Do you believe that government programs will keep people from dying?

Do you believe Government programs can prevent people from dying

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hmmmm Government programs that will keep people from dying?

Do patents on medications and copyrights on First Aid Manuals count?

canada gov. negotiates drug prices with large drug gov does not.....something like that would make drugs cheaper for people....esp orphan drugs....
Im curious to see the responses.

Do you consider the law that requires emergency rooms to see patients as a government program? In essense that is what it is which is an unfunded mandate. Horribly inefficient but a government mandate none the less.

If so then the answer is clearly yes.... and no charity can't cover their expenses this isn't the 50's anymore despite what Ron Paul would want you to believe. (and generally I like Ron Paul)
Of course not who needs FEMA, FDA, etc.

they chose to live in a hurricane, flood, fire prone area let them live with the results of their choices.

And as far as testing unsafe food, I thought that was why we had children?
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They will not replace self-care and healthy choices as a priority for the individual.
Govt programs by their very nature have to ration in order to remain effective. To deny that is to admit you have no common sense.
In what universe does the government want to prevent people from dying???

What incentive does the government have to prevent people from dying??? a population of 650,000,000 in 2050?

What so New York looks like Shanghai?

The government isn't trying to help you, they're trying to control you.... People are going to die and the government has no control over that unless they murder us themselves, which could be the case with Obama care.
Left wing medical support saves people's lives.

Right wingers anti science, let's all pray beliefs are as likely to succeed as you are winning the lottery.

Do these really have to be explained?
Im curious to see the responses.

besides it being a really dumb question???

er... ok...

let's give the answer for the stupid people...

government programs don't keep people from dying.

they do, however, keep people alive longer and raise average mortality age. they also cut down on still borns and lost pregnancies... all good things.

or should we just pray for loaves and fishes?
Im curious to see the responses.

besides it being a really dumb question???

er... ok...

let's give the answer for the stupid people...

government programs don't keep people from dying.

they do, however, keep people alive longer and raise average mortality age. they also cut down on still borns and lost pregnancies... all good things.

or should we just pray for loaves and fishes?

link please?
Im curious to see the responses.

besides it being a really dumb question???

er... ok...

let's give the answer for the stupid people...

government programs don't keep people from dying.

they do, however, keep people alive longer and raise average mortality age. they also cut down on still borns and lost pregnancies... all good things.

or should we just pray for loaves and fishes?

link please?

you're right, things like WIC that nourish moms and kids don't do a thing for infant mortality.

and prior to social security, more than 50% of senior citizens lived below the poverty line.

medicare gives people medical care and ... get this... medicine... it keeps them alive.

now run along and be quiet.
what a child like question.


now go drink your milk and cookies and take a nap.

Maybe you should explain to rdean and some of your friend why that's obvious since there are a surprising number getting it wrong.
Absolutely not, with exception to feeding the hungry and shelter for the homeless.

The government is a absolute and total failure at everything it does. It is corrupt from the bottom to the top, and almost everyone is in government to get hand outs. Any good intentions of government are sideswiped by business lobbiests, and everything they do is for profits of corporate power.

A better thread would be 'what has the government done right?' but then sadly that thread would get 0 responses.

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