Do tax cuts work?

You didn’t address the topic in that copy n paste rant. Trump was donating to charities long before he ran for prez because there are tax saving incentives to do so… all wealthy people do. Just because he labeled his donations as a deferral of his presidential salary doesn’t mean anything changed. It was a marketing ploy and a spin job. And it worked as he has all you out there painting him like a saint for not taking a salary as president. It’s just silly.
PROVE that Trump DID NOT donate his salary!
I"LL prove he did! But again YOU pompous butt have shown NOT ONE shred of proof!

But here are 2 (TWO!!) independent sources showing you are a f...king liar. A pompous ignorant and truly uninformed DUMMY!

Trump donates his 2019 fourth-quarter salary to help combat coronavirus​

PROVE that Trump DID NOT donate his salary!
I"LL prove he did! But again YOU pompous butt have shown NOT ONE shred of proof!

But here are 2 (TWO!!) independent sources showing you are a f...king liar. A pompous ignorant and truly uninformed DUMMY!

Trump donates his 2019 fourth-quarter salary to help combat coronavirus​

View attachment 780267
Again, it’s a spin job. He made the normal amount of donations he made before becoming president but dressed these ones up as him donating his salary. It’s not hard to see… at least I didn’t think it was.
PROVE that Trump DID NOT donate his salary!
I"LL prove he did! But again YOU pompous butt have shown NOT ONE shred of proof!

But here are 2 (TWO!!) independent sources showing you are a f...king liar. A pompous ignorant and truly uninformed DUMMY!

Trump donates his 2019 fourth-quarter salary to help combat coronavirus​

View attachment 780267
Apparently Obama donated $1.1 million of his presidential salary as well!!! What a stand up guy, huh?!

The reality is YES and the CBO proves it!
So why aren't we aware of it? Because the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, then they spent the next 4 years with 92% negative news about Trump and then donating 90% to Biden in 2020 while ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in advertising time by spending 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20 Broadcast networks deliver 92% negative coverage for Trump, 66% positive for Biden: Study
Also COVID was totally dominating the news because it made Trump look responsible.
And the daily news starting off with USA deaths, cases was constantly pounding Americans that it was Trump's fault!
Tomorrow Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, testifies as to COVID's causing school closings and "follow the science" was so wrong as more kids are having mental/social problems than actually died from Covid. These "science" followers did seem to realize what I did when in 3/31/20 I started tracking more information then evidently she and all the Trump haters who used Covid to cost our country our freedoms!
Simply put as of 4/25/23 a total of 0.00242% of the 74.3 million kids under 18 died... 1,779! And for that Data from the 2021 Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey (ABES) indicate that 37.1% of U.S. high school students reported poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 19.9% considering and 9.0% attempting suicide in the preceding year (1).Oct 14, 2022 Adverse Childhood Experiences During the COVID-19 ....
In 2019, 15.3 million students enrolled in high school (9th to 12th grade)
Consider that 9% attempted suicide... 1,377,000 9th to 12th graders attempted suicide... VS 1,779 deaths under 18!
This is truly the WORST example of politics superseding science. Politics being biased by MSM's totally blowing way out of proportion, encouraging school closings, stopping the economy in 2020! All for simple political hatred of Trump!
FACTS... Trump was only president to donate his 4 year salary of $ 1.6 million to charities!
TruView attachment 779658

View attachment 779653
I keep more of what's mine in the first place....Everything else is noise.
Taxes only give money to government to create mostly useless give away programs and pork legislation. Any cut in taxes is good for America, Americans and the economy.
Taxes only give money to government to create mostly useless give away programs and pork legislation. Any cut in taxes is good for America, Americans and the economy.
Taxes simply burn money out of the economy so it can circulate. It’s a tool. It isn’t needed to fund programs it’s just spun that way.
Apparently Obama donated $1.1 million of his presidential salary as well!!! What a stand up guy, huh?!

Absolutely respect Obama's donations. Now it's too bad he didn't leverage his 1995 lawsuit against Citibank in Chicago that caused the housing collapse
That settlement was only the tip of the iceberg. When Citibank, in April 1998, sought federal approval for a merger with Travelers Group, it only got OK from the Clinton administration progressives after it promised in May to provide $115 billion for anti-redlining loans.
Anti-redlining promises made by other financial institutions added up to $600 billion between 1993 and 1998, according to a 2000 Treasury Department report.
It was the progressive dreams of Barack Obama that would crash the nation's economy in 2008, wipe out at least
$4 trillion in equity and help keep the unemployment rate above 8% for four years.

As president, Obama would blame his predecessor, George W. Bush, and Wall Street.
But before the housing market finally collapsed, it was a young lawyer named Barack Obama who helped put the wrecking ball in motion
Again, it’s a spin job. He made the normal amount of donations he made before becoming president but dressed these ones up as him donating his salary. It’s not hard to see… at least I didn’t think it was.
I don't believe a word you wrote because THERE IS NO PROOF from people that know a lot more than YOU! Only dummies make statements hoping other dummies will believe their totally fabricated words. Get me links! Prove it! You calling Snopes liars!!!
I don't believe a word you wrote because THERE IS NO PROOF from people that know a lot more than YOU! Only dummies make statements hoping other dummies will believe their totally fabricated words. Get me links! Prove it! You calling Snopes liars!!!
View attachment 780290
There’s nothing really to prove. I’m not denying that he made donations in amounts that mirrored his salary. I’m say he just spun it to make it seem like he was donating his salary. He would have made donations anyways.
There’s nothing really to prove. I’m not denying that he made donations in amounts that mirrored his salary. I’m say he just spun it to make it seem like he was donating his salary. He would have made donations anyways.
ARE YOU BLIND or are you incapable of reading the FACTS?
The reason frankly YOU don't prove your personal, subjective comments is THERE IS NO proof to your comments.
THERE ARE PROOFs to prove it!

