Do OWSers understand what they are calling for is tyranny?

But Shaman.... That's OK... because someone is profiting off of it. Business should be allowed to do whatever it takes to make big profits.

Critical thinking my ass... the only thing they criticize is what the right wing propaganda machine tells them to.

That concept is absurd.
But Shaman.... That's OK... because someone is profiting off of it. Business should be allowed to do whatever it takes to make big profits.

Critical thinking my ass... the only thing they criticize is what the right wing propaganda machine tells them to.

That concept is absurd.

it's called sarcasm. Something that the fascists on the right don't understand... unless it's directed towards their boogeymen... Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and whoever the "flavor" of the day is.
Yes I believe like 97 percent don't want to pay for their college education. If they feel they've been duped, I suggest they protest their schools and demand a refund.

or the government for causing the skyrocketing tuition rates. But in the end, no one forced kids to get loans, they chose it themselves and they should accept responsibility. I am a senior in univeristy myself, and have no loans because I friggin work and pay cash. I got some grant money here and there, sure, but I don't believe in owing others. Frugality is the best way to do things.

Though there are those that would argue that the School you Graduate from Matters, the Type of Degree, too. That is also the bait, which sends too many off with the wrong motives and expectations. I'm sure there are many Abuses worth looking into.
OWS protesters get pepper sprayed for breaking the law and are hailed as heroes. In syria, protesters call for revolution to overthrow a government that is the kind OWS is calling for, many get shot and killed by the government, and die anonymously. You people have no idea the type of horrific tyrannical government that your "revolution" will bring us. What gives YOU the right to choose how others live? Please disband and consider legal means of change, and while you are at it educate yourselves on what liberty really is a government that secures liberty not a government that provides everything to a society of lazy degenerates. These OWSers, like the successful statist uprisings across the world have managed to do nothing to secure liberty, yet have secured tyranny in every country where the people demand free stuff.

A Global Revolution to Overthrow Statism - YouTube

WoW! That video was intense. I imagine it will get removed from YT at some point. There's actual people dying and dead in it.

With that said, where were you when the Tea-Baggers strapped themselves with guns and wore t-shirts and waved signs and banners with the quote...

Thomas Jefferson said:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


Then, whenever they came unarmed, made statements and waved signs that said, "We're unarmed...this time."



There were a lot of calls for violence in words. Were they not calling for tyranny then? Where were these sentiments then?
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But Shaman.... That's OK... because someone is profiting off of it. Business should be allowed to do whatever it takes to make big profits.

Critical thinking my ass... the only thing they criticize is what the right wing propaganda machine tells them to.

That concept is absurd.

it's called sarcasm. Something that the fascists on the right don't understand... unless it's directed towards their boogeymen... Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and whoever the "flavor" of the day is.

Personally I think there are both Kool-Aid Drinkers and Boogeymen on both sides, which does not help matters. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are Boogeymen, true enough, but they are not the only ones. Still.... it didn't go over well as sarcasm. :eusa_whistle:
Personally, I'm not big on collars and leashes, Fascism leaves a bad smell. The thought of it makes me cranky. :)
Mark... that was just their first Amendment rights. With OWS... it's... well... ummm... something different.
OWS protesters get pepper sprayed for breaking the law and are hailed as heroes. In syria, protesters call for revolution to overthrow a government that is the kind OWS is calling for, many get shot and killed by the government, and die anonymously. You people have no idea the type of horrific tyrannical government that your "revolution" will bring us. What gives YOU the right to choose how others live? Please disband and consider legal means of change, and while you are at it educate yourselves on what liberty really is a government that secures liberty not a government that provides everything to a society of lazy degenerates. These OWSers, like the successful statist uprisings across the world have managed to do nothing to secure liberty, yet have secured tyranny in every country where the people demand free stuff.

A Global Revolution to Overthrow Statism - YouTube

WoW! That video was intense. I imagine it will get removed from YT at some point. There's actual people dying and dead in it.

With that said, where were you when the Tea-Baggers strapped themselves with guns and wore t-shirts and waved signs and banners with the quote...

Thomas Jefferson said:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


Then, whenever they came unarmed, made statements and waved signs that said, "We're unarmed...this time."



There were a lot of calls for violence in words. Were they not calling for tyranny then? Where were these sentiments then?

Personally, I am against Fire Arms and Threat of use of them at Demonstrations. If you are too, we are in agreement there.
We are a democracy.

