Do tax cuts work?

I just call it the GOP giveaway to the rich since Reagan and the total BS propaganda that makes it possible with ignoramuses like you.... whatever it is it is a catastrophe for the country and regular folks DUHH
Hey Franco.... You are using today a service that even as recent as the 1990s NO Kings/NO Emperors NO billionaires could even conceive as happening and it
is done TODAY by totally ignorant people like you probably for free!
once, you mean.... Not recently whatsoever. We are way past due on taxing the rich again and investing in America and Americans again like smart people instead of greedy fools....
Show us where revenues declined because of a tax cut.

Post the numbers.

This is always fun. :dance:
but what does that have to do with anything?
Because if it weren't for those "filthy rich" you wouldn't have the Internet! Which is even more evidence of your stupidity! EVEN with all the benefits of the Internet you are even dumber! Can't find one single shred of proof for your subjective, personal and UNINFORMED opinions! So easy to do...obviously too complicated for you to provide a Uniform Resource Locator... you know what that is???
Because if it weren't for those "filthy rich" you wouldn't have the Internet! Which is even more evidence of your stupidity! EVEN with all the benefits of the Internet you are even dumber! Can't find one single shred of proof for your subjective, personal and UNINFORMED opinions! So easy to do...obviously too complicated for you to provide a Uniform Resource Locator... you know what that is???
What fake news?
Because if it weren't for those "filthy rich" you wouldn't have the Internet! Which is even more evidence of your stupidity! EVEN with all the benefits of the Internet you are even dumber! Can't find one single shred of proof for your subjective, personal and UNINFORMED opinions! So easy to do...obviously too complicated for you to provide a Uniform Resource Locator... you know what that is???
actually it was some college dropouts working in a garage that gave us the Internet. Then the rich swine with their lawyers screwed it all up lol.........
You really fell for that little ploy didn’t you?! God the dimwits out there baffle me sometimes
President Trump donated at least $1.4 million of the $1.6 million he earned as president to various federal agencies. Still in question, however, are the donations for the third and fourth quarters of 2020. Our auditors at verified fourteen of sixteen quarterly donations over four years.
UNLIKE YOU I provide proof! Evidently you make a comment thinking people believe YOU??? What pomposity people like you show!
Where is the proof of your subjective, personalized and DEFINITELY uninformed comment?
Zero! Like your IQ evidently!
actually it was some college dropouts working in a garage that gave us the Internet. Then the rich swine with their lawyers screwed it all up lol.........
I thought Owlgore invented the innerwebs.

He got filthy rich fleecing the MMGW Cult idiots.
actually it was some college dropouts working in a garage that gave us the Internet. Then the rich swine with their lawyers screwed it all up lol.........
Prove it! Who the hell are you to make such a dumb and truly stupid observations? Also who were the lawyers that screwed it up? And what did they screw up? You are using it right? Or do you still use smoke signals like your ancestors?
Screen Shot 2023-04-26 at 5.01.58 PM.png
President Trump donated at least $1.4 million of the $1.6 million he earned as president to various federal agencies. Still in question, however, are the donations for the third and fourth quarters of 2020. Our auditors at verified fourteen of sixteen quarterly donations over four years.
UNLIKE YOU I provide proof! Evidently you make a comment thinking people believe YOU??? What pomposity people like you show!
Where is the proof of your subjective, personalized and DEFINITELY uninformed comment?
Zero! Like your IQ evidently!
How much do you think he donated to charity before he became president? Take a guess approximately per year.
How much do you think he donated to charity before he became president? Take a guess approximately per year.
Unlike you I provide substantiation for my comments, are we suppose to believe your personal and obviously extremely biased opinion?
To illustrate your bias is a product of MSM bias against Trump... I know, I know,, following the FACTS is a lot more difficult than spouting off undocumented statements like you have done... but that's the major difference between intelligent, INFORMED people and YOUR type...!

About 7,280,000 results (0.34 seconds) Search Results for "Trump donations are not cash"
How Trump Is Pocketing Donors' Cash for the Future
The New York Times The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos › U.S. › Politics
Oct 5, 2021 — With breathless, often misleading appeals, the former president promised small donors that he was using the money to fight the election ...

But wait... for the other billionaires this how the MSM handles every billionaire other than Trump!!!

