Do we continue paying for abortions when a woman has already had 2 or more abortions?

If taxpayer money is going to Planned Parenthood then it's going for abortion no matter how they try to spin it.

There is no's the law.

Anyone making a claim that taxpayer money is used for abortions is simply lying.

:rolleyes: riiiiiight
Next thing you're going to tell me that there is oversight from our government like leftwinger did. :lol:

If you can't believe it; that is your problem. But the fact remains that anyone making this claim is simply lying.
There is no's the law.

Anyone making a claim that taxpayer money is used for abortions is simply lying.

:rolleyes: riiiiiight
Next thing you're going to tell me that there is oversight from our government like leftwinger did. :lol:

If you can't believe it; that is your problem. But the fact remains that anyone making this claim is simply lying.

If you really think that our government has any oversight over the hundreds of millions of dollars it gives to Planned Parenthood you are naive.
:rolleyes: riiiiiight
Next thing you're going to tell me that there is oversight from our government like leftwinger did. :lol:

If you can't believe it; that is your problem. But the fact remains that anyone making this claim is simply lying.

If you really think that our government has any oversight over the hundreds of millions of dollars it gives to Planned Parenthood you are naive.

Having known several administrators at PP, I know those monies are kept strictly separated. It would much like saying the Pell Grants buy beer for college students. It would also be just as truthful (zero percent).

Anyone who says that is lying. And they likely know it but have no problem telling the lie over and over again.
If taxpayer money is going to Planned Parenthood then it's going for abortion no matter how they try to spin it.

Not to normal people.

Didn't you mean "Not to gullible people"?

Unless you can prove that Planned Parenthood used government money to pay for abortions,

which necessitates proving that Planned Parenthood had no access to non-governmental funds for those same abortions, so the money HAD to come from the government,

then you have no case.
Taxpayer money isn't used for abortion. There is no "we".

If taxpayer money is going to Planned Parenthood then it's going for abortion no matter how they try to spin it.

There is no's the law.

Anyone making a claim that taxpayer money is used for abortions is simply lying.

(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
"money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another"

Your free lesson for today. Read it, learn it, don't make me do this again.

And BTW..... I think ALL libturds should be given free abortions and $5 from Crime Stop.

And another $10 from the Darwin Society.

And $20 from the "Keep America Beautiful Foundation"
Not to normal people.

Didn't you mean "Not to gullible people"?

Unless you can prove that Planned Parenthood used government money to pay for abortions,

which necessitates proving that Planned Parenthood had no access to non-governmental funds for those same abortions, so the money HAD to come from the government,

then you have no case.

What is it with you dick heads always demanding 'proof'?

Honest to God, my 5 year-old grand daughter is more mature than that.

You sound like Pee Wee Herman.... "Prove it..!!"

immature dillweeds
Proof is something a rational person demands of their own beliefs, before they're formed. It's really not that weird.
"Choice" cuts two ways. No taxpayer should be forced to fund abortion. Its not a treatment for a disease or accident. Pregnancy is natural.

Though I can see the argument if pregnancy is a result of rape.

If we pay for abortions in case of rape, then we should pay for all injuries suffered by attack victims.

Many people have been hit by drunk drivers and are paying off medical bills. It sucks, but it's common to be injured by criminals and they don't have money or insurance so you owe the costs of treatment.

I feel bad for any victim, but a person can still pay off their medical debt over time.

I have had to make payments on medical bills when insurance didn't cover it. They let you pay some each month and as long as you keep doing that, you're fine.

Too many are already strapped for cash. Remember, many tax payers are now without any insurance at all, thanks to Obummercare, and every penny of their medical care is out of pocket. Now they will use what used to be disposable income to pay medical bills and pay the Obamacare fine, yet some still expect to make them pay even more in taxes to foot the bill for other people. Not cool.

Anyone can be a victim of crime and most hospital bills far exceed the cost of one abortion, yet there are no calls from the left to pay for the average victims medical costs. Oh, yea, that's because it's not supportive of their agenda.