Your argument is not with us but with EVERY dictionary and encyclopedia in the world

We are a Constitutional Republic. No matter how much you hate that, we are.

A constitutional republic, provided it's democratic, is a democracy. 'Democracy' is a general term for governments that are democratic by nature. Republics therefore can be democracies.
That concept is absurd.

it's called sarcasm. Something that the fascists on the right don't understand... unless it's directed towards their boogeymen... Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and whoever the "flavor" of the day is.

Personally I think there are both Kool-Aid Drinkers and Boogeymen on both sides, which does not help matters. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are Boogeymen, true enough, but they are not the only ones. Still.... it didn't go over well as sarcasm. :eusa_whistle:
Personally, I'm not big on collars and leashes, Fascism leaves a bad smell. The thought of it makes me cranky. :)

You may be right... but I grow weary of dealing with the Kool Aid drinkers from the right that call someone a TICK on the ass of society any time someone says something they don't agree with... or a COMMUNIST, or a MARXIST, or(insert derogatory moniker here).

So, I've gotten to the point of engaging people who actually want to have a rational conversation with actual conversation, and others who just want to flame... with return fire.
We are a democracy.

Your argument is not with us but with EVERY dictionary and encyclopedia in the world

We are a Constitutional Republic. No matter how much you hate that, we are.

A constitutional republic, provided it's democratic, is a democracy. 'Democracy' is a general term for governments that are democratic by nature. Republics therefore can be democracies.

Republics are a Refined form of Democracy that Protect against Spontaneous Mob Rule, and more. We establish the Rule of Law, Due Process, Natural Protections of the Majority, Minority, and the Individual. We are a Federalist Minded Constitutional Republic, that is more interested in theory with the Establishment and Service of Truth and Justice, knowing that it will serve us all better at the end of the day, than Government by Impulse.
Mark... that was just their first Amendment rights. With OWS... it's... well... ummm... something different.

So it's OK to SAY and SPEAK about aka PROMOTE violence. Even OK, to be threatening by carrying arms, legal or not. Is that it?
We are a Constitutional Republic. No matter how much you hate that, we are.

A constitutional republic, provided it's democratic, is a democracy. 'Democracy' is a general term for governments that are democratic by nature. Republics therefore can be democracies.

Republics are a Refined form of Democracy that Protect against Spontaneous Mob Rule, and more. We establish the Rule of Law, Due Process, Natural Protections of the Majority, Minority, and the Individual. We are a Federalist Minded Constitutional Republic, that is more interested in theory with the Establishment and Service of Truth and Justice, knowing that it will serve us all better at the end of the day, than Government by Impulse.

I bolded the non-useless portion of your post.
Do OWSers understand what they are calling for is tyranny?
....As-opposed-to Bu$ine$$-A$-U$ual????

[ame=]Iraq War Profiteers: Part 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]


Yeah.....whatta crime.​
"Despite our different cultural backgrounds and social contexts, we all suffer the same threats.

"Our freedom and dignity are under attack as a result of market dynamics and corrupt government institutions that are turning our local and global societies into increasingly unjust places.

"The governments of this planet must work for the people, not against them.

"The time has come to stand up for our rights together and to demand the rights we were promised in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed and approved by most of the world’s governments and the basis for many of our constitutions."

Occupy Together | Home
Mark... that was just their first Amendment rights. With OWS... it's... well... ummm... something different.

So it's OK to SAY and SPEAK about aka PROMOTE violence. Even OK, to be threatening by carrying arms, legal or not. Is that it?

Yeah.. something like that. But those OWS thugs... they are goddamned LITTERBUGS... they need peppersprayed!

Click!(right wing asshole switch turned off).
everyone is wrong but the corporations to you people huh?

The funny thing about these people is that when it's finally THEM that get's harmed by a rogue corporation they are the FIRST to come wailing to the government blaming them for not protecting them. When it's their blasted RW policies that constantly and continuously seeks to weaken the strength of government and strengthen the power and reach and influence of business.

These people really don't get it. They just. don't. get it.

We are a democracy.

Your argument is not with us but with EVERY dictionary and encyclopedia in the world

We are a Constitutional Republic. No matter how much you hate that, we are.

A constitutional republic, provided it's democratic, is a democracy. 'Democracy' is a general term for governments that are democratic by nature. Republics therefore can be democracies.

We are a democracy by the very definitions of the words.

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