Pelosi, Waters, Nadler and Schiff still sitting on the USMCA Trade Deal

Both parties play fast and loose with the law and rules-there are no HEROES here. When we take our sides, just remember, your side is as bad as the other one, just in a different way.
But only one side gets exposed in the media and only one side faces legal jeopardy for their wrong one side is held in check the other can go wild.....
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
There have been some bad photos of Obama released. He should just lay low.
But only one side gets exposed in the media and only one side faces legal jeopardy for their wrong one side is held in check the other can go wild.....
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
There have been some bad photos of Obama released. He should just lay low.
Does trump have ONE good one 3rd?
But only one side gets exposed in the media and only one side faces legal jeopardy for their wrong one side is held in check the other can go wild.....
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
Obama is a dumbass, he wouldn't be shit if he wasn't black. I got a phone and a pen dictator. Like I said you're a dumbass.
Do you have a sharpie too?
The Democrats would sit on the cure for cancer if it would help take down Donald Trump. They care about NOTHING and NO ONE other than regaining power.
They are all too busy lying and trying to overturn the 2016 election to handle The People's business.



This is an important thread from the indispensable Sean Davis who says, “The whole thing has been a Fusion GPS-style info op from the very beginning.”

Click Over and Read The Whole Thing
But only one side gets exposed in the media and only one side faces legal jeopardy for their wrong one side is held in check the other can go wild.....
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
Obama near destroyed us. And we still are on life support. The first nation that has protests and violence for the sake of protesting and violence.
Yeah destroyed us with dropping unemployment numbers ,70+ straight months of 6 digit gains in the employment figures and 150 % UP in our DOW Destroyed is a word you should use describing what your orange AH trump is doing
So Now The President Reached an agreement with Japan on a Spectacular Trade agreement to implement the first phase of it, and Nancy Pelosi is not only going to sit on The USMCA, she is going to sit on The Japan Trade agreement too.

Trump is bypassing Congress and making the deal with Japan an agreement and not a treaty...thus no approval needed.
He should bypass congress every chance he can. Not having to deal with obstructionist Democrats will only make America greater. They're not going to help him make America great in any way. They want to see America fail as long as Trump is President. That's why Democrats gotta go,
As usual, Democrats come up against the American worker and economy again. Democrats are doing everything they can to derail our economy so they can blame Trump. It's pretty obvious that the Democrats interest in ruling doesn't include anything that will benefit the people but a lot that will benefit their party. The Democrats philosophy of keeping Americans poor, pissed off and dependent on government means the American worker will pay a lbig price if Democrats get any majority or the Presidency. .
Stupid criminal trumpscum
So if a deal will be good for millions of Americans. You're against it, because of Trump?
There are plenty of things that benefit millions of Americans that totally suck. Medicare for all sucks. Reparations suck. Forgiving college debt sucks. If you want to hear some kind of sympathetic opinion, direct your questions to the nearest socialist loser.
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
Obama is a dumbass, he wouldn't be shit if he wasn't black. I got a phone and a pen dictator. Like I said you're a dumbass.
Do you have a sharpie too?
So you are stating on here tonight, a meteoologist is always right?
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
Obama near destroyed us. And we still are on life support. The first nation that has protests and violence for the sake of protesting and violence.
Yeah destroyed us with dropping unemployment numbers ,70+ straight months of 6 digit gains in the employment figures and 150 % UP in our DOW Destroyed is a word you should use describing what your orange AH trump is doing
The opposite of destroying America. You can thank him now.
So Now The President Reached an agreement with Japan on a Spectacular Trade agreement to implement the first phase of it, and Nancy Pelosi is not only going to sit on The USMCA, she is going to sit on The Japan Trade agreement too.

Trump is bypassing Congress and making the deal with Japan an agreement and not a treaty...thus no approval needed.
He learned that trick from Obumer.
The worst part is them is Trump is actually a moderate and likes to make deals.

They could get a ton of things done if they actually cared more about the country than themselves.
You mean they do not want to do their jobs and give America a win.

I think America notices what The Democrats are about, and that is themselves, their Anti American Globalist Agenda and their hatred for anyone that stands in their way, especially Americans!

And you wonder why people think that The Current Dem Lead Congress is the worst this country has ever had.

Still nothing done on immigration reform.

Still nothing done on the USMCA trade deal.

