Do Variation in Earth's magnetic affect the weather/climate?

Do variations in Earth's magnetic field affect climate or local weather?

  • Ha! We have Consensus!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The magnetic field is a denier!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Experiments are a denier term used to cloud the mind of the faithful

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Probably but the AGWCult will never admit it

    Votes: 2 100.0%

  • Total voters
Its amazing that so many believe that a very minute amount of CO2 will cause catastrophic effects, yet they are unwilling to even accept that the very thing holding all things to the earths surface, will have no effect when weakened or strengthened.. Basics physics and they dismiss it just as they do every other physically observed process.

I guess if its not fantasy modeling its not real...
Do variations in Earth's magnetic field affect climate or local weather which the AGWCult passes off as "Climate Change"?
Have they run any experiments on this?
Why don't you ask one of the climate science specialists? You know, the ones who got PhDs in the field.
You likely will not understand the research, though.
Please find any experiments run by a "Climate specialist PhD" controlling for variations in the magnetic field an d post them here
If you are truly interested in the science, and not partisan politics, why don't you look up the scientific literature related to your Q?
I doubt the PhD specialists have much time or interest in USMB "cult" threads.
..or maybe there are no experiments controlling for a flip in the magnetic fields. Why experiment, you have consensus!
Why criticize the consensus of top world scientists when you don't understand the science? Scientific methods vary with the subject being investigated. Did you think all science studies involve lab experiments?

You're like a sixth grade science student who concludes that general relativity is bogus because he does not understand it.
The influence of the solar activity coupled with the weakening of the earth's magnetic field has an influence on climate. Funny but the fact is that scientists are still working to understand how the magnetosphere and radiation affects the planet.

"We compared the region averaged monthly values of the sea-level pressure in the tropical Pacific to those of the magnetic field intensity near the surface for the last 50 years. We found that the sea-level pressure in the tropical Pacific is increasing as the magnetic field intensity is decreasing. Assuming that trends in the sea-level pressures should accompany trends in other components of the system, we conclude that the westward drift of the magnetic anomaly may be related to changes in the tropical atmospheric circulation."
Are changes of the geomagnetic field intensity related to changes of the tropical Pacific sea-level pressure during the last 50 years? - Vieira - 2008 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics - Wiley Online Library

"It is likely that sophisticated numerical modeling tools will be needed to reconcile these and other satellite and ground-based observations with heat transfer mechanisms and global wind systems in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the global-scale changes wrought by magnetic storms."
Low latitude thermospheric responses to magnetic storms - Earle - 2013 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics - Wiley Online Library

Seems the scientists are still struggling to understand how it all works.

Do variations in Earth's magnetic field affect climate or local weather which the AGWCult passes off as "Climate Change"?
Have they run any experiments on this?
Why don't you ask one of the climate science specialists? You know, the ones who got PhDs in the field.
You likely will not understand the research, though.
Please find any experiments run by a "Climate specialist PhD" controlling for variations in the magnetic field an d post them here
If you are truly interested in the science, and not partisan politics, why don't you look up the scientific literature related to your Q?
I doubt the PhD specialists have much time or interest in USMB "cult" threads.
..or maybe there are no experiments controlling for a flip in the magnetic fields. Why experiment, you have consensus!
Why criticize the consensus of top world scientists when you don't understand the science? Scientific methods vary with the subject being investigated. Did you think all science studies involve lab experiments?

You're like a sixth grade science student who concludes that general relativity is bogus because he does not understand it.

The influence of the solar activity coupled with the weakening of the earth's magnetic field has an influence on climate. Funny but the fact is that scientists are still working to understand how the magnetosphere and radiation affects the planet.

"We compared the region averaged monthly values of the sea-level pressure in the tropical Pacific to those of the magnetic field intensity near the surface for the last 50 years. We found that the sea-level pressure in the tropical Pacific is increasing as the magnetic field intensity is decreasing. Assuming that trends in the sea-level pressures should accompany trends in other components of the system, we conclude that the westward drift of the magnetic anomaly may be related to changes in the tropical atmospheric circulation."
Are changes of the geomagnetic field intensity related to changes of the tropical Pacific sea-level pressure during the last 50 years? - Vieira - 2008 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics - Wiley Online Library

"It is likely that sophisticated numerical modeling tools will be needed to reconcile these and other satellite and ground-based observations with heat transfer mechanisms and global wind systems in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the global-scale changes wrought by magnetic storms."
Low latitude thermospheric responses to magnetic storms - Earle - 2013 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics - Wiley Online Library

Seems the scientists are still struggling to understand how it all works.


Holy fuck ...... Just because you agree with man made climate change don't mean scientists have all the facts on a fucking "belief" fool...

Talk about posting in circles.

Its amazing that so many believe that a very minute amount of CO2 will cause catastrophic effects, yet they are unwilling to even accept that the very thing holding all things to the earths surface, will have no effect when weakened or strengthened.. Basics physics and they dismiss it just as they do every other physically observed process.

Yes! Billy is actually claiming all things are held to the earth by ... magnetism!

And most deniers here consider him to be a deep thinker.

The deniers seem to all be in a competition to out-crazy each other. They're just a pack of outright raving loonies now.
Holy fuck ...... Just because you agree with man made climate change don't mean scientists have all the facts on a fucking "belief" fool...
Hey fool, who said scientists have all the facts?
However. they have more evidence than AGW deniers.