Of course, the women can go get the morning after pill and pay for that herself. How expensive is it? It's probably a tiny fraction of what some pay each week for non-essentials.

The liberals argued about the pill because they said women shouldn't have to wait a single day to abort the baby. Of course, they also want women to be able to wait as long as they want to get an abortion and argue that they should be funded.

There is birth control, morning after pills and abortions. Be smart and avoid needing the last two. Birth control pills are dirt cheap, so no damn excuses. Let's face it, if women were being smarter, the problem would be so minor that we wouldn't even be discussing it. The liberals constantly scream that all these unwanted, unplanned babies are an epidemic while, at the same time, claiming the women who have numerous abortions are intelligent women who should be able to have choices and have them subsidized. When you subsidize poor behavior, you get more of it.
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Listen up.

If anyone here has knowledge of taxpayer $$$s going to PPP to fund abortions, please contact the FBI.
If taxpayer money is going to Planned Parenthood then it's going for abortion no matter how they try to spin it.

There is no's the law.

Anyone making a claim that taxpayer money is used for abortions is simply lying.

(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
"money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another"

Your free lesson for today. Read it, learn it, don't make me do this again.

And BTW..... I think ALL libturds should be given free abortions and $5 from Crime Stop.

And another $10 from the Darwin Society.

And $20 from the "Keep America Beautiful Foundation"

Not sure what any of that means but PP doesn't use tax money for abortions.
Proof is something a rational person demands of their own beliefs, before they're formed. It's really not that weird.

There is no such thing as 'proof'

It doesn't exist.

There is only evidence. Ask for 'evidence' and most rational people will oblige.

Ask for 'proof' and most mature people will just wave good bye.

When you demand 'proof', what' you're doing is telling whoever makes the mistake of trying to oblige you that regardless of what he shows you, regardless of what evidence he presents, it won't be good enough. You'll argue with every bit of it.... Just like the 5 year-old schoolyard debating club you're emulating by demanding it.

How do I know you're not a computer program?

Prove it :cuckoo:
Listen up.

If anyone here has knowledge of taxpayer $$$s going to PPP to fund abortions, please contact the FBI.

We have an entire party (lets call them Teapublicans) that would jump at the chance to find a single shred of evidence that taxpayer money provided to Planned Parenthood was used to pay for abortions

They have been trying to kill Planned Parenthood for decades. This would punch their ticket
Didn't you mean "Not to gullible people"?

Unless you can prove that Planned Parenthood used government money to pay for abortions,

which necessitates proving that Planned Parenthood had no access to non-governmental funds for those same abortions, so the money HAD to come from the government,

then you have no case.

What is it with you dick heads always demanding 'proof'?

Honest to God, my 5 year-old grand daughter is more mature than that.

You sound like Pee Wee Herman.... "Prove it..!!"

immature dillweeds

The above is when you know you've won the argument.
Not to normal people.

Didn't you mean "Not to gullible people"?

Unless you can prove that Planned Parenthood used government money to pay for abortions,

which necessitates proving that Planned Parenthood had no access to non-governmental funds for those same abortions, so the money HAD to come from the government,

then you have no case.
Not everybody can trace the funds that go into abortions, but we have an idea.

Take Minnesota:

