The Supreme Court did Biden a huge favor by giving Trump immunity

Given the freedom from accountability this ruling by the conservative USSC Justices provides for Biden, should he take advantage of the situation the door is open for many possibilities.

One is assassinating trump, and then, with the resulting street violence, declare martial law and suspend the November Election until the national emergency ends.


This ruling did no such thing. All it did was quantify what Presidents have always had, and it was only needed because Dems decided to go the lawfare route.

The Constitution allows for none of that. That would be ACTUAL TREASON.
If Sleepy Old Uncle Joe sends the Orange Baboon-God to Gitmo for a few years, citing security, does Old Joe have immunity?

If some court or another orders the Baboon's release from Gitmo and Old Joe disobeys, does Old Joe have immunity?

If Old Joe halts Secret Service protection for the Baboon in violation of law, as an Official Act, does Old Joe have immunity?

If Old Joe has the Gubmint seize the baboon's assets, in violation of law, as an Official Act, does Old Joe have immunity?

If Old Joe has the Gubmint seize the baboon's campaign assets or RNC treasury funds, does Old Joe have immunity?
You really are butthurt to an extreme.
You really are butthurt to an extreme.
Not in the slightest. I ask because once that particular genie is out of the bottle (as it appears to be now) then anybody can cause mischief by leaning on that ruling. If you have a viable answer to such a pressing collection of questions, feel free...
Hey, we all know Obama should be indicted for murder. Now that will not happen.

The Supreme Court did Biden a huge favor by giving Trump immunity

The decision by the Supreme Court to “vastly expand the notion of presidential immunity” offers President Biden several opportunities to use “official actions” to solve this country’s trump problem.

Whereas after winning reelection trump plans to use his presidential immunity to retaliate against everyone who wronged him over the past four years (which is a long, long list of names), Biden now needs only the stroke of a pen to put an end to that threat, legally.

Well…you commies can always flee to Cuba or North Korea.

The reckoning is coming.

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