About 5,770,000 results (0.53 seconds) Search Results for "Billionaires donations are tax donations"
The ultimate billionaire tax dodge

Axios Axios - Breaking news, U.S. news and politics, and local news › Economy & Business
Sep 17, 2022 — Philanthropic entrepreneurs can avoid taxes by donating their companies.
So what are most of the donations made by people like the following:
Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and the rest of the 25 richest Americans paid very low federal income taxes from 2014 to 2018 even as they amassed wealth, according to Internal Revenue Service data ProPublica says it obtained from an anonymous source.
In some years, the nonprofit media outlet reported, these wealthy people paid no federal income tax at all.
This is not illegal. The U.S. government taxes only income, not wealth, and these very rich people gave billions of dollars away.
In many cases, the money they gave to charity helped reduce their federal income taxes through the charitable tax deduction.
Given how the tax code works, Bezos could receive a tax break of $390 million for every $1 billion he donates.
In contrast, a middle-class donor who gives her local food bank $100 probably won’t get any tax benefit when she files her return.

So while billionaires are vilified by the MSM and dummies like you, 26% more of Google's negative searches were about Trump's donations !
So I'll ask you again... what is the source for your personalized, subjective and totally undocumented statements?
Unlike you I provide substantiation for my comments, are we suppose to believe your personal and obviously extremely biased opinion?
To illustrate your bias is a product of MSM bias against Trump... I know, I know,, following the FACTS is a lot more difficult than spouting off undocumented statements like you have done... but that's the major difference between intelligent, INFORMED people and YOUR type...!

About 7,280,000 results (0.34 seconds) Search Results for "Trump donations are not cash"
How Trump Is Pocketing Donors' Cash for the Future
The New York Times The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos › U.S. › Politics
Oct 5, 2021 — With breathless, often misleading appeals, the former president promised small donors that he was using the money to fight the election ...

But wait... for the other billionaires this how the MSM handles every billionaire other than Trump!!!

About 5,770,000 results (0.53 seconds) Search Results for "Billionaires donations are tax donations"
The ultimate billionaire tax dodge

Axios Axios - Breaking news, U.S. news and politics, and local news › Economy & Business
Sep 17, 2022 — Philanthropic entrepreneurs can avoid taxes by donating their companies.
So what are most of the donations made by people like the following:
Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and the rest of the 25 richest Americans paid very low federal income taxes from 2014 to 2018 even as they amassed wealth, according to Internal Revenue Service data ProPublica says it obtained from an anonymous source.
In some years, the nonprofit media outlet reported, these wealthy people paid no federal income tax at all.
This is not illegal. The U.S. government taxes only income, not wealth, and these very rich people gave billions of dollars away.
In many cases, the money they gave to charity helped reduce their federal income taxes through the charitable tax deduction.
Given how the tax code works, Bezos could receive a tax break of $390 million for every $1 billion he donates.
In contrast, a middle-class donor who gives her local food bank $100 probably won’t get any tax benefit when she files her return.

So while billionaires are vilified by the MSM and dummies like you, 26% more of Google's negative searches were about Trump's donations !
So I'll ask you again... what is the source for your personalized, subjective and totally undocumented statements?
You ignored a direct answer to my question to copy and paste a rant about bias media. Nice

Let’s get back to the topic. Our system incentivizes donating to charity correct? A billionaire can save money in taxes by making donations, correct?

So Trump has always donated to charities. Correct?

So now that he paints what he has always done as “donating his presidential salary” you falling over to sing his praises. When in reality you’re just a sucker who too easily falls for spin jobs.
You ignored a direct answer to my question to copy and paste a rant about bias media. Nice

Let’s get back to the topic. Our system incentivizes donating to charity correct? A billionaire can save money in taxes by making donations, correct?

So Trump has always donated to charities. Correct?

So now that he paints what he has always done as “donating his presidential salary” you falling over to sing his praises. When in reality you’re just a sucker who too easily falls for spin jobs.
BEFORE I provide FACTS for you, let me state unequivocally !
I personally DON"T like Trump! He is a braggart , idiosyncratic and like a few bosses I worked for in my 50 years.. effective!

He get's things done that politically correct people like Biden FOOL.. unsophisticated people like you into liking them!
That's the Biden's, Obama's methods of getting their government payments!
(By the way Obama's net worth today: $70 million... However, according to an estimate by Analytics@American — American University’s business analytics program — Barack and Michelle Obama could make as much as $242.5 million post-presidency.
Source:Barack Obama’s Net Worth in 2023: How He Made His Money

Trump never needed government payments. Trump is POLITICALLY INCORRECT!
Unlike you simple minded people that fall for the politically correct idiots like Biden, Trump (again who I personally don't like!!!) IS AN EFFECTIVE Executive!

