Do you Americans put up with

35 measely protesters? What ever happened to thy free dumb of speach? Oh! right!...this is England...not so much..

They burned a POPPY!!!!!!!!???????? How fucking DARE THEY!!!!!!!

You would be hard pressed to find 35 muzlumz wth enough gumption to gather in the land of freeedom and opportunity sport.

We wouldn't let em on the TV if there were 35 MILLION pissed off nuzzelmz!!!

What the fuck is wrong with you Britz?????
35 measely protesters? What ever happened to thy free dumb of speach? Oh! right!...this is England...not so much..

They burned a POPPY!!!!!!!!???????? How fucking DARE THEY!!!!!!!

You would be hard pressed to find 35 muzlumz wth enough gumption to gather in the land of freeedom and opportunity sport.

We wouldn't let em on the TV if there were 35 MILLION pissed off nuzzelmz!!!

What the fuck is wrong with you Britz?????

I don't know but like Cali says, I think this is going to end bad if it continues like it is.
35 women burning poppies vs the embarrassment of hauling them off or even noticing them.. priceless.

Let's think about this.
35 women burning poppies vs the embarrassment of hauling them off or even noticing them.. priceless.

Let's think about this.

Did you miss the 'students' riot this week in London? This is your far left at work, Sarah. Trashing buildings and throwing fire extinguishers off the roof of a building at the police standing below.

The most interesting part of this 'students' riot came out on Sky News who were interviewing one of the 'students'..... only she wasn't a 'student', she was a paid activist. WTF? Paid? Activist? I find that really interesting.
Fuck Islam and all the bitches who support it. Ignorance is not a defense. To protect the rest of the world, it needs to be SQUASHED like a cockroach.
Fuck Islam and all the bitches who support it. Ignorance is not a defense. To protect the rest of the world, it needs to be SQUASHED like a cockroach.

That isn't the opinion of the former president Bush. He said Islam is peace, it is not the face of terrorism.

Get with the program. You can't find truth through your hatred.
Religion of peace, what a fucking joke.

That's sort of the same as saying leftards care about the little people.
Religion of peace, what a fucking joke.

That's sort of the same as saying leftards care about the little people.

Allie, we really need to stop equating Islam itself with these people. Most Muslims do not support them, they do not participate in this behavior, they are our neighbors and we need to ensure that we don't tar them all with the same brush.
Fuck Islam and all the bitches who support it. Ignorance is not a defense. To protect the rest of the world, it needs to be SQUASHED like a cockroach.

Ignorance is what needs squashing, though I do appreciate that you make no effort to mask your hate, Allie. Doubtless you can be educated and someday you may be. It's those who slime around claiming they have learned about Islam and still condemn it who draw my most severe ire.

For people like you, the constitution is likely enough to restrain you -- for others, not so much.
It is the law of the land that is restraining the masses at the moment but for how much longer?
Fuck Islam and all the bitches who support it. Ignorance is not a defense. To protect the rest of the world, it needs to be SQUASHED like a cockroach.

Ignorance is what needs squashing, though I do appreciate that you make no effort to mask your hate, Allie. Doubtless you can be educated and someday you may be. It's those who slime around claiming they have learned about Islam and still condemn it who draw my most severe ire.

For people like you, the constitution is likely enough to restrain you -- for others, not so much.

What is it she is ignorant of? I get tired of lefties throwing that word around when it does not apply.
Religion of peace, what a fucking joke.

That's sort of the same as saying leftards care about the little people.

Allie, we really need to stop equating Islam itself with these people. Most Muslims do not support them, they do not participate in this behavior, they are our neighbors and we need to ensure that we don't tar them all with the same brush.

Absolute BULLSHIT. There are terrorists in EVERY Muslim Country. In every country with Muslims. I already pointed out to Madeline the falseness of her claim that the terrorism is cultural and from the Middle East and Africa.

Get your head out of your ass. The religion TEACHES murder and mayhem. The religion supports the killing of non believers, of anyone the Islamic Government does not like including other Muslims, The religion supports terrorism as means to an end. The end? The take over of the world.

Sunni and Shiite support terrorism. The is no shortage of men and women willing to join and the supposed moderates support it as well with money and safe havens. If the VAST majority of Muslims opposed terrorism they would solve the problem themselves.
"If the VAST majority of Muslims opposed terrorism they would solve the problem themselves."

Well said that man.
Fuck Islam and all the bitches who support it. Ignorance is not a defense. To protect the rest of the world, it needs to be SQUASHED like a cockroach.

Ignorance is what needs squashing, though I do appreciate that you make no effort to mask your hate, Allie. Doubtless you can be educated and someday you may be. It's those who slime around claiming they have learned about Islam and still condemn it who draw my most severe ire.

For people like you, the constitution is likely enough to restrain you -- for others, not so much.

What is it she is ignorant of? I get tired of lefties throwing that word around when it does not apply.

I am not a leftie, Conspiracist. I'm a Republican and a fiscal conservative. Allie fears some sort of Muslim invasion that will never come, the overthrow of US law in favor of Sharia law which will never happen and the increase in crimes against women we already cope with reasonably well, regardless of the religion of the perps.

Europe has immigration stressors the US will never know (not that we dun have our own). A citizen of any EU nation is supposed to be able to move freely throughout all such nations. Some nations, like Greece, abdicated any right they may have had to control immigration. Consequently, they have ginormous culture clashes between people who have moved to Europe from Africa or the Middle East as well as people who are Muslim and moved there from another EU nation. Their economy is collapsing -- only Germany seems to be holding pat -- and violence and other signs the social order is breaking down have emerged.

This scenario cannot occur in the US (not as to Muslim Americans, anyway) and the fears some US people have that it will are baseless.
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"If the VAST majority of Muslims opposed terrorism they would solve the problem themselves."

Well said that man.

Really? I venture to guess the VAST majority of christians oppose terrorism, and yet it continues unabated here. What magical powers do you think moderate Muslims have that moderate christians do not?

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