Trump asked for The Dems to help make it possible for people to purchase Health Insurance across State lines to increase competition and lower costs, and The Dems ignored him.

Exactly what are they sucking up oxygen for and getting paid for?

Andy Puzder: NAFTA desperately needs to be replaced. So why is Democratic leadership standing in the way?

The leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada have already signed the most important trade deal in a generation. Mexico and Canada, not China, are currently our two largest trading partners. For the sake of America’s economy and workers, this deal needs to get done.

The only obstacle is political obstruction by congressional Democrats more intent on depriving President Trump of a win than bestowing one on the American people.

This is politics at its worst, and that’s saying something.

The United States stands to make immense economic gains from this comprehensive renegotiation of the deeply flawed 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The importance of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is widely recognized on both sides of the political aisle, yet more than nine months after the signing ceremony, it lingers in Congress, unratified, undebated and uncertain.

As a “non-self-executing treaty,” both Houses of Congress have to pass the USMCA before it can take effect. Like all treaties of this magnitude, the deal deserves careful debate. But, given its broad popularity, the process should be much further along by now.

The question isn’t whether the deal is worth making, but rather why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is preventing debate. Various Democratic lawmakers have suggested that they might wish to tweak certain aspects of the agreement, but so far they’ve largely avoided even learning about the details.

The reasons for ratifying the USMCA as quickly as possible are readily apparent. NAFTA was poorly negotiated, typical of an era of very bad trade dealings by American leaders that hurt the people they should protect the most.

Full story at the link provided

comprehensive renegotiation???? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

A few minor tweaks and a pretty new name. The name change was the biggest change in the whole damn thing
Well, then why are the Dems sitting on it? do they have a better proposal or something?


They do not want to give Trump a PR win this close to the election
Just think if liberals would put their energy on illegal immigrants, instead of hating Trump. What they could accomplish. I just hope they keep this up. They will lose control in the house and give Trump complete control for four years. He could actually get rid of liberal judges in our courts. Return the United States back to sanity.
Last edited:
So Now The President Reached an agreement with Japan on a Spectacular Trade agreement to implement the first phase of it, and Nancy Pelosi is not only going to sit on The USMCA, she is going to sit on The Japan Trade agreement too.

Trump is bypassing Congress and making the deal with Japan an agreement and not a treaty...thus no approval needed.
He learned that trick from Obumer.

Yep, he sure did. He is more and more like Obama every day....and that is not a good thing
Only he is more popular than Obama and works circles around the lazy stuff and that is a good thing!
So Now The President Reached an agreement with Japan on a Spectacular Trade agreement to implement the first phase of it, and Nancy Pelosi is not only going to sit on The USMCA, she is going to sit on The Japan Trade agreement too.

Trump is bypassing Congress and making the deal with Japan an agreement and not a treaty...thus no approval needed.
He learned that trick from Obumer.

Yep, he sure did. He is more and more like Obama every day....and that is not a good thing
So Now The President Reached an agreement with Japan on a Spectacular Trade agreement to implement the first phase of it, and Nancy Pelosi is not only going to sit on The USMCA, she is going to sit on The Japan Trade agreement too.

Trump is bypassing Congress and making the deal with Japan an agreement and not a treaty...thus no approval needed.
He should bypass congress every chance he can. Not having to deal with obstructionist Democrats will only make America greater. They're not going to help him make America great in any way. They want to see America fail as long as Trump is President. That's why Democrats gotta go,
how about getting dump to go ?
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
There have been some bad photos of Obama released. He should just lay low.
Does trump have ONE good one 3rd?
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
Obama near destroyed us. And we still are on life support. The first nation that has protests and violence for the sake of protesting and violence.
Yeah destroyed us with dropping unemployment numbers ,70+ straight months of 6 digit gains in the employment figures and 150 % UP in our DOW Destroyed is a word you should use describing what your orange AH trump is doing
Obama sucked
Held in check?? Poor Repubs? How many bills are repubs holding up ?? how many executive orders did moron trump place ???
Face the facts repub You shit on America you defecated on our constitution
All I can say to that after Obama's regime. You're an idiot.
Obama is a fine man not a morally defected man with the brain of a baboon like trump
There have been some bad photos of Obama released. He should just lay low.
Does trump have ONE good one 3rd?
Not bad ones like Obama

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