Pelosi, Waters, Nadler and Schiff still sitting on the USMCA Trade Deal

Are you projecting? You don't like my posts? Tell us why.
Why? It's obvious,,,you are mr 3rd hating both parties IF that was true I could respect that BUT it seems to me the only posts I see of yours are complimenting Repubs or bashing dems,,,,Am I wrong ?? Truth be told I don't read all your posts
You must be reading the wrong ones. If you mention Bush or McCain or Romney, I jam them up. If you mention Delaney, Webb, or even Biden, I give them a break. Trump I don't like, but I like the media even less and the other politicians even less then that, so I give the troublemaker a better than even break. The only Republican I respect is Susan Collins.
Then I hope you accept my apologies ,,,,,,,,,,, Schiff at the hearing that cut off the part where he described the call as, “Well, it reads like a classic organized crime shakedown.
Classy post
I have to tell you my daughter resides in Maine and I told her if she votes for Collins I'll disown her lol
The Kavanaugh hearing was a spectacle that showed true colors. Flake and Murkowski caved under Milano pressure and Graham lost his temper. The Democrats all lied to a man-except Blumenthal who is not a man but a disgrace for lying about VietNam sevice. Trump looked presidential, amazingly, and McConnell sounded human, amazingly, but Collins showed courage in the face of adversity. She may lose re-election, but she did the right thing.
Like I said. Keep it up, Trump poll numbers are growing the more you show Americans. Just how unamerican you are. You got a little over a year left to destroy your party. So keep it up!
You have some nerve ,,,You put this low life POS in our WH with the brain of a baboon and you call Dems unamerican??
You people are unamerican, just look at what your parties candidates are running on.
I agree That socialism BS from just a few is bullshit But why can't you agree that trump is FOS that he's hurting not helping America?
What has he specifically done to harm America? No talking points crap.
ask some hard working farmers
I guess you haven't heard. Trump made a huge deal with Japan. They will be buying 7 billion dollars In agricultural products from us. So you admit, Trump is good for America?
You have some nerve ,,,You put this low life POS in our WH with the brain of a baboon and you call Dems unamerican??
You people are unamerican, just look at what your parties candidates are running on.
I agree That socialism BS from just a few is bullshit But why can't you agree that trump is FOS that he's hurting not helping America?
What has he specifically done to harm America? No talking points crap.
ask some hard working farmers
I guess you haven't heard. Trump made a huge deal with Japan. They will be buying 7 billion dollars In agricultural products from us. So you admit, Trump is good for America?
Did they buy anything from us under Obama? Just because he made a deal with a friendly country doesn't necessarily
give him cred Let him make a deal with China AND FAST before he hurts more of our people
Why? It's obvious,,,you are mr 3rd hating both parties IF that was true I could respect that BUT it seems to me the only posts I see of yours are complimenting Repubs or bashing dems,,,,Am I wrong ?? Truth be told I don't read all your posts
You must be reading the wrong ones. If you mention Bush or McCain or Romney, I jam them up. If you mention Delaney, Webb, or even Biden, I give them a break. Trump I don't like, but I like the media even less and the other politicians even less then that, so I give the troublemaker a better than even break. The only Republican I respect is Susan Collins.
Then I hope you accept my apologies ,,,,,,,,,,, Schiff at the hearing that cut off the part where he described the call as, “Well, it reads like a classic organized crime shakedown.
Classy post
I have to tell you my daughter resides in Maine and I told her if she votes for Collins I'll disown her lol
The Kavanaugh hearing was a spectacle that showed true colors. Flake and Murkowski caved under Milano pressure and Graham lost his temper. The Democrats all lied to a man-except Blumenthal who is not a man but a disgrace for lying about VietNam sevice. Trump looked presidential, amazingly, and McConnell sounded human, amazingly, but Collins showed courage in the face of adversity. She may lose re-election, but she did the right thing.
You really believed that liar with the weeping contorted face?? That was the farce... Republicans imo hate the truth,,case in point look at what's going on now with Giuliani Trump and Barr all lying about the whistleblower Look at how low they'll reach to support their lies
You people are unamerican, just look at what your parties candidates are running on.
I agree That socialism BS from just a few is bullshit But why can't you agree that trump is FOS that he's hurting not helping America?
What has he specifically done to harm America? No talking points crap.
ask some hard working farmers
I guess you haven't heard. Trump made a huge deal with Japan. They will be buying 7 billion dollars In agricultural products from us. So you admit, Trump is good for America?
Did they buy anything from us under Obama? Just because he made a deal with a friendly country doesn't necessarily
give him cred Let him make a deal with China AND FAST before he hurts more of our people
It's a new deal and had nothing to do with Obama. Sorry you can't use our farmers to try to make Trump look bad. You can now go back hating them again. You know the deplorables, your girl called them.
You must be reading the wrong ones. If you mention Bush or McCain or Romney, I jam them up. If you mention Delaney, Webb, or even Biden, I give them a break. Trump I don't like, but I like the media even less and the other politicians even less then that, so I give the troublemaker a better than even break. The only Republican I respect is Susan Collins.
Then I hope you accept my apologies ,,,,,,,,,,, Schiff at the hearing that cut off the part where he described the call as, “Well, it reads like a classic organized crime shakedown.
Classy post
I have to tell you my daughter resides in Maine and I told her if she votes for Collins I'll disown her lol
The Kavanaugh hearing was a spectacle that showed true colors. Flake and Murkowski caved under Milano pressure and Graham lost his temper. The Democrats all lied to a man-except Blumenthal who is not a man but a disgrace for lying about VietNam sevice. Trump looked presidential, amazingly, and McConnell sounded human, amazingly, but Collins showed courage in the face of adversity. She may lose re-election, but she did the right thing.
You really believed that liar with the weeping contorted face?? That was the farce... Republicans imo hate the truth,,case in point look at what's going on now with Giuliani Trump and Barr all lying about the whistleblower Look at how low they'll reach to support their lies
I am not Republican. This is about Collins-not Barr or Rudy. Collins stood upwhen it was unpopular-I respect THAT. This whistle blower is a POS in my opinion, he used second hand info and did not write the complaint himself-very sketchy. More importantly, we have those in positions of trust who are leaking-if they are noble let THEM come forth and tell us why there is a problem-otherwise they should find a different line of work.
And you wonder why people think that The Current Dem Lead Congress is the worst this country has ever had.