What you should know about Planned Parenthood, health care reform
By Bill Poehler​
May 9, 2010 — Last week's announcement that Planned Parenthood will build a large new abortion center in St. Paul's Midway neighborhood brings to light the contentious issue of government funding of elective abortions. While it is true that Planned Parenthood will use private donations of approximately $18 million to construct its new complex, its day- to-day operations will continue to rely heavily on taxpayer funds.​
Many Minnesotans still do not realize that they fund abortions every day simply by paying state taxes -- sales tax, income tax and other taxes. This is the result of the Minnesota Supreme Court's 1995 Doe vs. Gomez decision, in which the court "found" a right to taxpayer-funded abortion in the state Constitution. Since the ruling, abortion centers have been reimbursed with $15.6 million for 50,000 abortions, according to the Minnesota Department of Human Services. In 2008, the most recent figures available, taxpayers paid $1.5 million for 3,754 abortions. Roughly 99 percent of these abortions are elective, meaning they are performed for reasons other than to save the mother's life, or in cases of reported rape or incest.​
In addition to direct abortion funding, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the nation's largest abortion business, received a staggering $349 million in taxpayer dollars in the form of federal and state government grants and contracts in 2007 (latest figures). Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota received $5.26 million from federal, state and local governments in 2008.​
Abortion providers are poised to receive even more federal funds under President Obama's new health care overhaul, which PPFA hailed as "a huge victory." Not only does the law subsidize health plans that cover abortion, it also opens the door to direct federal funding of abortions at community health centers, or CHCs. The law appropriates $11 billion over five years to approximately 1,250 different CHCs.​
There are no restrictions to prevent that money from paying for abortions, according to legal experts including Columbus School of Law Prof. Robert A. Destro, who is an authority on abortion funding, who helped to write the amicus brief filed by 218 members of the U.S. House of Representatives in Harris vs. McRae (1980), and who has written: "The history of abortion funding litigation since Roe v. Wade in 1973 demonstrates conclusively that the Secretary [of Health and Human Services] will be forced by the courts to pay for abortions with the CHC money appropriated by the Senate health care bill."​
This is true primarily because the CHC funds are a direct appropriation in the health care bill itself and will not flow through the annual appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services. These funds would not be covered by the Hyde Amendment, which only prohibits use of annual HHS appropriations to fund abortions.​
Indeed, the Reproductive Health Access Project and the Abortion Access Project have produced an "administrative billing guide" to help CHCs integrate abortion into their practices within the confines of federal and state restrictions.​
The sad truth is that this will lead to more abortions performed on vulnerable, low-income women. Statistics show that when public funding of abortion is instituted or expanded, the numbers of abortions increase very significantly. A study by the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice research organization, found that the abortion rate among Medicaid recipients was more than twice as high in those states that publicly funded abortion through Medicaid.​
The bottom line is that abortion is about money. Abortion, which ends the life of a developing human being, is now the most common surgical procedure in the United States. It has become an enormously profitable enterprise, marketed to ethnic and immigrant populations in their native-language newspapers; to students and young people as the solution to the "problem" of pregnancy, and to women everywhere as their absolute "right" without regard for the life that is destroyed.​
This Op Ed piece appeared in the 5/9/2010 Minneapolis Star Tribune
That isn't even the tip of the iceberg Obama has for the unborn by tapping the taxpayer's wallet.​
:rolleyes: riiiiiight
Next thing you're going to tell me that there is oversight from our government like leftwinger did. :lol:

If you can't believe it; that is your problem. But the fact remains that anyone making this claim is simply lying.

If you really think that our government has any oversight over the hundreds of millions of dollars it gives to Planned Parenthood you are naive.

Does Medicaid pay for them? That is public money. Planned Parenthood specializes in abortions and they get millions each year from tax payers. They also make a hefty profit, so don't really need our money. There are "free clinics" that are funded and they provide abortions. Yes, tax dollars wind up in the hands of those who provide them, but I'm sure that, on paper, there is no proof that the money went directly to pay for abortions.

It's naïve to think that money isn't funneled to those who provide abortions.

There is no accountability or oversight. Government sends out money and asks questions later. Only a fraction is recovered when they screw up. The government sends out billions of dollars that shouldn't be paid out. Illegal aliens getting tax refunds for children that don't exist. Illegals on welfare. Sending social security checks to dead people.

There isn't a liberal alive who isn't trying to figure out how to get abortions subsidized legally.

PP has been caught time and time again doing underhanded and illegal activities.

I am laughing at the liberals demanding proof that an organization that is designed to provide abortions doesn't use the millions in tax money to fund them. Our money allows them to exist and make a profit. They don't provide other valuable services, they refer women to other places.

Liberals only want positive proof when you insult their people. They want no proof when it comes to Benghazi or other big lies told by the administration. They take their word on those things and ignore all the unanswered questions and changing stories. They were ready to convict Christie with no proof. They still make accusations against Bush with no proof.
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