Do our rights come from nature and God as Paul Ryan says?

Aug 7, 2012
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

He says that because conservatives for some inexplicable reason like to say it, and like to hear it.

The question they won't answer is which rights came from God.
The Second Treatise of Civil Government

John Locke

CHAP. II. Of the State of Nature.
CHAP. III. Of the State of War.
CHAP. IV. Of Slavery.
CHAP. V. Of Property.
CHAP. VI. Of Paternal Power.
CHAP. VII. Of Political or Civil Society.
CHAP. VIII. Of the Beginning of Political Societies.
CHAP. IX. Of the Ends of Political Society and Government.
CHAP. X. Of the Forms of a Common-wealth.
CHAP. XI. Of the Extent of the Legislative Power.
CHAP. XII. Of the Legislative, Executive, and Federative Power of the Common-wealth.
CHAP. XIII. Of the Subordination of the Powers of the Common-wealth.
CHAP. XIV. Of Prerogative.
CHAP. XV. Of Paternal, Political, and Despotical Power, considered together.
CHAP. XVI. Of Conquest.
CHAP. XVII. Of Usurpation.
CHAP. XVIII. Of Tyranny.
CHAP. XIX. Of the Dissolution of Government.

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John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

Grasping at...
...we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth.

You could not be more wrong. The ENTIRE idea behind the founding of America, which is codified in the Constitution, is that no government nor any person can grant or take certain rights without due process. You and everyone is born with these rights. It matters not if you believe in God, you get the rights no matter what.

That is what differentiated the USA from previous societies in which some rights could be granted by government and others taken without due process (it's good the be the King!). America was the first to say your rights are yours at birth. Nobody need grant them. And, if a right is to be taken away, it must be through due process (warrants, trial by peers, etc).

Read up on history. You're missing the idea behind the American experiment...the very heart of it.
The question they won't answer is which rights came from God.

God gave you the right to be born and breath, numbnuts.

I realize you Liberhoids think some "Chimp" created everything along the Evolution Highway.

Flaming fucking idiot...
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

Perhaps you should read the Declaration of Dependance. The Idea that our rights come from a Higher Place, are not not "given" to us by Man is Central to the very Idea of America. See if you State your Rights come from Nature/God/some other power other than the will of Men, then you are saying that no mere men can ever take them away.
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I put that forward as an example of how I think Ryan is out of touch and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate who has voted for a lot of different candidates of different parties. I'm not grasping at straws or anything else. I just wanted to hear discussion on it not one liner talking points!
...we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth.

You could not be more wrong. The ENTIRE idea behind the founding of America, which is codified in the Constitution, is that no government nor any person can grant or take certain rights without due process. You and everyone is born with these rights. It matters not if you believe in God, you get the rights no matter what.

That doesn't really refute the point of the OP that rights are established and secured through social consensus. The fact that you can point to the importance of a foundational idea sewn into the fabric of American culture as the source of America's (not always uniformly sterling) dedication to the protection of human rights doesn't contradict the point being made at all.
I put that forward as an example of how I think Ryan is out of touch and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate who has voted for a lot of different candidates of different parties. I'm not grasping at straws or anything else. I just wanted to hear discussion on it not one liner talking points!

I think you want to hear what you want to hear, and ignore the rest.
...we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth.

You could not be more wrong. The ENTIRE idea behind the founding of America, which is codified in the Constitution, is that no government nor any person can grant or take certain rights without due process. You and everyone is born with these rights. It matters not if you believe in God, you get the rights no matter what.

That is what differentiated the USA from previous societies in which some rights could be granted by government and others taken without due process (it's good the be the King!). America was the first to say your rights are yours at birth. Nobody need grant them. And, if a right is to be taken away, it must be through due process (warrants, trial by peers, etc).

Read up on history. You're missing the idea behind the American experiment...the very heart of it.

You are wrong. We the people, not god, not nature decide on rights and freedoms which are implemented by the government through the Constitution, amendments, laws, etc. God has influenced some of this as well as nature (I mentioned limitations nature imposes upon us) but the real determinants are the people!!! I never said government can take away rights or that government is autonomous and can dictate them. It is WE THE PEOPLE!!!!
The question they won't answer is which rights came from God.

Impossible to list them all...there are way too many. This is a good thing. It's why our founding documents make clear that life, liberty, etc are AMONG the rights everyone gets. We choose not to try to list every right because what is important is that government cannot impose its will on any citizen without due process.
Is this all you Liberhoids have ?

Dear God.
Hell.....that's always been Priority 1 for the Republican base, due to their absolute DREAD of DEATH.....that God isn't one more Santa Claus type figure....and, that their Life wasn't a total-waste (i.e. they'd avoided most opportunities to blow-away some minority, somewhere....and, are looking-forward to Pearly Gate Time).



In-need of a "joint".​
I put that forward as an example of how I think Ryan is out of touch and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate who has voted for a lot of different candidates of different parties. I'm not grasping at straws or anything else. I just wanted to hear discussion on it not one liner talking points!

Sure you are.
And I am a HUGE Obama supporter!!!
I put that forward as an example of how I think Ryan is out of touch and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate who has voted for a lot of different candidates of different parties. I'm not grasping at straws or anything else. I just wanted to hear discussion on it not one liner talking points!

I think you want to hear what you want to hear, and ignore the rest.

Yeah, I tend to ignore swipes and ridiculous one liners!
...we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth.

You could not be more wrong. The ENTIRE idea behind the founding of America, which is codified in the Constitution, is that no government nor any person can grant or take certain rights without due process. You and everyone is born with these rights. It matters not if you believe in God, you get the rights no matter what.

That doesn't really refute the point of the OP that rights are established and secured through social consensus. The fact that you can point to the importance of a foundational idea sewn into the fabric of American culture as the source of America's (not always uniformly sterling) dedication to the protection of human rights doesn't contradict the point being made at all.

It is not consensus that secures those Rights, though it may try to obstruct them, it is Conscience, at least in part, that qualifies those Rights, and establishes those Protections, too many times in spite of the powers behind the flavors of the day.
I put that forward as an example of how I think Ryan is out of touch and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate who has voted for a lot of different candidates of different parties. I'm not grasping at straws or anything else. I just wanted to hear discussion on it not one liner talking points!

I think you want to hear what you want to hear, and ignore the rest.

Yeah, I tend to ignore swipes and ridiculous one liners!
Like in your signature?
I put that forward as an example of how I think Ryan is out of touch and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate who has voted for a lot of different candidates of different parties. I'm not grasping at straws or anything else. I just wanted to hear discussion on it not one liner talking points!

I think you want to hear what you want to hear, and ignore the rest.

Bingo....:clap2:. (Independent my ass, CofHist. has gotz to be a Liberal).

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