Stop Lying About Growing Black Support for Trump

Rappers are the last people to listen to about this next election. Curtis Jackson tells the white media that black men are moving towards trump and people here take that as some kind of representation of the consensus of black men in America. Curtis Jackson and other materialist nutjob rappers see Trump and his gold toilets and think it's great. Blacks with sense don't.

Opinion: For The Love Of Black Jesus, Please Ignore The Polls​

These polls are not just inaccurate; they distort the political landscape.

Turn on any cable news channel, and you’ll be bombarded with endless drivel about the polls. Pundits incessantly dissect the polls, surrogates are grilled over the polls, and think pieces proliferate on what politicians should do based on the polls. It’s a maddening, imaginary rat race, and the real losers are the American people, especially when the polls claim to be the voice of Black voters. Please do not believe the polls, whether they're favorable or not. Polls cause more harm than good and, at this point, are tools of misinformation.

I'm sure you've heard the never-ending stories about President Joe Biden dramatically losing the Black vote. And, of course, there's another gem making the rounds – apparently, convicted felon Donald Trump is gaining ground among Black voters. Why do I say ignore the polls? Because of recent history.

Trump making inroads with Black voters was a narrative in 2020 from ABC News to Politico. What actually happened? Trump got a lower share of the Black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. Polls kept predicting Black men are running to Trump, but his support among Black men dropped from 14% in 2016 to 12% in 2020, while Biden’s support increased from 81% to 87%. The Brookings Institution called Trump’s appeal to Black men “illusory.” Who created this illusion and why? There was never a correction or an acknowledgment from polling organizations for the “illusory” narrative.

This same storyline popped up during President Barack Obama’s administration. Back in 2012, there were reports of Obama struggling with Black voters. The result? Obama earned the largest share of the Black vote in recorded history.

Last month, The Washington Post published a new poll claiming that Biden was struggling with Black voters. The number of “Black adults” they polled? 1,300. Yep, according to this poll, 1,300 people speak for the sentiments of nearly 48 million Black people in America.

The article goes on to ask a couple of questions:

What is the GOP plan for voting rights? Decimating the Voting Rights Act.
What is the GOP plan for police brutality? Gutting the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, courtesy of South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.
What's the GOP's plan for Black entrepreneurs? Suing an organization that assists Black women entrepreneurs by arming the 1866 Civil Rights Act against them.

Then it ends with the words below. And this is the reality of why Trump is not gaining black votes and why he won't get any more black votes than he did the last 2 times he ran.

While Democrats have their imperfections and need to focus on incentivizing the non-voter (the largest voting bloc), the Biden-Harris administration has achieved notable successes for Black communities: historic funding for HBCUs, crucial judicial appointments, and a doubling of SBA support for Black-owned businesses in Fiscal Year 2023. Though not without flaws, these accomplishments are often downplayed or misrepresented by pundits eager to be contrarian.

Stop letting misleading polls dictate the narrative, especially when it comes to the Black vote. These polls are not just inaccurate; they distort the political landscape. Black communities deserve better than to be reduced to faulty numbers. We need to focus on the real issues and hold political parties accountable for their policies, not their poll standings. Ignore the polls and false equivalencies.
Rappers are the last people to listen to about this next election. Curtis Jackson tells the white media that black men are moving towards trump and people here take that as some kind of representation of the consensus of black men in America. Curtis Jackson and other materialist nutjob rappers see Trump and his gold toilets and think it's great. Blacks with sense don't.

Opinion: For The Love Of Black Jesus, Please Ignore The Polls​

These polls are not just inaccurate; they distort the political landscape.

Turn on any cable news channel, and you’ll be bombarded with endless drivel about the polls. Pundits incessantly dissect the polls, surrogates are grilled over the polls, and think pieces proliferate on what politicians should do based on the polls. It’s a maddening, imaginary rat race, and the real losers are the American people, especially when the polls claim to be the voice of Black voters. Please do not believe the polls, whether they're favorable or not. Polls cause more harm than good and, at this point, are tools of misinformation.

I'm sure you've heard the never-ending stories about President Joe Biden dramatically losing the Black vote. And, of course, there's another gem making the rounds – apparently, convicted felon Donald Trump is gaining ground among Black voters. Why do I say ignore the polls? Because of recent history.

Trump making inroads with Black voters was a narrative in 2020 from ABC News to Politico. What actually happened? Trump got a lower share of the Black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. Polls kept predicting Black men are running to Trump, but his support among Black men dropped from 14% in 2016 to 12% in 2020, while Biden’s support increased from 81% to 87%. The Brookings Institution called Trump’s appeal to Black men “illusory.” Who created this illusion and why? There was never a correction or an acknowledgment from polling organizations for the “illusory” narrative.

This same storyline popped up during President Barack Obama’s administration. Back in 2012, there were reports of Obama struggling with Black voters. The result? Obama earned the largest share of the Black vote in recorded history.

Last month, The Washington Post published a new poll claiming that Biden was struggling with Black voters. The number of “Black adults” they polled? 1,300. Yep, according to this poll, 1,300 people speak for the sentiments of nearly 48 million Black people in America.

The article goes on to ask a couple of questions:

What is the GOP plan for voting rights? Decimating the Voting Rights Act.
What is the GOP plan for police brutality? Gutting the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, courtesy of South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.
What's the GOP's plan for Black entrepreneurs? Suing an organization that assists Black women entrepreneurs by arming the 1866 Civil Rights Act against them.

Then it ends with the words below. And this is the reality of why Trump is not gaining black votes and why he won't get any more black votes than he did the last 2 times he ran.