SUMMARY Geomagnetic polarity transitions may be significantly more complex than are currently depicted in many sedimentary and lava-flow records. By splicing together paleomagnetic results from earlier studies at Steens Mountain with those from three newly studied sections of Oregon Plateau flood basalts at Catlow Peak and Poker Jim Ridge 70–90 km to the southeast and west, respectively, we provide support for this interpretation with the most detailed account of a magnetic field reversal yet observed in volcanic rocks. Forty-five new distinguishable transitional (T) directions together with 30 earlier ones reveal a much more complex and detailed record of the 16.7 Ma reversed (R)-to-normal (N) polarity transition that marks the end of Chron C5Cr. Compared to the earlier R-T-N-T-N reversal record, the new record can be described as R-T-N-T-N-T-R-T-N. The composite record confirms earlier features, adds new west and up directions and an entire large N-T-R-T segment to the path, and fills in directions on the path between earlier directional jumps. Persistent virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) clusters and separate VGPs have a preference for previously described longitudinal bands from transition study compilations, which suggests the presence of features at the core–mantle boundary that influence the flow of core fluid and distribution of magnetic flux. Overall the record is consistent with the generalization that VGP paths vary greatly from reversal to reversal and depend on the location of the observer. Rates of secular variation confirm that the flows comprising these sections were erupted rapidly, with maximum rates estimated to be 85–120 m ka−1 at Catlow and 130–195 m ka−1 at Poker Jim South. Paleomagnetic poles from other studies are combined with 32 non-transitional poles found here to give a clockwise rotation of the Oregon Plateau of 11.4◦ ± 5.6◦ with respect to the younger Columbia River Basalt Group flows to the north and 14.5◦ ± 4.6◦ with respect to cratonic North America (95 per cent confidence interval).
Key words Palaeomagnetism applied to tectonics; North America; Reversals: process, time scale, magnetostratigraphy

A very interesting paper on the subject of magnetic reversals. They were not uncommon, happened at irregular intervals, averaging about 300,000 years apart. Have yet to see any evidence that there were major climatic effects during them. If someone knows of a paper that says otherwise, I would really appreciate a link to it.
The influence of the solar activity coupled with the weakening of the earth's magnetic field has an influence on climate. Funny but the fact is that scientists are still working to understand how the magnetosphere and radiation affects the planet.

"We compared the region averaged monthly values of the sea-level pressure in the tropical Pacific to those of the magnetic field intensity near the surface for the last 50 years. We found that the sea-level pressure in the tropical Pacific is increasing as the magnetic field intensity is decreasing. Assuming that trends in the sea-level pressures should accompany trends in other components of the system, we conclude that the westward drift of the magnetic anomaly may be related to changes in the tropical atmospheric circulation."
Are changes of the geomagnetic field intensity related to changes of the tropical Pacific sea-level pressure during the last 50 years? - Vieira - 2008 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics - Wiley Online Library

"It is likely that sophisticated numerical modeling tools will be needed to reconcile these and other satellite and ground-based observations with heat transfer mechanisms and global wind systems in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the global-scale changes wrought by magnetic storms."
Low latitude thermospheric responses to magnetic storms - Earle - 2013 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics - Wiley Online Library

Seems the scientists are still struggling to understand how it all works.


Well, someone should tell them about "Consensus"

The AGWCult eliminated all the variables including 3% changes in the magnetic field and decided that a .000000001% change in the chemical composition of Earth atmosphere has caused THE WARMEREREREST APRIL EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flipping channels last night, a rare TV night and I found a show on Titanoboa, a 50 foot long 2,500 pound snake that lived 60MYA

Titanoboa: Monster Snake

It lived in South America along with 40 foot crocodiles and giant turtles in what must have been a great inland sea -- when the temperature must have been much much much warmer in order to support giant lizards. Did I mention that it was MUCH WARMER?

They estimated at least 10 degrees warmer than today

At least 10 degrees warmer than today


And the morons walking the Earth today are fretting about an imaginary .5 degree increase that was eaten by the ocean
I support legislation designed to tackle pollution but CO2 isn't pollution. Research shows that solar and space radiation and the earth's magnetosphere have a much greater influence on the earth's climate and continuing studies increasingly bear this out:

"The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming."

"Our results show a strong correlation between the strength of the earth's magnetic field and the amount of precipitation in the tropics," one of the two Danish geophysicists behind the study, Mads Faurschou Knudsen of the geology department at Aarhus University in western Denmark, told the Videnskab journal."

The earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study

"Cosmic rays, tiny particles from across the universe accelerated to close to the speed of light by exploding stars, have been thought to play a part in thundery weather down on earth," said Chris Scott, one of the researchers, in a news release. "But our work provides new evidence that similar, if lower energy, particles created by our own sun also affect lightning."

Space Weather and Solar Winds Charge Lightning Storms Here on Earth

No of course not for real info you go to some anonymous asshole that calls itself :Crusader Frank..besides that towering giant of science "Crusader dude " what the fuck does NASA know ...Unnnnnbelievable lol some chump ass Ignoramus dismissing NASA,,,

So you have no evidence, no experiments on variance on magnetic field, you just parrot whatever Rolling Thunder tells you to post.

What an awesome, fulfilling life you lead
So you have no evidence, no experiments on variance on magnetic field, you just parrot whatever Rolling Thunder tells you to post.

What an awesome, fulfilling life you lead

I post links to Scientific studies and give your worthless opinions ...
50 years ago, NASA was awesome, today Obama made it part of the EnviroMarxist movement.
What an awesome, fulfilling life you lead
He is talking to you sucker

“Ignorance is not a virtue. It’s not cool to not know what you’re talking about. That’s not keeping it real, or telling it like it is.”

— President Obama, quoted by CBS News, in an attack on Donald Trump.

So you have none of your alone ideas just parrot what anyone else says, you'd look great perched on Obama's shoulder

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