Stop Lying About Growing Black Support for Trump

Trump is no different from Genocide Joe. So, this fraudulent election means nothing. To think Americans get to vote for essentially two assholes every four years, is proof the system is rigged.

I’ll agree he’s done some good things, but so does every potus.

Discounting the horrors of Ukraine and Gaza because no Americans are dying, is foolish. To say nothing of the ever increasing possibility of nuclear war.
Blaming Biden for wars he didn't start is not only foolish, it is dishonest.
Trump is no different from Genocide Joe. So, this fraudulent election means nothing. To think Americans get to vote for essentially two assholes every four years, is proof the system is rigged.

I’ll agree he’s done some good things, but so does every potus.

Discounting the horrors of Ukraine and Gaza because no Americans are dying, is foolish. To say nothing of the ever increasing possibility of nuclear war.

You support genocide is Gaza. You support a Convicted Felon, Rapist and Traitor. You support a pedo. You support a fascist state. I love my country, you do not.
Blaming Biden for wars he didn't start is not only foolish, it is dishonest.
Oh geez c’mon man. Biden provoked the war in Ukraine and has fully supported the genocide in Gaza. He could have ended the Ukraine war years ago and Gaza. He chose to continue both to benefit his donors. Fuck him.
Look white boy, you and the other white racists complain consistently about the government. So if you don't like the government take your white ass back to Europe. America is not a white country. America is a land whites stole using a fake doctrine that no one in any indigenous nation recognized. I was born here and I have the first Amendment right to express my displeasure with this country. So if your white ass doesn't like it, leave.
LOL so it’s okay for you to be on stolen land and live in the society and nation that whites built on “stolen land”.

LMAO you’re such a phony little troll. Until your gay ass gives back all the land and property you own to “indigenous peoples” then you are a lying sack of shit. If you being born here makes you exempt from owing anything to indigenous peoples then that also applies to whites.
They do not like the truth. Want to deny the truth or Jack Nichols said in "A Few Good Men", they cannot handle the truth.

Should read as: What Jack Nicholson said in "A Few Good Men", they cannot handle the truth," mainly because they refuse to accept truth. They are caught up in a lie and love itl
Oh geez c’mon man. Biden provoked the war in Ukraine and has fully supported the genocide in Gaza. He could have ended the Ukraine war years ago and Gaza. He chose to continue both to benefit his donors. Fuck him.
It will be interesting to see what happens if Biden steals this election. We’ll be at war with Russia and he’ll enact the draft. Will the “blacks” like IM2 line up to die in such a war? Because in order to say no to it he will have to admit he was wrong about Biden and us “Trump people” were 100% correct.
LOL so it’s okay for you to be on stolen land and live in the society and nation that whites built on “stolen land”.

LMAO you’re such a phony little troll. Until your gay ass gives back all the land and property you own to “indigenous peoples” then you are a lying sack of shit. If you being born here makes you exempt from owing anything to indigenous peoples then that also applies to whites.
Whites didn't build this country and we didn't ask to be bought over here. But we were and I was born here. So your white ass has nothing to say. When the real Native Americans
(not westvall) start telling me to leave, I'll consider leaving. When the real Native Americans tell me to give them their land back, I'll do so. But your white ass has no say. Nothing that applies to whites in this situation applies to us. We did not invade this land and then start killing the natives that were here. In fact we fought with Native Americans in some places to stay free. Search the Seminole Wars and learn something chump. So don't even begin trying that false equivalence white boi.

And I'm not gay. Apparently you must be, because you and the other racists have a real fixation on gay/trans people.
Oh geez c’mon man. Biden provoked the war in Ukraine and has fully supported the genocide in Gaza. He could have ended the Ukraine war years ago and Gaza. He chose to continue both to benefit his donors. Fuck him.
Blaming Biden for wars he didn't start is not only foolish, it is dishonest.
The Obama-Clinton-Biden and Bush gang all made this war happen. It was set in play well over a decade ago by the CIA and State Department, which both parties kiss the ass of.

Under Obama they fully supported the Euro-maiden “protests“ which turned into a coup and overthrew the elected President there. The State Department (Victoria Nuland, John Kerry) forced the Ukrainians to pick a corrupt piece of shit for their new President. This caused a civil war in the country since the new U.S. backed regime started going after ethnic Russians. This is when Russia took back Crimea officially. Up to that point it was leased to them from Ukraine.

Then four years of relative peace when President Trump got into office. No escalation of war for four years. And well…the CIA and warmongers cannot have that.

So the CIA and Feds installed Biden in the White House, because he has never said no to any war and always pushes for more spying power for the CIA and FBI. Then within a year he did everything he could to trigger an all out war with Russia, and did exactly that.

Biden did not “start“ this war by himself, but he was always been on the team that did start it: the warmongers of Washington.
It will be interesting to see what happens if Biden steals this election. We’ll be at war with Russia and he’ll enact the draft. Will the “blacks” like IM2 line up to die in such a war? Because in order to say no to it he will have to admit he was wrong about Biden and us “Trump people” were 100% correct.
Biden won't steal this election. If Trump is elected, he will give Putin permission to do what he wants, which will lead to WW3.
The Obama-Clinton-Biden and Bush gang all made this war happen. It was set in play well over a decade ago by the CIA and State Department, which both parties kiss the ass of.

Under Obama they fully supported the Euro-maiden “protests“ which turned into a coup and overthrew the elected President there. The State Department (Victoria Nuland, John Kerry) forced the Ukrainians to pick a corrupt piece of shit for their new President. This caused a civil war in the country since the new U.S. backed regime started going after ethnic Russians. This is when Russia took back Crimea officially. Up to that point it was leased to them from Ukraine.

Then four years of relative peace when President Trump got into office. No escalation of war for four years. And well…the CIA and warmongers cannot have that.

So the CIA and Feds installed Biden in the White House, because he has never said no to any war and always pushes for more spying power for the CIA and FBI. Then within a year he did everything he could to trigger an all out war with Russia, and did exactly that.

Biden did not “start“ this war by himself, but he was always been on the team that did start it: the warmongers of Washington.
Bullshit. There was no peace when Trump was President and there won't be any peace if Trump returns to office. Biden didn't start any war with Russia.
Bullshit. There was no peace when Trump was President and there won't be any peace if Trump returns to office. Biden didn't start any war with Russia.
^^ as we can see IM2 is delusional. He can’t even acknowledge President Trump didn’t start any new wars, nor that the proxy war with Russia started thanks to Biden.

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