Do you date outside your race?

Do you date outside your race?

  • Yes I do date outside my race

    Votes: 20 74.1%
  • No I do not date outside my race

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • I have not but will consider this

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
My two girls know better than to date a nignag. Everyone except Bill Cosby is a waste of skin.
Why is it always white males going after women from other races, and overwhelmingly supportive
of interracial marriages? whats wrong with their white females?.
Majority of black men still prefer black females.
Why is it always white males going after women from other races, and overwhelmingly supportive
of interracial marriages?

That's not why women won't pay you any attention. Your frustration is misdirected, loser, but your insecurity seems well-deserved.
Why is it always white males going after women from other races, and overwhelmingly supportive
of interracial marriages? whats wrong with their white females?.
Majority of black men still prefer black females.

Reality tells us there is cognitive dissonance going on. On one hand you have people being trained and brainwashed to look down on Black people. However, when it comes to attraction nature seems to trump training.
Why is it always white males going after women from other races, and overwhelmingly supportive
of interracial marriages? whats wrong with their white females?.
Majority of black men still prefer black females.

You need to understand why white men do that, is it for racial reasons or for sociological reasons?

Plenty of men can't stand American women's attitudes and the culture of American women, so they find wives from Europe, Asia and Latin America. Other men have preferences focused on race - Yellow Fever, they like the look of Asian woman, their heightened femininity, or their culture.
So its White female attitudes that is the problem for white men?

Don't you listen to what the men who marry women from abroad actually say? Many of them do have a problem with the cultural wrapping of American women. Are you trying to dispute this? What's your point?
nope , no different race or religion , younger age or politics for me . It can only lead to trouble and problems in the possible marriage . Course I'm married for 35 years so its not a possibility anyway . I knew a fine looking Mexican girl but she was tied to her family that was in Mexico so every Christmas it'd be , lets go to Mexico and I wasn't going to put up with that . Then again , I knew a nice little sweet Chippewa - French blooded American girl named Theda . She liked me and knew how to cook and clean and I was going to get a good Railroad job so we woulda been good together . Heck , my kids woulda been Chippewa enough to get free college , special jobs and all kinds of other free stuff .
LOL @ some of these pathetic losers pretending they have/had a choice in the matter anyway.

I've never dated outside my race and until there aren't any more white chicks, I never will as I don't need to be the fourth or fifth father to a black chicks kids. Asian pussy being sideways isn't very appealing either.
I'll admit I have a thing for 'submissive' women, and women who naturally act demure and feminine. A woman can be strong, principled, and intelligent and still have that vulnerability that simply brings out the man in Me.

Which is why I cannot figure out why I married a New Yorker........:eusa_shifty:
I've never dated outside my race and until there aren't any more white chicks, I never will as I don't need to be the fourth or fifth father to a black chicks kids. Asian pussy being sideways isn't very appealing either.

Now we know why you are all alone, loser. No woman of any race would debase herself so much by willingly being in your company.
I've never dated outside my race and until there aren't any more white chicks, I never will as I don't need to be the fourth or fifth father to a black chicks kids. Asian pussy being sideways isn't very appealing either.

Now we know why you are all alone, loser. No woman of any race would debase herself so much by willingly being in your company.
My wife is white and wonderful... and works! :D
There is no reason to believe anything a person of such low character claims.
Yes I do, or I should say that I did. I dated women of almost every ethnicity and skin tone over the last 25 years....... Asian, Hispanic, and even a young lady of Jamaican descent back in my college days. I have now been married for seven weeks to a wonderful woman of Puerto Rican heritage. I love her more than any woman I've ever met. She's the best woman I've ever met. Hopefully one of these days she'll get to be a wonderful mother to our child(ren) as well.
So its White female attitudes that is the problem for white men?

Not white. Mostly western European and, what I heard of but lack personal experience, North American women. East Europe and Asia, a bit generalized, is men's paradise compared to that.
Yes I do, or I should say that I did. I dated women of almost every ethnicity and skin tone over the last 25 years....... Asian, Hispanic, and even a young lady of Jamaican descent back in my college days. I have now been married for seven weeks to a wonderful woman of Puerto Rican heritage. I love her more than any woman I've ever met. She's the best woman I've ever met. Hopefully one of these days she'll get to be a wonderful mother to our child(ren) as well.

Seven weeks? Newbie! Congratulations.
I've never dated outside my race and until there aren't any more white chicks, I never will as I don't need to be the fourth or fifth father to a black chicks kids. Asian pussy being sideways isn't very appealing either.

If that works for you Billy, that's fine. You go right ahead and date those white women. The same for others who have pronounced their unwillingness to date outside of their race or culture. You're more than welcome to that choice.

I have found few caucasian women of this day and age who could provide me with what I was looking for..... a wife, a homemaker, and hopefully one day the mother of my child(ren). A woman of Traditional Values, rather than Modern ones. A woman who understands that being equal in a relationship doesn't mean having the same role as her husband. That's not the way modern caucasian-american women see things. That's fine. It just means they are going to increasingly end up with the metrosexual men in society.
Yes, yes, wanting to find yourself a live-in maid, cook, sex toy and punching bag isn't news, Anachronism!

To answer the OP: my wife is Cuban, married 18 years.

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