Do you advocate someone not obeying laws they disagree with?


VIP Member
Oct 31, 2012
For example, if some disagree with taxation, do you think they are correct if they don't pay them. Whatever law it may be, if you disagree with it, should you violate it or respect it because it is the law?

Take the white folks who provided education to some slaves, against the law, should they not have done that because the law is the law, or is it the duty of someone to not follow laws they find immoral ?
Personally, I'm a Christian so I apply Romans 13:5 & 6:
5 So you must obey the government for two reasons: to keep from being punished and to keep a clear conscience. 6 Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons
The rule of law demands that all people are subject to the law, period. It is the most effective means we have to administer an orderly and fair society. However, the morality of an action is not based on the legality of the action. At least, it's not based on legality alone.
Personally, I'm a Christian so I apply Romans 13:5 & 6:
5 So you must obey the government for two reasons: to keep from being punished and to keep a clear conscience. 6 Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons

So you will obey any law?
The rule of law demands that all people are subject to the law, period. It is the most effective means we have to administer an orderly and fair society. However, the morality of an action is not based on the legality of the action. At least, it's not based on legality alone.

Agreed, but currently not everyone is subject to the same laws. I never said the morality was based on the legality, I'm was wondering what one is to do when he finds a law (legality) to be immoral?
For example, if some disagree with taxation, do you think they are correct if they don't pay them. Whatever law it may be, if you disagree with it, should you violate it or respect it because it is the law?

Take the white folks who provided education to some slaves, against the law, should they not have done that because the law is the law, or is it the duty of someone to not follow laws they find immoral ?

The concept is to break the law, suffer the punishment, and go right back out and do it again. Look at the civil rights movement in the South. They broke segregation laws, got arrested, paid the fine or did the jail time, and went back out right away to do it again.

The idea is that people will see your defiance, and hopefully begin to question the law that you are violating.

That being said this only works for laws that others in numbers would find to be "wrong"
It depends on the law.

The laws against marijuana, for one example, are an abomination. There is no good reason for them. I have absolutely no problem with adults ignoring the marijuana laws.

(Just don't get caught.)
Occuturds should be able to destroy personal property when they are ginned up by their communist masters, drugs, and pussified feelings....without the constraints of a repressive police prescence. lol
You should never support or obey immoral or un-Constitution laws. By un-Constitutional, I don't mean by the 9 whore's definition, I mean by the author's definitions.
Personally, I'm a Christian so I apply Romans 13:5 & 6:
5 So you must obey the government for two reasons: to keep from being punished and to keep a clear conscience. 6 Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons

So you will obey any law?

I am supposed to. If I feel honor bound to defy a law, then I'll take the punishment they dole out.
For example, if some disagree with taxation, do you think they are correct if they don't pay them. Whatever law it may be, if you disagree with it, should you violate it or respect it because it is the law?

Take the white folks who provided education to some slaves, against the law, should they not have done that because the law is the law, or is it the duty of someone to not follow laws they find immoral ?

The concept is to break the law, suffer the punishment, and go right back out and do it again. Look at the civil rights movement in the South. They broke segregation laws, got arrested, paid the fine or did the jail time, and went back out right away to do it again.

The idea is that people will see your defiance, and hopefully begin to question the law that you are violating.

That being said this only works for laws that others in numbers would find to be "wrong"

True - so if you really think a law is wrong and you are in the minority in that opinion, you have a choice - obey the law you disagree with or spend a whole lotta time in jail.
Personally, I'm a Christian so I apply Romans 13:5 & 6:
5 So you must obey the government for two reasons: to keep from being punished and to keep a clear conscience. 6 Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons

So you will obey any law?

I am supposed to. If I feel honor bound to defy a law, then I'll take the punishment they dole out.

Ugh sounds terrible. You do know that you're not supposed to take the Bible literally right? The honey that's dipped from that busy hive can be sweet and nourishing, or it can be hallucinogenic and deadly. All too frequently, the latter is confused with the former. Dip with caution. Reader be-ware.
There are times that passive resistant movements are necessary. Most of the time, you should obey as long as you arent being forced to kill someone or such.
For example, if some disagree with taxation, do you think they are correct if they don't pay them. Whatever law it may be, if you disagree with it, should you violate it or respect it because it is the law?

Take the white folks who provided education to some slaves, against the law, should they not have done that because the law is the law, or is it the duty of someone to not follow laws they find immoral ?

I would not advocate it. However, if you feel a law is unjust or immoral, then you have to make the decision of whether to obey it or not. After that, you have to accept the consequences of your decision. No one can be forced to obey a law. You always have the choice.
Gandhi used to say something to the effect that when the government passes unjust laws, the righteous need to be in prison protesting those laws. (Im roughly paraphrasing). I think at times that can be appropriate. But I also believe the scriptures when they tell us to obey the law.
You should never support or obey immoral or un-Constitution laws. By un-Constitutional, I don't mean by the 9 whore's definition, I mean by the author's definitions.

you spend a lot of time chatting up madison, do you?

it's fine to disobey a law if you disagree with it, but you have to be prepared to suffer the consequences.

like martin luther king
Any person chooses to obey any law, or not. That many people do not perceive their choice does not change that existential fact.

Operating in society, one needs to choose one's fights carefully. It is usually best to quietly do as one thinks right where and when it applies than to blatantly 'break the law'.

Avoiding incarceration is a good survival instinct.

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