Do you date outside your race?

Do you date outside your race?

  • Yes I do date outside my race

    Votes: 20 74.1%
  • No I do not date outside my race

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • I have not but will consider this

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
As I read all those white liberal hog wash post about how they date outside their white slave master
rapists race, I have to really ask what are their true motivations.?

It was not just a few years ago that black men were killed for looking at a white females.
Me as a black male I try hard to date only black or brown women. Given the historical baggage that
a lot of you white males still carry around with you in your insane white male insecure minds.

I think white men need to do the same, as a lot of black people and black men
can get the wrong message if they see white men with black females.
I still feel that a lot of blacks take offense to those kinds of unions.
Given all the racial tension that still exist in America.
I'm married outside my race.
Should anyone wish to tell me I'm a traitor to the white race - FUCK OFF.

That chip on your shoulder must be getting pretty heavy. Two of the biggest factors affecting interracial dating are self-segregation (check any school cafeteria) and fear of reprisal.
Here's some data on the prevalence of inter-racial marriage:


Here's some data on the horrendous divorce rates experienced in inter-racial marriages. While a same-race couple has a 64% chance of staying married for 10 years, inter-racial marriages have a 42% chance of sticking it out for 10 years. These odds are probably going to get worse as the fad of inter-racial marriage continues to grow.

Here's some data on the prevalence of inter-racial marriage:


Here's some data on the horrendous divorce rates experienced in inter-racial marriages. While a same-race couple has a 64% chance of staying married for 10 years, inter-racial marriages have a 42% chance of sticking it out for 10 years. These odds are probably going to get worse as the fad of inter-racial marriage continues to grow.


No they'll get better because there will be more acceptance and less outside pressures.
I think white men need to do the same, as a lot of black people and black men
can get the wrong message if they see white men with black females.
I still feel that a lot of blacks take offense to those kinds of unions.
Given all the racial tension that still exist in America.

What you mean to say is that YOU are a racist POS and that it makes YOU feel insecure. No one cares what "message" YOU get. It's none of YOUR business, YOU sniveling coward.
Here's some data on the horrendous divorce rates experienced in inter-racial marriages. While a same-race couple has a 64% chance of staying married for 10 years, inter-racial marriages have a 42% chance of sticking it out for 10 years. These odds are probably going to get worse as the fad of inter-racial marriage continues to grow.

Maybe you and 52nd street should get married and try to beat the odds. You have so much in common: cowardice, idiocy, lack of a just might make it together.
Here's some data on the prevalence of inter-racial marriage:


Here's some data on the horrendous divorce rates experienced in inter-racial marriages. While a same-race couple has a 64% chance of staying married for 10 years, inter-racial marriages have a 42% chance of sticking it out for 10 years. These odds are probably going to get worse as the fad of inter-racial marriage continues to grow.


No they'll get better because there will be more acceptance and less outside pressures.

Hold up a second there. Isn't one of the standard liberal talking points about homosexual marriage that what goes on in society (homosexuals marrying each other) doesn't intrude on your marriage? How come now what goes on in society all of a sudden intrudes on the marriages of inter-racial couples?

Are people really picketing outside the homes of inter-racial couples?

Don't you understand that fads only take off when there is a positive image involved because they are STATUS-ENHANCING? To be supportive of inter-racial marriage is a sure and clear way to project to everyone that you are an enlightened and tolerant person - that's status-enhancing. This is a great way to buy reputation on the cheap - most people's words have no cost associated to them at all. To enhance reputation even further you actually put skin in the game - you fall in love and get married. People love that shit. Who is going to criticize love?

The reality within a marriage though is far different from the cheap posturing that people engage in from the outside of these marriages. Race almost always overlaps with cultural differences and quite often with religious differences as well. Behaviors, beliefs, ways of family life, etc that we bring into our marriages are crucial to the stability of our marriages. This is where dissimilarity works to harm marriages and this plays out in the higher divorce rate. Love doesn't conquer all. There is a practical aspect to marriage. Agreeing on many foundational issues, removing cultural and religious tension from a marriage works wonders at improving marital stability.

Divorce sucks for everyone. The recriminations, the heartache, the shattered lives of the children, the bitter heart which affects future relationships. Is it really so difficult to consider the practical alongside the romantic when you are still at the dating stage and to weigh the odds before you take a leap?
Here's some data on the prevalence of inter-racial marriage:


Here's some data on the horrendous divorce rates experienced in inter-racial marriages. While a same-race couple has a 64% chance of staying married for 10 years, inter-racial marriages have a 42% chance of sticking it out for 10 years. These odds are probably going to get worse as the fad of inter-racial marriage continues to grow.


No they'll get better because there will be more acceptance and less outside pressures.

Hold up a second there. Isn't one of the standard liberal talking points about homosexual marriage that what goes on in society (homosexuals marrying each other) doesn't intrude on your marriage? How come now what goes on in society all of a sudden intrudes on the marriages of inter-racial couples?