Under 3 U.S. Code § 102, the president's annual salary is $400,000.
For the past two years, Trump has donated his salary to government agencies, during a televised press briefing with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

After taxes, each agency took home a check for $78,333 dollars and some change:
National Park Service- received 1Q 2017 paycheck on April 3, 2017
Department of Education- received 2Q 2017 paycheck on July 26, 2017
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, center, and Under Secretary for Policy Derek Kan, left, is presented with a $100,000 check by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders from President Donald Trump's quarterly salary donated to the Department of Transportation during the daily press briefing in the Brady press briefing room at the White House, in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Department of Health and Human Services- received 3Q 2017 paycheck on November 30, 2017
Department of Transportation- received 4Q 2017 paycheck on February 13, 2018
Department of Veterans Affairs- received 1Q 2018 paycheck on May 17, 2018
Small Business Administration- received 2Q 2018 paycheck on October 3, 2018
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH)- received Q3 2018 paycheck on January 25, 2019.
Now this also matches what this source provided:
ARE YOU BLIND or are you incapable of reading the FACTS?
The reason frankly YOU don't prove your personal, subjective comments is THERE IS NO proof to your comments.
THERE ARE PROOFs to prove it!

Under 3 U.S. Code § 102, the president's annual salary is $400,000.
For the past two years, Trump has donated his salary to government agencies, during a televised press briefing with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

After taxes, each agency took home a check for $78,333 dollars and some change:
National Park Service- received 1Q 2017 paycheck on April 3, 2017
Department of Education- received 2Q 2017 paycheck on July 26, 2017
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, center, and Under Secretary for Policy Derek Kan, left, is presented with a $100,000 check by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders from President Donald Trump's quarterly salary donated to the Department of Transportation during the daily press briefing in the Brady press briefing room at the White House, in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Department of Health and Human Services- received 3Q 2017 paycheck on November 30, 2017
Department of Transportation- received 4Q 2017 paycheck on February 13, 2018
Department of Veterans Affairs- received 1Q 2018 paycheck on May 17, 2018
Small Business Administration- received 2Q 2018 paycheck on October 3, 2018
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH)- received Q3 2018 paycheck on January 25, 2019.
Now this also matches what this source provided:
View attachment 780347
Prior to becoming president trump also donated his presidential salary to charity as well. Right?
Tax cuts mean more consumption. That is good for the economy.

Tax cuts mean more investments. That is also good for the economy.

As a result of these 2 trends, tax cuts mean more jobs.

More jobs mean or should mean less gov't spending on UE and other social welfare programs.

So, if properly done, tax cuts can be very positive when the economy needs a boost.
PROVE that Trump DID NOT donate his salary!
I"LL prove he did! But again YOU pompous butt have shown NOT ONE shred of proof!

But here are 2 (TWO!!) independent sources showing you are a f...king liar. A pompous ignorant and truly uninformed DUMMY!

Trump donates his 2019 fourth-quarter salary to help combat coronavirus​

View attachment 780267
Screenshot 2023-06-23 071806.png
Tax cuts mean more consumption. That is good for the economy.

Tax cuts mean more investments. That is also good for the economy.

As a result of these 2 trends, tax cuts mean more jobs.

More jobs mean or should mean less gov't spending on UE and other social welfare programs.

So, if properly done, tax cuts can be very positive when the economy needs a boost.
But if you do it for 40 years straight, you get the worst inequality poverty upward mobility and homelessness anywhere ever like we have now. Change the damn channel and try reality....
FACTS... Trump was only president to donate his 4 year salary of $ 1.6 million to charities!
Golly gee willickers! That almost adds up to 1/5,000,000 of the $8 trillion of debt Trump raped us with!

Speaking of rape, $1.6 million is less than a third of what he has to pay the woman he raped.

What a great guy.

As for the rest, I have no idea why you went off on some bizarre rant about Covid when you were attempting to make some kind of point about tax cuts.

Hey, you know what your propagandists have utterly and deliberately failed to tell you?

They failed to tell you that tax revenues went UP when Clinton and Obama RAISED taxes! In fact, when Clinton raised taxes, the economy BOOMED! More than Trump's weak-ass economic growth, that I can tell you.

You see, dipshit, so long as tax rates stay within certain margins, they have very little impact on tax revenues.

You know what actually does affect revenues to a great extent?

The economy, stupid. GDP growth = tax revenue growth.


This tax lesson, which I am positive I have taught you many times, will of course fail to penetrate your partisan hackery delusions.
Clinton increased the top rate from 31 percent to 39 percent and revenues nearly doubled over the following seven years.

Weird, huh?
Federal revenues have grown every year, regardless of tax rates, since at least 1960, with the following exceptions:


See if you can guess what those years all have in common.

Hint: It ain't tax rates.

A lot of tax breaks for corporations began expiring in 2017-2018, a lot of them merely extensions from 2015. There is a lot more, but facts aren't important here, just propaganda paid for by billioniaires and their assorted flunkies in Congress and academia. The GOP is committed to raising taxes on the working and middle class by some 23%, and calling it a 'Fair Tax', so don't expect either Party to pass anything favorable for the majority of Americans.

What are you babbling about?

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