While Democrats have their imperfections and need to focus on incentivizing the non-voter (the largest voting bloc), the Biden-Harris administration has achieved notable successes for Black communities: historic funding for HBCUs, crucial judicial appointments, and a doubling of SBA support for Black-owned businesses in Fiscal Year 2023. Though not without flaws, these accomplishments are often downplayed or misrepresented by pundits eager to be contrarian.

Stop letting misleading polls dictate the narrative, especially when it comes to the Black vote. These polls are not just inaccurate; they distort the political landscape. Black communities deserve better than to be reduced to faulty numbers. We need to focus on the real issues and hold political parties accountable for their policies, not their poll standings. Ignore the polls and false equivalencies.
Stop dreaming that Black support for Democrats is not eroding quickly... a century on Democratic Urban Plantations is enough.
Keep looking at my picture and telling yoursef it's fake.

Looks like a lying coon to me.

And before you go all psycho and report me, I've seen you and others to calling black men and women coons on this very board.

I think that's enough to prove my point. If a word is wrong to use by one to refer to blacks, it's wrong for ALL to do so and that includes commie race baiters like you.

Actually he has.
Really? I hadn’t noticed. I did notice a dumb proxy war costing Americans billions, while many suffer in or near poverty and homelessness. Hundreds of thousands dead and wounded to benefit the war machine that supports Biden’s candidacy. Plus he supports a genocide in Gaza that has killed thousands of women and children, to benefit an apartheid Zionist regime and the war machine.

He‘s pushing us closer to WWIII every day. probably on purpose.

He’s done nothing to help average Americans. He has allowed in millions of immigrants who greatly depress the wages of Americans.

He’s is one of the worst presidents of all time.
Looks like a lying coon to me.

And before you go all psycho and report me, I've seen you and others to calling black men and women coons on this very board.

I think that's enough to prove my point. If a word is wrong to use by one to refer to blacks, it's wrong for ALL to do so and that includes commie race baiters like you.

The problem with what you say is that a coon is a black person who works to enable white supremacy. Like saying that the black family was better during Jim Crow. I find it funny that bitches like you only think something is race baiting when it exposes the truth about your racism. You and the other right wing whites are the ONLY race baiters here MAGAT.
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Rappers are the last people to listen to about this next election. Curtis Jackson tells the white media that black men are moving towards trump and people here take that as some kind of representation of the consensus of black men in America. Curtis Jackson and other materialist nutjob rappers see Trump and his gold toilets and think it's great. Blacks with sense don't.

Opinion: For The Love Of Black Jesus, Please Ignore The Polls​

These polls are not just inaccurate; they distort the political landscape.

Turn on any cable news channel, and you’ll be bombarded with endless drivel about the polls. Pundits incessantly dissect the polls, surrogates are grilled over the polls, and think pieces proliferate on what politicians should do based on the polls. It’s a maddening, imaginary rat race, and the real losers are the American people, especially when the polls claim to be the voice of Black voters. Please do not believe the polls, whether they're favorable or not. Polls cause more harm than good and, at this point, are tools of misinformation.

I'm sure you've heard the never-ending stories about President Joe Biden dramatically losing the Black vote. And, of course, there's another gem making the rounds – apparently, convicted felon Donald Trump is gaining ground among Black voters. Why do I say ignore the polls? Because of recent history.

Trump making inroads with Black voters was a narrative in 2020 from ABC News to Politico. What actually happened? Trump got a lower share of the Black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. Polls kept predicting Black men are running to Trump, but his support among Black men dropped from 14% in 2016 to 12% in 2020, while Biden’s support increased from 81% to 87%. The Brookings Institution called Trump’s appeal to Black men “illusory.” Who created this illusion and why? There was never a correction or an acknowledgment from polling organizations for the “illusory” narrative.

This same storyline popped up during President Barack Obama’s administration. Back in 2012, there were reports of Obama struggling with Black voters. The result? Obama earned the largest share of the Black vote in recorded history.

Last month, The Washington Post published a new poll claiming that Biden was struggling with Black voters. The number of “Black adults” they polled? 1,300. Yep, according to this poll, 1,300 people speak for the sentiments of nearly 48 million Black people in America.

The article goes on to ask a couple of questions:

What is the GOP plan for voting rights? Decimating the Voting Rights Act.
What is the GOP plan for police brutality? Gutting the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, courtesy of South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.
What's the GOP's plan for Black entrepreneurs? Suing an organization that assists Black women entrepreneurs by arming the 1866 Civil Rights Act against them.

Then it ends with the words below. And this is the reality of why Trump is not gaining black votes and why he won't get any more black votes than he did the last 2 times he ran.

While Democrats have their imperfections and need to focus on incentivizing the non-voter (the largest voting bloc), the Biden-Harris administration has achieved notable successes for Black communities: historic funding for HBCUs, crucial judicial appointments, and a doubling of SBA support for Black-owned businesses in Fiscal Year 2023. Though not without flaws, these accomplishments are often downplayed or misrepresented by pundits eager to be contrarian.

Stop letting misleading polls dictate the narrative, especially when it comes to the Black vote. These polls are not just inaccurate; they distort the political landscape. Black communities deserve better than to be reduced to faulty numbers. We need to focus on the real issues and hold political parties accountable for their policies, not their poll standings. Ignore the polls and false equivalencies.

Two rapper with criminal records. No, sorry there is not wide spread wide support for P01135809 among black voters.
  • Fact
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The problem with what you say is that a coon is a bleck pwrson who works to enable white supremacy. Like saying that the black family was better during Jim Crow. I find it funny that bitches like you only think something is race baiting when it exposes the truth about your racism. You and the other right wing whites are the ONLY race baiters here MAGAT.

Then I guess my comment was spot on, you fit that definition perfectly. I'm sure you can't see it, folks blinded by hate tend to miss a lot.


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