Why would such an asshole as Trump run for president? Because he like me and 137 million American voters in 2016 and 2020 love America, love our cops, love our military, love our families! Trump like most America loving people, can see the Biden's are in it for the money!

But NONE of what you wrote was substantiated!
That's why people don't believe a word you write! Plus you show your inability to understand EVEN what you write!
Where and when did Trump as you ignorantly write..."paint what he has always done as "donating his presidential salary"? According to your syntax, Trump has always ever since he started in business "BEFORE" he was president "donated his presidential salary"! WAKE up!
Trump was president from 2017 to 2021 or are you grossly uninformed?

Well there is another aspect of Trump's charity giving which the MSM and you evidently are unaware of:

Donald Trump saved my family: Widow's daughter recalls how The Donald paid off her mom's $300,000 mortgage after her father committed suicide​

  • Betsy Sharp told a campaign rally that Trump paid off her mother's farm mortgage in 1986 after her father killed himself
What has Joe Biden done to make his net worth over $9 million with a career as a politician? Joe Biden Net Worth
How does he get enough money to buy a several properties...
Screen Shot 2023-04-27 at 11.47.03 AM.png

I just call it the GOP giveaway to the rich since Reagan and the total BS propaganda that makes it possible with ignoramuses like you.... whatever it is it is a catastrophe for the country and regular folks DUHH
How is an across the board tax cut a "giveaway to the rich" when the rich paid a larger share of the total tax bill after the Reagan and Trump tax cuts, Simp?

Calling it a "giveaway" means you think all money belongs to the government, Comrade.
The data:

Tax cuts and spending increases = W = do not work

Tax cuts and spending cuts = Clinton/Gingrich = best economy ever, budget surplus, Americans won and political hacks lost

So, no, just tax cuts by themselves do not work.

What works is tax AND spending cuts. Because whenever the private sector replaces government, efficiency and satisfaction go up and cost goes down.


BEFORE I provide FACTS for you, let me state unequivocally !
I personally DON"T like Trump! He is a braggart , idiosyncratic and like a few bosses I worked for in my 50 years.. effective!

He get's things done that politically correct people like Biden FOOL.. unsophisticated people like you into liking them!
That's the Biden's, Obama's methods of getting their government payments!
(By the way Obama's net worth today: $70 million... However, according to an estimate by Analytics@American — American University’s business analytics program — Barack and Michelle Obama could make as much as $242.5 million post-presidency.
Source:Barack Obama’s Net Worth in 2023: How He Made His Money

Trump never needed government payments. Trump is POLITICALLY INCORRECT!
Unlike you simple minded people that fall for the politically correct idiots like Biden, Trump (again who I personally don't like!!!) IS AN EFFECTIVE Executive!

Why would such an asshole as Trump run for president? Because he like me and 137 million American voters in 2016 and 2020 love America, love our cops, love our military, love our families! Trump like most America loving people, can see the Biden's are in it for the money!

But NONE of what you wrote was substantiated!
That's why people don't believe a word you write! Plus you show your inability to understand EVEN what you write!
Where and when did Trump as you ignorantly write..."paint what he has always done as "donating his presidential salary"? According to your syntax, Trump has always ever since he started in business "BEFORE" he was president "donated his presidential salary"! WAKE up!
Trump was president from 2017 to 2021 or are you grossly uninformed?

Well there is another aspect of Trump's charity giving which the MSM and you evidently are unaware of:

Donald Trump saved my family: Widow's daughter recalls how The Donald paid off her mom's $300,000 mortgage after her father committed suicide​

  • Betsy Sharp told a campaign rally that Trump paid off her mother's farm mortgage in 1986 after her father killed himself
What has Joe Biden done to make his net worth over $9 million with a career as a politician? Joe Biden Net Worth
How does he get enough money to buy a several properties...
View attachment 780221

You didn’t address the topic in that copy n paste rant. Trump was donating to charities long before he ran for prez because there are tax saving incentives to do so… all wealthy people do. Just because he labeled his donations as a deferral of his presidential salary doesn’t mean anything changed. It was a marketing ploy and a spin job. And it worked as he has all you out there painting him like a saint for not taking a salary as president. It’s just silly.

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