Still nothing done on immigration reform.

Still nothing done on the USMCA trade deal.

Trump asked for The Dems to help make it possible for people to purchase Health Insurance across State lines to increase competition and lower costs, and The Dems ignored him.

Exactly what are they sucking up oxygen for and getting paid for?

Andy Puzder: NAFTA desperately needs to be replaced. So why is Democratic leadership standing in the way?

The leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada have already signed the most important trade deal in a generation. Mexico and Canada, not China, are currently our two largest trading partners. For the sake of America’s economy and workers, this deal needs to get done.

The only obstacle is political obstruction by congressional Democrats more intent on depriving President Trump of a win than bestowing one on the American people.

This is politics at its worst, and that’s saying something.

The United States stands to make immense economic gains from this comprehensive renegotiation of the deeply flawed 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The importance of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is widely recognized on both sides of the political aisle, yet more than nine months after the signing ceremony, it lingers in Congress, unratified, undebated and uncertain.

As a “non-self-executing treaty,” both Houses of Congress have to pass the USMCA before it can take effect. Like all treaties of this magnitude, the deal deserves careful debate. But, given its broad popularity, the process should be much further along by now.

The question isn’t whether the deal is worth making, but rather why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is preventing debate. Various Democratic lawmakers have suggested that they might wish to tweak certain aspects of the agreement, but so far they’ve largely avoided even learning about the details.

The reasons for ratifying the USMCA as quickly as possible are readily apparent. NAFTA was poorly negotiated, typical of an era of very bad trade dealings by American leaders that hurt the people they should protect the most.

Full story at the link provided

Yes, as a Canadian, please, please, please ratify NAFTA 2.0 and quickly too. It's much better for Canada than NAFTA.
Why hasn't this been voting on in The Pelosi Controlled House?

Why haven't they voted on the lowering drug prices bill?

Infrastructure bill?

Immigration bill?
They hate Trump way more than they love not ever vote for them again or you will be voting for an anti American.....
People who want to take something and fundamentally transform it into something completely different, probably don't like the original thing much.
Pretty much agree that The Left does not like America.

