Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

Do Russian Oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

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#TheResistance @BoneKnightmare

#ThingsITrustMoreThanFoxNews this meme.

7:29 PM - Dec 9, 2017
Uses meme, proven fucktatrd.
No partisan votes please. Watch the video's & read the links FIRST before voting, then vote in an honest manner. No stupid questions or partisan comments, no diversion tactics-butt butt Hillary or Obama did this-just watch and read FIRST.

The orange 'empire' is owned by Netanyahoo and his zionist oligarchs, just like Obama, Hillary, Bu$h and Bill before him

No exceptional denials please, read the link first before commenting

Trump’s Transition Team Colluded With Israel. Why Isn’t That News?

Don't sit there and lie and then try to tell me how to vote. Brian Ross got suspended for 4 weeks for lying about Flynn, The Deutsche bank subpoena was on Trump associates, not Trump. Perhaps the mods should do the same to you for repeating a known lies.


Not according to Bloomberg. If you would have watched the video you would have noticed that Bloomberg is sticking by their article.

The U.S. special counsel investigating possible ties between the Donald Trump campaign and Russia in last year’s election is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to a person familiar with the probe. FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008, the person said.
Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Poor child, you're putting out lies form 4 months ago, I'm talking about lies form last week. How much are you paid to keep puking this shit up?

Obama did not release his school records! First time ever!
Obama did not release his medical records! First time ever!
Obama did not release his travel records! First time ever!

Speaking of IDIOTS, Dark Flurry....we DO demand a lot more records for dark-skinned folks, don't we??

College application and transcript: In 2012, Trump insisted that Obama release "his college records and applications." Trump has yet to do the same.

Obama releases health-record summary
05/29/2008 12:09 PM EDT
Obama releases health-record summary

Passport application and records: In 2012, Trump challenged Obama to release his passport application and records. Trump has yet to do the same,
No, but Obama was owned by the Mullahs. That is the only plausible explanation for his unconscionable actions with Iran, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Berghdahl swap for Gitmo terrorists and Benghazi.

Wow. Here was the thing. Obama didn't fight wars Americans were tired of.

That's why he got elected. He promised to end Bush's wars, Hillary and McCain promised to continue them.

He lied.

No, but Obama was owned by the Mullahs. That is the only plausible explanation for his unconscionable actions with Iran, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Berghdahl swap for Gitmo terrorists and Benghazi.

Do you have a link to Obama owing 100's of millions of dollars to Mullah's?

Obama was down with the ideology of ISIS


Is that why he was bombing the shit out of them? How much more fucking insane can you rw nutters get?

U.S. Launches Air-Strike Campaign Against ISIS in Syria
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Obama did not release his school records! First time ever!
Obama did not release his medical records! First time ever!
Obama did not release his travel records! First time ever!

Here's an interesting twist. Dark Flurry, about Trump requiring Obama's records back in 2012 ........The British publication, The Guardian wrote to the Trump enterprise for Donald's records......What was the response then???

Michael Cohen, executive vice-president at the Trump Organization and special counsel to Trump, accused the Guardian of “trying to be funny” and said the request for documentation was “stupid” given Trump’s then lack of political aspirations.....“What’s your point?” Cohen said. “Mr Trump’s not the president of the United States and he’s not running for the presidency.”

Cohen's response sort of has come back to bite im in the ass (and also bite Trump's fat ass, don't you think???............LOL)
Was Isis doing better under Obama or Trump?
Obama had ISIS doing better. Trump is killing them faster and in larger numbers!

Actually, the IRANIANS are killing them in larger numbers. Trump doesn't really have anything to do with it. He's more or less allowed the Iranians to take over most of Iraq and Syria.

which I don't have a problem with, until the Zionists get all scared that the Iranians are right on their fucking border and demand we do something about it.

Not really. He said he'd get us out of Iraq, and he did.

Not really:

When previously asked about troop numbers, the Pentagon has given the Force Management Level, which is the cap set on troop levels by the Obama administration.

Based on that number, the Defense Department has said there were 5,262 US personnel in Iraq, according to Military Times. However, the DMDC's tally for Iraq in December 2016, the last report issued under Obama, was 6,812 troops in Iraq, while the latest report put the number of personnel there at 8,892.

There's confusion about US troop levels in the Middle East, and Trump may keep it that way

Was Isis doing better under Obama or Trump?
Obama had ISIS doing better. Trump is killing them faster and in larger numbers!

Actually, the IRANIANS are killing them in larger numbers. Trump doesn't really have anything to do with it. He's more or less allowed the Iranians to take over most of Iraq and Syria.

which I don't have a problem with, until the Zionists get all scared that the Iranians are right on their fucking border and demand we do something about it.
Trump could walk on water and you would bitch he can't swim!
Fuck you.
Was Isis doing better under Obama or Trump?
Obama had ISIS doing better. Trump is killing them faster and in larger numbers!

Actually, the IRANIANS are killing them in larger numbers. Trump doesn't really have anything to do with it. He's more or less allowed the Iranians to take over most of Iraq and Syria.

which I don't have a problem with, until the Zionists get all scared that the Iranians are right on their fucking border and demand we do something about it.
Trump could walk on water and you would bitch he can't swim!
Fuck you.

LOl what fucking water walking equivalent has Trump performed?
Not really:

When previously asked about troop numbers, the Pentagon has given the Force Management Level, which is the cap set on troop levels by the Obama administration.

Based on that number, the Defense Department has said there were 5,262 US personnel in Iraq, according to Military Times. However, the DMDC's tally for Iraq in December 2016, the last report issued under Obama, was 6,812 troops in Iraq, while the latest report put the number of personnel there at 8,892.

Yeah... really. 5000 advisers isn't really being that involved.

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