Do We Need Diversity?

Diversity is a matter of degree. Having large populations of Muslims and Christians, blacks and whites and otherwise groups that do not mix well is inviting cultural problems. Diversity of groups that can assimilate is not a problem.

Those groups mix fine -- it's only the fringe element, Tea Party, that causes problems.
Where on earth have those groups mixed "fine"? Your imagination is not a place on earth!
Gosh. Everyone has their own private definitions for common words in the English language.

What a surprise.
Diversity is a matter of degree. Having large populations of Muslims and Christians, blacks and whites and otherwise groups that do not mix well is inviting cultural problems. Diversity of groups that can assimilate is not a problem.

Those groups mix fine -- it's only the fringe element, Tea Party, that causes problems.
Where on earth have those groups mixed "fine"? Your imagination is not a place on earth!

The Us.

workplaces, schools, athletic activities....etc
Diversity is a matter of degree. Having large populations of Muslims and Christians, blacks and whites and otherwise groups that do not mix well is inviting cultural problems. Diversity of groups that can assimilate is not a problem.

Those groups mix fine -- it's only the fringe element, Tea Party, that causes problems.
Where on earth have those groups mixed "fine"? Your imagination is not a place on earth!
Everyone just has to assimilate to Christianity and there wouldn't be any problems, right?

Except for rape, torture, murder, war, etc. etc.
Opposition to bigotry is not common sense?

Reverse discrimination mean anything to you? I don't suppose it does. You ALWAYS look for the best HUMANS when hiring no matter what their ethnicity is. It is the LEFT that tends to hang on race, creed, etc...

You must have missed my first post in this thread, and jumped right to this one.

Both are facts.
Those groups mix fine -- it's only the fringe element, Tea Party, that causes problems.
Where on earth have those groups mixed "fine"? Your imagination is not a place on earth!

The Us.

workplaces, schools, athletic activities....etc
Sorry, even the "the Age of Obama" hasn't brought that to fruition. I haven't seen race relations in the US any worse since MLK was murdered.
Where on earth have those groups mixed "fine"? Your imagination is not a place on earth!

The Us.

workplaces, schools, athletic activities....etc
Sorry, even the "the Age of Obama" hasn't brought that to fruition. I haven't seen race relations in the US any worse since MLK was murdered.

Fringe racism doesn't mean shit to the populace as a whole, weirdo.

I go outside, I see these groups get along fine and dandy EVERY DAy. (guess that sounds amazing to you)
Diversity has become the new buzzword (OK, it's not exactly new). Universities, corporations, almost every institution is encouraged to promote diversity.
Is that really such a great idea? What is diverse anyway? A child who grows up in a black middle class family and a child who grows up in a white middle class family will agree on issues over 70% of the time. How much diversity is that? By the same token a white child who grew up on a farm in Alabama probably has little in common with a child who grew up in Greenwich Village NY with two gay parents. Yet the first is considered diverse, the second not.
Should we eliminate diversity a goal in college, business and gov't recruitment? What end does such diversity serve anyway? If you recruit simply the best candidates for the slot or the job, you will end up with a diverse group no matter what.

Yes, we need diversity.

We really should try to eliminate bigots and xenophobes like you.

Why don't you all find an island somewhere and move there?

What did you find in his post to be bigoted or xenophobic, you 'tolerant' liberal you?
Diversity has become the new buzzword (OK, it's not exactly new). Universities, corporations, almost every institution is encouraged to promote diversity.
Is that really such a great idea? What is diverse anyway? A child who grows up in a black middle class family and a child who grows up in a white middle class family will agree on issues over 70% of the time. How much diversity is that? By the same token a white child who grew up on a farm in Alabama probably has little in common with a child who grew up in Greenwich Village NY with two gay parents. Yet the first is considered diverse, the second not.
Should we eliminate diversity a goal in college, business and gov't recruitment? What end does such diversity serve anyway? If you recruit simply the best candidates for the slot or the job, you will end up with a diverse group no matter what.
What is your final solution to the problem, Mein Fuhrer?

