Do Senior Officials of the DOJ Think They are Independent?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
It would appear so. The Assistant AG has been making all sorts of news about threatening the president. And we all know that the AG is apparently ignoring the president's call to act on several matters.

Just how long will it be until the president takes action?

Donald J. Trump

✔ @realDonaldTrump

A Rigged System - They don’t want to turn over Documents to Congress. What are they afraid of? Why so much redacting? Why such unequal “justice?” At some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved!

The idea that the Department of Justice is “independent” of the president is ludicrous. It is part of the Executive Branch, which the President runs. See Article II of the Constitution. The President appoints the Attorney General, and DOJ reports to the president just as other federal agencies do. The President sets policies to be executed by DOJ, and his Attorney General and the AG’s subordinates carry them out.

That is how it is supposed to work, anyway. And it certainly is how it worked during the Obama administration, when Attorney General Eric Holder described himself as President Obama’s “wing man.”

What is going on here? Constitutional illiteracy, to be sure. But also, an open expression of the view that the federal bureaucracy–the fourth branch, the administrative state–not only is, but ought to be a fifth column whenever the President is a Republican. For the Left, obstruction of the President’s policies by his subordinates is a positive virtue, as long as the President is a Republican.

More w/links @ Trump Threatens the Independence of DOJ? Let's Hope So!
Trump has let this bullcrap go way to far, and he should have ended it long ago if innocent. He was hired to do a job, and the country should be focusing strictly on that fact.

Who cares about Trump's past sex life ?? No one does.

Who cares if he was a Playboy millionaire ?? No one does.

All the people of this nation ever wanted is for Trump to do exactly what he was elected to do, and nothing more.

If he fails to do that, then there will be some angry stark raving mad voters who will never again vote for a president based upon color, gender, or his wealth .

It's really time to move on, and to judge Trump on his job finally, and not upon his past personal faults that he has had in his life.

Anyone here that is blameless in their life, then please step foward in order to cast the first, second and/or third accusation/stone against this man Trump for the events found in his life.

If can't, then people should lay down their swords (i.e. their mouths), and then just fade away back into the woodworks until positive proof of something comes available to them. Amen.

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