Trump Calls The Paris Olympics A Disgrace

When he's president again? After all he can't do much about it now and he couldn't do much about it then as he didn't have enough time to enact it as it was the end of his presidency then.
He promised a plan four years ago. Maybe he should focus on things that matter instead of stupid shit?
Uh huh and so that's why there was a whole lot of rain and a HUGE power outage afterwards.


There were 17 athletes not 12 apostles. Trump is ignorant as hell. He's dislectic and can't read.

Rain? Are you kidding? You're a superstitious fool.
He will say something nasty every time he speaks, at least lately, now that he knows that he's going to lose.

He only eats Freedom fries with his hamberders.
It actually wasn't a presentation of the last supper.

Which makes you a fucking idiot.

Did you get your pussy hurt?

And just so you know, it was a big hit with 99.9% of the whole world.

Which just shows you how small of minority you turds are.

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Blimey! What kind of "Christian" can't distinguish a fat, blue Dionysus from Jesus?

... the opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, has insisted that the scene is not a reference at all to the Last Supper.
Rather, the performance is a nod to a pagan celebration featuring Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, wine and revelry.
Portrayed at the Olympics by French singer and actor Philippe Katerine, Dionysus – known to the Romans as Bacchus – has a close tie to France: In Greek mythology, he is the father of Sequana, the Goddess of the River Seine.
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Then he should stop getting French Fries with his McDonald's meals. :auiqs.jpg:Maybe his party can again try and relabel French Fries as Freedom Fries.

The above? About France and how some Americans love to use them as political foils..

Trump was never seen as a Christian, devout or weak. When was Trump ever photographed entering a church before he needed photo ops? Biden has been a seen as a Christian in all of his public life. Kamala? She has never ranted and raved against Christians, seeing as her hard base is made up of Blacks in churches. (apologies for introducing realities)
You are not happy with Christians. Wait until the Muslims take over or we become a total Dictatorship. Logic tells me someone is going to suffer. So religious end time Christians get it first, then you. No Christian end times, domestically the aged, the sickly, the undereducated will suffer at first. Medicine will be severely reduced with vicious attacks from different groups who use it for their share of a declining commodity. We have a huge population existing on checks and benefits. That will be reduced, and it will cause a reduction of the population in certain groups.

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