay/trans people.
no whites today did any of the things you stated either ...
I am not that. There was no peace during Trump, Biden has not started any new wars and blacks are not going to vote for Trump in ANY type of large numbers. We will choose not to vote before we vote for Trump.
Trump will get 18 to 20% iof the black vote ....mainly from black men ..
Trump will get 18 to 20% iof the black vote ....mainly from black men ..
Trump will get 10-12 percent of the black vote. I am a black man, I'm voting for Biden. All the black men I know in this town are voting for Biden. All the blacks I know in ths state, are voting for Biden and I know a lot of blacks in this state All the black men I know from around the country are voting for Biden, And I know black men in a lot of places. There are black men here, none are voting for Trump. A man must know his limitations and as you are a white man, you don't know shit about how blacks are going to vote. And since you are not looking at polls from places that poll a large number of black people, and I am, don't get butthurt when you learn that Trump got fewer black votes than he did in 2020. Stop listening to rappers.
YOU really don't know how stupid you are making yourself look. I am sure you know zero blacks if you actualy believe that no one black thinks like me.
That's the problem. Although the numbers are obviously dwindling, there are still many blacks who still believe they are victims.

For instance...Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Al Sharpton, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Father Pflager, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr., King Samir Shabazz, Van Jones, Charlie Rangel, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Andre Carson, Shirley Sherrod….Keith Ellison who supports the redistribution of wealth
YOU really don't know how stupid you are making yourself look. I am sure you know zero blacks if you actualy believe that no one black thinks like me.
You have every right to say things if other people have attitudes. Attitudes do not mean anti African American. I will say that the hoi polloi have attitudes. No hoi polloi area wants illegals and low-income housing. Marthas Vineyard told you that. You need to realize the red flags of reality. And there are thousands of areas like that in this nation who are supposedly Prog dominated.
It will be interesting to see what happens if Biden steals this election. We’ll be at war with Russia and he’ll enact the draft. Will the “blacks” like IM2 line up to die in such a war? Because in order to say no to it he will have to admit he was wrong about Biden and us “Trump people” were 100% correct.
Of course he won’t. Nobody will. That’s why they’ll reinstate the draft. Then, all of a sudden, when it’s too late, all the Biden supporters will cry about it.
:itsok: "Opinion"

Opinion: For The Love Of Black Jesus, Please Ignore The Polls

Supported by fact. Republicans do this every four years. 4 years ago blacks were all running to Trump, 30 percent. Even if 30 percent did vote for Trump, it means that 70 percent didnot. In no other circumstance is 70 percent oppositon proof of suppor tof anything.

But like every other election Trump will get 10-15 percent. And IMO thats 10-15 percent too much considering what trump policies have to offer backs- a return to Jim Crow as he fights phantom anti white discrimination.
The topic isn't about your delusions. It's about the fact that you guys are being lied to about black support for trump.
Supported by fact. Republicans do this every four years. 4 years ago blacks were all running to Trump, 30 percent. Even if 30 percent did vote for Trump, it means that 70 percent didnot. In no other circumstance is 70 percent oppositon proof of suppor tof anything.

But like every other election Trump will get 10-15 percent. And IMO thats 10-15 percent too much considering what trump policies have to offer backs- a return to Jim Crow as he fights phantom anti white discrimination.
Oh geez c’mon man. Biden provoked the war in Ukraine and has fully supported the genocide in Gaza. He could have ended the Ukraine war years ago and Gaza. He chose to continue both to benefit his donors. Fuck him.

Which why Snoreleone tried blackmail Zelensky using military aid in exchange for dirt of Mr. Biden? Russia invaded Ukraine when Snoreleone was office, try to remember that.

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