Do Republicans still want Sundown Towns and Green Travel Guides?



Texas city haunted by 'no blacks after dark' past -

Vidor was one of hundreds of communities in America known as "sundown towns," places where blacks were not welcome after dark. In some of these towns, signs -- handwritten or printed -- were posted, saying things like "Whites Only After Dark." But in general, sundown towns existed by reputation. Blacks knew they were places to avoid after dark.

"I don't mind being friends with them, talking and stuff like that, but as far as mingling and eating with them, all that kind of stuff, that's where I draw the line." (come on people, you know that town doesn't vote Democrat and the KKK would NEVER belong to a party that welcomes blacks - they would prefer a party that's 90% white regardless of what they "imagine" the history to be)


From Maine to California, thousands of communities kept out African Americans (or sometimes Chinese Americans, Jewish Americans, etc.) by force, law, or custom. These communities are sometimes called "sundown towns" because some of them posted signs at their city limits reading, typically, "******, Don't Let The Sun Go Down On You In ___." Some towns are still all white on purpose. Their chilling stories have been joined more recently by the many elite (and some not so elite) suburbs like Grosse Pointe, MI, or Edina, MN, that have excluded nonwhites by "kinder gentler means." When I began this research, I expected to find about 10 sundown towns in Illinois (my home state) and perhaps 50 across the country. Instead, I have found more than 440 in Illinois and thousands across the United States

Sundown Towns by James W. Loewen



The Negro Travelers' Green Book, Spring 1956 - University of South Carolina Libraries

(This book let people know where they eat and sleep in safety without being murdered by racists whites.)

Travel guide helped African-Americans navigate tricky times -

Atlanta (CNN) -- Ernest Green hit the roads of the segregated South as a teen in the 1950s, using a travel guide that pointed out safe havens where African-Americans could eat and stay.
The pamphlet promoted vacation without humiliation.
"It was one of the survival tools of segregated life," Green says.

Imagine needing this in America. Doing this to people who had been slaves and mistreated by confederate whites for centuries. Hmmm, who are the confederate whites today?
Anyone? Hint: They fly this flag:



I thought that at the most, there were probably only a few hundred of these towns. Imagine my surprise to find there were over 10,000 spread all over the United States?

The reason those in Ferguson and who are in charge are freaking out is because they never had to deal with this before. Their curfew is turning that area into a "Sundown Town" and that's what happens when you act in ignorance. Kind of like what Republicans did in Iraq.

How many Republicans on the USMB see "Sundown Towns" and a "Green Guides" as "good things"? Come on. Be honest.
All I know is that there are quite a few places in America where Whitey better not go in after dark.
And this is 2014 not 1956.
All I know is that there are quite a few places in America where Whitey better not go in after dark.
And this is 2014 not 1956.


And where are you talking about? Poor neighborhoods? Name some places.
All I know is that there are quite a few places in America where Whitey better not go in after dark.
And this is 2014 not 1956.
You mean to tell me there is racism in America? The things you can learn here...
Perhaps you should show a picture of the Constitution and Neil Armstrong on the moon. Whitey at work.
So it's all good then eh? Whitey gets a pass on racism?

Pretty much. Just be thankful you live in the USA.
I'd be fine in any of the countries my people come from, which are Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and England.

Are you suggesting the ******* of today be happy that we brought the ******* of the past here as property in chains, because America is such a great place to live?
Perhaps you should show a picture of the Constitution and Neil Armstrong on the moon. Whitey at work.
So it's all good then eh? Whitey gets a pass on racism?

Pretty much. Just be thankful you live in the USA.

Unless your name is Trayvon Martin and you are armed with Skittles. How dare him be out after dark.

A number of unarmed black men have been shot in the last couple of months. How come none of them were white?


Whitey at work.

Perhaps you should show a picture of the Constitution and Neil Armstrong on the moon. Whitey at work.
So it's all good then eh? Whitey gets a pass on racism?

Why not? It seems everyone else does.

I am responsible for my actions, you are responsible for your actions, and everyone else is responsible for their actions. It doesn't matter what your skin color or ethnic background is.

You bottom feeding, race baiters seem to always be hiding in the shadows waiting for any opportunity to spew your BS about "Whitey" and racism.

If that is what it takes to make your smug ass feel superior, you must be one miserable, little asshole.


Whitey at work.

Perhaps you should show a picture of the Constitution and Neil Armstrong on the moon. Whitey at work.
So it's all good then eh? Whitey gets a pass on racism?

Whitey is the only one that does not get a pass on racism. Whitey is constantly being asked to pay for the sins of the father, even if it is not their father. Meanwhile, if one thinks racial harmony is alive and well in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America, he is living in the ether.
Perhaps you should show a picture of the Constitution and Neil Armstrong on the moon. Whitey at work.
So it's all good then eh? Whitey gets a pass on racism?

Why not? It seems everyone else does.

I am responsible for my actions, you are responsible for your actions, and everyone else is responsible for their actions. It doesn't matter what your skin color or ethnic background is.

You bottom feeding, race baiters seem to always be hiding in the shadows waiting for any opportunity to spew your BS about "Whitey" and racism.

If that is what it takes to make your smug ass feel superior, you must be one miserable, little asshole.
I'm a whitey, whitey...
hey, do republicans still want slaves? what about paying taxes to the crown?

you're so stupid rdean.
So it's all good then eh? Whitey gets a pass on racism?

Why not? It seems everyone else does.

I am responsible for my actions, you are responsible for your actions, and everyone else is responsible for their actions. It doesn't matter what your skin color or ethnic background is.

You bottom feeding, race baiters seem to always be hiding in the shadows waiting for any opportunity to spew your BS about "Whitey" and racism.

If that is what it takes to make your smug ass feel superior, you must be one miserable, little asshole.
I'm a whitey, whitey...

No, your a red commie.

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