Proving The Experts Wrong, The Biden Economy Is Booming While Reducing Inequality

Nope.... All of those numbers are fine.... But they only apply to about 5% of the population.
This is where you lose.

And real inflation is closer to 20% by the way. Try your own hand at it.... Go to the grocery store and see what's on people's minds. It's really that simple. Oh and stop trying to blame the food and grocery companies for the problem. They simply pass on their costs to the consumer unless of course you want them to go out of business completely.
Ah here we go again. The REAL unemployment numbers. Now it's the REAL inflation number. Pah LEEZ.

Biden is doing a great job. Now run along back to your thread about the border. It's really the only issue you got.

Don't tell us you want to put more of the CEO's pay into the employees pocket. That would be lying.
Yep, and this backs your argument up nicely.

Economists were predicting a recession even before there was a spike in inflation during 2022. The huge disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which temporarily sent unemployment soaring to the highest level since the Great Depression, required enormous government intervention to safeguard businesses and prevent individuals from losing everything.

Once again, economists were predicting a cooldown in the American economy during the second quarter of 2024. That didn’t happen. Instead, GDP growth surged, inflation declined, business investments increased, and consumer confidence rose.

More daily Kos left wing lies. Thanks.

Another time when the rich far out gained the rest of us, but you are happy about it, go figure.
You cherry picker. You think Trump's going to fix all that?

Your list looks like a list of when everything is pretty great, you can always find a few flaw or things to pick on. And trust me, your party aint gonna fix record medical debt.

If anything you'll remove pre existing conditions and really fuck the poor and middle class.

And how about abortion. Abortion is economics. If you are going to make me have a baby, that's economics. So vote GOP and it may cost you $400,000

The average cost of raising a child for middle-income families is nearly $375,000
He is going to do as much as Biden did or Harris will do, which is little to nothing because the rich own the lawmakers.
He is going to do as much as Biden did or Harris will do, which is little to nothing because the rich own the lawmakers.

Nonsense. We see what can happen when we have a pro union president. Unions won big last year and they are important to having a strong middle class. Boy, you must be stupid. You want too much from Democrats and ask very little from Republicans. Why is that?

You're not paying attention. You're on of those dopes who isn't going to vote for Kamala because she doesn't have kids, is black, a woman, a DEI hire or because she's the most socialist candidate EVER!

In other words you're buying it Papa. I can already tell.

The Trump years sucked. At least for manufacturing, which is our most important industry

Biden's infrastructure bill is HUGE BTW. You got to give him credit for it. Don't cry about the money he spent our roads and bridges were falling apart. And if you don't like cost maybe you need to stop voting for people who want to give billionaires and Amazon more tax cuts.
Nonsense. We see what can happen when we have a pro union president. Unions won big last year and they are important to having a strong middle class. Boy, you must be stupid. You want too much from Democrats and ask very little from Republicans. Why is that?

You're not paying attention. You're on of those dopes who isn't going to vote for Kamala because she doesn't have kids, is black, a woman, a DEI hire or because she's the most socialist candidate EVER!

In other words you're buying it Papa. I can already tell.

The Trump years sucked. At least for manufacturing, which is our most important industry

Biden's infrastructure bill is HUGE BTW. You got to give him credit for it. Don't cry about the money he spent our roads and bridges were falling apart. And if you don't like cost maybe you need to stop voting for people who want to give billionaires and Amazon more tax cuts.
I don’t care if a person has kids, is married, is black, female, white or any other color, she is a left wing Democrat and is going to increase the debt, just like, Biden, Trump, Obama, and every other President back to Coolidge. Trump has already proven he can’t manage debt, Harris was for a $6.4 trillion spending bill, voted for debt increase while being in the Senate, I will not vote for either.

Btw, unions have decreased in from 10.8% in 2020 to 10% now, and you don’t belong to a union, never have and never will, it is just a stupid talking point for you and it is empty, I worked for a union and was glad to get out.
I don’t care if a person has kids, is married, is black, female, white or any other color, she is a left wing Democrat and is going to increase the debt, just like, Biden, Trump, Obama, and every other President back to Coolidge. Trump has already proven he can’t manage debt, Harris was for a $6.4 trillion spending bill, voted for debt increase while being in the Senate, I will not vote for either.

Btw, unions have decreased in from 10.8% in 2020 to 10% now, and you don’t belong to a union, never have and never will, it is just a stupid talking point for you and it is empty, I worked for a union and was glad to get out.
She's a "left wing" Democrat? So the Biden administration has been too liberal for you? 1. He had to spend to get us out of the Pandemic recession. Trump mishandled the pandemic. Ignored covid like the dinner check. AND, long overdue, Biden got an infrastructure bill passed. A BIG ONE. It was needed. Instead of crying that he did that, you should be asking why Reagan, Bush and Trump gave tax breaks to rich people when our infrastructure was crumbling. But you won't, because you're too stupid to think.

Obama had to spend too in order to get us out of the Bush Great Recession. If not maybe he would have had a surplus like Clinton.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

"Donald Trump is missing in action. He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have," DeSantis said.
I don’t care if a person has kids, is married, is black, female, white or any other color, she is a left wing Democrat and is going to increase the debt, just like, Biden, Trump, Obama, and every other President back to Coolidge. Trump has already proven he can’t manage debt, Harris was for a $6.4 trillion spending bill, voted for debt increase while being in the Senate, I will not vote for either.

Btw, unions have decreased in from 10.8% in 2020 to 10% now, and you don’t belong to a union, never have and never will, it is just a stupid talking point for you and it is empty, I worked for a union and was glad to get out.

Across the US, labor unions are winning surprisingly large contract settlements as workers have reset their expectations to demand considerably more than they did just a few years ago, and that has in turn pressured many corporations to reset – and increase – the pay packages they are giving in union contracts.

The result has been a wave of impressive – sometimes eye-popping – union contracts over the past year, far more generous than in recent decades. In August, 15,000 American Airlines pilots won pay increases of 46% over four years. In a huge labor confrontation last summer, 340,000 Teamster members at UPS won raises of $7.50 an hour over five years, with drivers’ pay climbing to $49 an hour and part-time workers receiving a pay increase of 48% on average.

After a three-day strike earlier this month, 85,000 Kaiser Permanente workers won raises of 21%, as well as a $25 minimum wage for Kaiser’s workers in California. In March, 30,000 Los Angeles school district workers – bus drivers, cafeteria workers and teachers’ aides – won a 30% wage hike over four years. In Oregon, 1,400 nurses at Providence Portland hospital secured raises between 17% and 27% over two years.
I don’t care if a person has kids, is married, is black, female, white or any other color, she is a left wing Democrat and is going to increase the debt, just like, Biden, Trump, Obama, and every other President back to Coolidge. Trump has already proven he can’t manage debt, Harris was for a $6.4 trillion spending bill, voted for debt increase while being in the Senate, I will not vote for either.

Btw, unions have decreased in from 10.8% in 2020 to 10% now, and you don’t belong to a union, never have and never will, it is just a stupid talking point for you and it is empty, I worked for a union and was glad to get out.

It's simple. Since the late 70's America has shifted from a labor economy to investor economy. Instead of being happy with the profits and the happy middle class, corporations saw ways to increase profits. Break unions, send jobs overseas and hire illegals.

Wake up Papa

Under John Roberts, whom former President George W. Bush appointed to serve as chief justice in 2005, the Supreme Court has become more friendly to business than any court in the last 100 years, according to research published in 2022 in the Minnesota Law Review.

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