Hitler was a socialist. All the Mass Murderers of the 20th Century were socialists.


socialists should be shot on sight.


Here, I am offering you the opportunity to not be so stupid for the rest of your life.

But.... Like you've apparently done your entire previous life, you will almost certainly pass it by and remain happily oblivious to your stupidity.

Happy hunting, moron.


This article is published on the internet only. This is the version of October, 2013. This version is largely a remedial lesson in pre-war history for those who know only what they have learnt via school textbooks, popular encyclopaedias, movies etc. The article therefore does to a considerable extent go back to original sources and has to provide a lot of information that is not generally known. This does make the article rather long. For those who already know the history of the period well, however, I have kept available the June 2001 version of the article -- which is MUCH shorter. You can find it here. To make this longer version more navigable there is a clickable index at the end


Hitler was a fairly mainstream Leftist of his day. It must be remembered that he gained power by way of a democratic election, not by way of a revolution or a military coup. If any of that seems wrong to you, you need to keep reading
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Diversity has become the new buzzword (OK, it's not exactly new). Universities, corporations, almost every institution is encouraged to promote diversity.
Is that really such a great idea? What is diverse anyway? A child who grows up in a black middle class family and a child who grows up in a white middle class family will agree on issues over 70% of the time. How much diversity is that? By the same token a white child who grew up on a farm in Alabama probably has little in common with a child who grew up in Greenwich Village NY with two gay parents. Yet the first is considered diverse, the second not.
Should we eliminate diversity a goal in college, business and gov't recruitment? What end does such diversity serve anyway? If you recruit simply the best candidates for the slot or the job, you will end up with a diverse group no matter what.
What is your final solution to the problem, Mein Fuhrer?

Outlaw all consideration of race, gender, religion, national origin, etc etc from university and job applications. Outlaw all required references to them. Hire and admit the best people possible without regard to those factors.
Was that too much for your small brain to understand?
1) Wrong
2) Also wrong.

It's Jake Fact-Free Starkey with more wrong assertions.

yes you are wrong and wrong because you give no evidence so it's only your sick opinion so who cares :lol:
Incorrect again, Fake Jake.

There's nothing 'fake' about Malarkey

He's a pathological lying piece of shit.

A perfect dimocrap.


I noticed that Malarkey is using the word 'evidence' as opposed to the juvenile and idiotic demand for 'proof' most of his moronic fellow travelers badger us for.

Maybe there's hope :dunno:

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Diversity has become the new buzzword (OK, it's not exactly new). Universities, corporations, almost every institution is encouraged to promote diversity.
Is that really such a great idea? What is diverse anyway? A child who grows up in a black middle class family and a child who grows up in a white middle class family will agree on issues over 70% of the time. How much diversity is that? By the same token a white child who grew up on a farm in Alabama probably has little in common with a child who grew up in Greenwich Village NY with two gay parents. Yet the first is considered diverse, the second not.
Should we eliminate diversity a goal in college, business and gov't recruitment? What end does such diversity serve anyway? If you recruit simply the best candidates for the slot or the job, you will end up with a diverse group no matter what.
What is your final solution to the problem, Mein Fuhrer?

Outlaw all consideration of race, gender, religion, national origin, etc etc from university and job applications. Outlaw all required references to them. Hire and admit the best people possible without regard to those factors.
Was that too much for your small brain to understand?

Every single solitary group in the dimocrap-scum coalition that has ever demanded equal rights was never interested in being treated equally.

They want, and they receive, SPECIAL rights.

Every one of them. Every.Last.Motherfucking.Lying.Scum-Sucking.One.Of.Them.
Does anybody have a concrete example of diversity that doesn't translate into cheap Mexican labor and business visas?
Oh, yes, I have heard the "diversity" word bandied about all over Wall Street for year; right before the Americans were replaced by business visas.
On University campuses it usually means inviting in Foreign Exchange students whose parents or nation are willing to pay full tuition.

Let's replace diversity with merit, regardless of race, religion or nationality.

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