America might actually cut the Democrats some slack if they actually did any work while in office.
I believe we are approaching THE USMCA turning 2 years old now, because that is how long Nancy Pelosi has had it tabled, along with reducing prescription drug price legislation, Immigration Reform, anti lynching legislation, and buying insurance across state lines legislation, as well as infrastructure bills, and oops, they forgot to submit a budget to The President this year.
I believe we are approaching THE USMCA turning 2 years old now, because that is how long Nancy Pelosi has had it tabled, along with reducing prescription drug price legislation, Immigration Reform, anti lynching legislation, and buying insurance across state lines legislation, as well as infrastructure bills, and oops, they forgot to submit a budget to The President this year.


youre an idiot that doesnt know your ass from a CR.

I believe we are approaching THE USMCA turning 2 years old now, because that is how long Nancy Pelosi has had it tabled, along with reducing prescription drug price legislation, Immigration Reform, anti lynching legislation, and buying insurance across state lines legislation, as well as infrastructure bills, and oops, they forgot to submit a budget to The President this year.


youre an idiot that doesnt know your ass from a CR.

They failed to pass a BUDGET. Is that NOT WHAT I SAID?
I believe we are approaching THE USMCA turning 2 years old now, because that is how long Nancy Pelosi has had it tabled, along with reducing prescription drug price legislation, Immigration Reform, anti lynching legislation, and buying insurance across state lines legislation, as well as infrastructure bills, and oops, they forgot to submit a budget to The President this year.


youre an idiot that doesnt know your ass from a CR.

They failed to pass a BUDGET. Is that NOT WHAT I SAID?

CR moronboi, CR

YOU dont know wtf you say or when you say it.
I believe we are approaching THE USMCA turning 2 years old now, because that is how long Nancy Pelosi has had it tabled, along with reducing prescription drug price legislation, Immigration Reform, anti lynching legislation, and buying insurance across state lines legislation, as well as infrastructure bills, and oops, they forgot to submit a budget to The President this year.


youre an idiot that doesnt know your ass from a CR.

They failed to pass a BUDGET. Is that NOT WHAT I SAID?

CR moronboi, CR

YOU dont know wtf you say or when you say it.
A CR is not a Budget. The House is required to submit a Budget but they are too involved in Obstructionism and Dysfunction to do it.
I believe we are approaching THE USMCA turning 2 years old now, because that is how long Nancy Pelosi has had it tabled, along with reducing prescription drug price legislation, Immigration Reform, anti lynching legislation, and buying insurance across state lines legislation, as well as infrastructure bills, and oops, they forgot to submit a budget to The President this year.


youre an idiot that doesnt know your ass from a CR.

They failed to pass a BUDGET. Is that NOT WHAT I SAID?

CR moronboi, CR

YOU dont know wtf you say or when you say it.
A CR is not a Budget. The House is required to submit a Budget but they are too involved in Obstructionism and Dysfunction to do it.

you dont have the slightest clue -


We should have a hearing on Pelosi's Negligence and intentionally trying to hurt The American Economy.
You can read the full story at the below link.

Trump says US and Japan have reached an initial trade agreement


    • President Donald Trump says the U.S. and Japan have taken initial steps in reaching a trade agreement.

    • The first stage of the deal will open markets up to $7 billion in U.S. products, he says.

    • Trump says the document the leaders signed outlined “the significant steps we’re taking toward a fair and reciprocal trade agreement.”
The United States and Japan outlined initial details of a trade deal Wednesday as they to iron out a broader agreement.

The first stage of the accord will open markets up to about $7 billion in U.S. agricultural products, President Donald Trump said at a signing ceremony with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the United Nations. Japan will also reduce tariffs on products such as beef and pork, and eliminate tariffs on goods such as almonds, blueberries and broccoli.

Trump added that the two nations made commitments for $40 billion worth of digital trade. It would bar customs duties on products such as videos, music and e-books, among other provisions.

Great news for my industry. Not so much for manufacturing
Now I am hearing NEWS that Nancy Pelosi's Office is getting inundated with calls and visits by UNION MEMBERS and her Constituents demanding that she get off her ass and pass THE USMCA after sitting on it FOR OVER A YEAR!

BTW, Trump's numbers are now better in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania than they were in 2016.

And Impeachment is trending DOWN.....DOWN....DOWN.

It's like an anchor around the Old Lying Hag, Fake Christian's Neck. It will take her straight to the bottom.

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