Do nothing Obama, "Screw the unemployed!"


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Unemployment Despair: "Why Won't Someone Help Us"

Few members of Congress have said they support adding more weeks of benefits to begin with, but on Thursday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) delivered one of the most definitive statements shutting the door on a fifth tier. When a reporter asked Pelosi if Congress would give the long-term unemployed more weeks of benefits, she said, "No. This bill will go until the end of November, at that time we'll take up something, but not between now and then."

That statement didn't go over well with 99ers, who devour all news related to unemployment benefits online.

"I can not believe it - I cannot believe that she actually smirked as she was talking about it," wrote one person on Unemployed? You are not alone!, who watched Pelosi's press conference on C-SPAN. This 99er's post seemed to give voice to many of the frustrations of the group:

"I called the White House and spoke to a very nice operator (sounded like an older women). I never have broke down in tears before when making phone calls, but this time I did. I told her how Nancy appeared during the briefing, almost laughing at the notion that people need additional weeks. I vented on everything from money sent out of country to help with disasters, to the Republicans and Dems going round and round in Washington and how thousands of us will be exhausting our benefits each and every month. Wanted to know why the president is not coming out publicly and talking to the nation about the unemployment problem. The more I talked the harder I was crying. The operator kept trying to calm me down, saying she was going to pass the info onto the President. She said that we shouldn't be treated this way. She told me to call Pelosi's office - I cut her off and said that as soon as her aide hears the word unemployment they either put you through to voice mail or hang up on you. She said that this info would definitely be passed on (What good will it do? Don't know but can always hope). Sure enough I called Pelosi's office and when I started to speak got transferred to her voice mail - twice - 3rd time I told the aide not to transfer me but to listen to what I had to say. Went on to say that she laughed at us and what a despicable thing that was to do. He said he can't believe she did that, was I sure - told him it was all over the internet and to watch the video himself. He asked if he could transfer me to her voice mail - he did and I left her a message - ending with what a horrible horrible person she is and that the country will pay back in November.

"Dear God I dont know what I am going to do - I have just one more week of benefits, and a little in the bank. There are not enough jobs plus my age is not helping. I'm just so afraid for all of us - afraid for this country. Why won't someone help us."

Tier 5: The Despair Of The 99ers
Obama still is not working with industry to create jobs. I as a NeoFascist see that as a very important responsible job of Government. Obama does not.

This president is not going to last much longer. His alliance with the criminals who have bought most of Washington and his indifference to the plight of the people is going to cause violence across this land. Obama is no Democrat and obviously no Republican. He is just a greedy corrupt piece of shit who needs to be removed as soon as possible.
The 99ers are people who have exhausted the maximum 99 weeks of unemployment benefits available in some states.

Not only do they not have jobs, but now most of them do not even have a fraction of an income. That lack of money to be spent will have a marked effect on retail sales going forward. Obama had most of those 99 weeks to create jobs for these people. He has failed miserably as a Democrat. We need somebody in office who is willing to work with industry to create jobs.

We need to start massive projects that will create economic return for the United States government. Divert the excess waters from the Missouri and Mississippi watersheds and let's put millions of acres of idle land in the west under cultivation. The project would pay for itself in one to two growing seasons.

If I am elected President, that is what I will do.

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