Are people really picketing outside the homes of inter-racial couples?

Don't you understand that fads only take off when there is a positive image involved because they are STATUS-ENHANCING? To be supportive of inter-racial marriage is a sure and clear way to project to everyone that you are an enlightened and tolerant person - that's status-enhancing. This is a great way to buy reputation on the cheap - most people's words have no cost associated to them at all. To enhance reputation even further you actually put skin in the game - you fall in love and get married. People love that shit. Who is going to criticize love?

The reality within a marriage though is far different from the cheap posturing that people engage in from the outside of these marriages. Race almost always overlaps with cultural differences and quite often with religious differences as well. Behaviors, beliefs, ways of family life, etc that we bring into our marriages are crucial to the stability of our marriages. This is where dissimilarity works to harm marriages and this plays out in the higher divorce rate. Love doesn't conquer all. There is a practical aspect to marriage. Agreeing on many foundational issues, removing cultural and religious tension from a marriage works wonders at improving marital stability.

Divorce sucks for everyone. The recriminations, the heartache, the shattered lives of the children, the bitter heart which affects future relationships. Is it really so difficult to consider the practical alongside the romantic when you are still at the dating stage and to weigh the odds before you take a leap?

I dont subscribe to talking points. I said as society becomes more accepting of interracial marriages the divorce rate will go down.

Marriage is not a fad and white women have been sleeping with Black men since the Moors. Same thing for white men and Black women. Sorry to drop that on you.

By and large there is not much difference philosophically between the races. We generally all want the same thing. I agree there is a practical aspect to marriage. You make it work or you don't. Knowing a couple of married interracial couples and having had serious relationships with women from different races I can attest that making it work is no harder than making it work between 2 people from different economic backgrounds like my wife and I.

You remind me of an old poster here that liked to see himself talk but not say anything of much import.
I dont subscribe to talking points. I said as society becomes more accepting of interracial marriages the divorce rate will go down.

The DATA shows the exact opposite.

The inter-racial marriages which occurred before 1980 were stronger than same-race marriages. This is likely because they were so few and there was more resistance that the couples really thought long and hard about what was in store for them and worked out a whole bunch of issues BEFORE getting married, more issues than same-race couples worked out. Those couples self-selected (the one's most likely to get divorced never ended up getting married to each other) and so they had good results.

As the inter-racial marriage fad is increasing, the social cost to forming such a union is decreasing and in fact it is now actually culturally encouraged as we see with constant TV propaganda, and this results in increasing marital instability than seen in same-race marriages. People risk harm to their social reputation by speaking out against inter-racial marriage and the reap benefits by speaking out in favor, so those who would counsel against simply remain silent because it's not their life which is involved so why risk social reputational harm by counseling against the idea and this leaves only those who speak out in favor and they actually enhance their reputations by doing so and this makes them eager to be very vocal in support, again it's not their life involved so they don't really care much.

As the fad increases, the wreckage also increases because no one is speaking about the unique obstacles which present in these marriages which are not encountered in same-race marriages.
Many people i n my school have date outside their race. I ask them and they say there is no problem with this. Will you date outside your race

It's pretty hard to find people "outside of my race" considering all the mixed blood that I have. But at the same time, dating "purebloods" of any race kind of feels like dating outside my race.


Yeah, I'm totally open to it. Race has nothing to do with who I date... and I have come to appreciate what I know of the culture of every race I've been exposed to.
I dont subscribe to talking points. I said as society becomes more accepting of interracial marriages the divorce rate will go down.

The DATA shows the exact opposite.

The inter-racial marriages which occurred before 1980 were stronger than same-race marriages. This is likely because they were so few and there was more resistance that the couples really thought long and hard about what was in store for them and worked out a whole bunch of issues BEFORE getting married, more issues than same-race couples worked out. Those couples self-selected (the one's most likely to get divorced never ended up getting married to each other) and so they had good results.

As the inter-racial marriage fad is increasing, the social cost to forming such a union is decreasing and in fact it is now actually culturally encouraged as we see with constant TV propaganda, and this results in increasing marital instability than seen in same-race marriages. People risk harm to their social reputation by speaking out against inter-racial marriage and the reap benefits by speaking out in favor, so those who would counsel against simply remain silent because it's not their life which is involved so why risk social reputational harm by counseling against the idea and this leaves only those who speak out in favor and they actually enhance their reputations by doing so and this makes them eager to be very vocal in support, again it's not their life involved so they don't really care much.

As the fad increases, the wreckage also increases because no one is speaking about the unique obstacles which present in these marriages which are not encountered in same-race marriages.

Your stupid or uneducated or both. There is a thing called trends. They don't go in a straight line all the time. They ebb and flow and are subject to more variables than can be accounted for. It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself in some hope that interracial marriages are dying out. You have a very bad surprise in store for you. You may want to chew on that data point and see how you can fit it into your dream world. :lol:

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