Do the Genetic Results match these two 23andme Dna Cousins?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Both are in my Dna Relatives List listed as 3rd cousins. I have 2000 cousins, but quickly found two who have A) typical results, not more european like me, and B) look very typically indid. The man looks totally gracil indid and looks very much like my grandfathers brother or granduncle who is 100% balkan gypsy. The female looks like the indobrachid morph and also passes as typical in my family. Totally indobrachid. Now do their results match their phenotype? As example I take one male and one female. Too much work to post more. And some are more european or look more european which I consider to be atypical considering that Romani originated in Rajasthan it is logical that it is departed from the original look or atypical.


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