The economy is not booming under Biden- The S and P 500 success is carried by a few companies. Most of them are underperforming.

Another thread showed the extreme difference of buying a home in 2018 compared to today.

With that interest rate on loans more than triple from 2% under Trump to 7% under Biden it is pricing out tons of Americans from achieving the American dream.

Some of the Biden politicians don’t care about the middle-class. They’re saying things like “well My cousins doing fine or I’m doing fine”. It’s kind of like some politician saying I’m doing well during the Great Depression while many Americans were living in Hooverville shacks.
They all got stronger under the deep state facism Covid scam. You could buy a Mattress at Costco but not mattress plus. All by design as they all donated to deep state or were forced to donate. Mcdonalds was open 24-7 but not the diner forced out of business.
Well said brother. During the lockdowns there was a wealth transfer of trillions of dollars from the middle class to the most wealthy of America including some of the most wealthy BLM left-wing supporters around.

I’ll Criticize Republicans or democrats who supported printing trillions of dollars and giving people $1000 a week for sitting around doing nothing for a year on end. Pure madness and I think centuries from now it’ll be viewed as one of the worst decisions in economic history.

According to the Pbd podcast the vaccine was far more dangerous compared to the virus itself.
When we have politicians telling the American people to “eat cheap. Don’t have kids” that is a disastrous sign. That’s not America. It’s not the country that the World War II veterans fought for. The country is suppose to be a place where you can go get a job at a steel plant and help to build America and have a family and afford to go on a vacation for two or three weeks a year. For a man to be able to work at Bethlehem Steel or Ford Motor Company and take care of his wife and kids and send his kids to college.

There’s nothing better than the site of an American family having some steaks on the grill some nice steaks not those cheap things.
Sorry bout that,

1. If you just starting out looking to buy a house.
2. It wont get any better to look at in ten years.
3. You will never get it paid off, unless you rob a bank.
4. Maybe just rent.
5. That is expensive to, but don't dare look into buying, too costly.
6. Even shacks are expensive as hell, like $179,000 stop looking, do not buy.
7. There is no way out of this nightmare right now, maybe just chill for ten years, till prices come down, and interest rates come down too.

There was one report that said for the first time in 20 years renting cost less than a mortgage. And that ain’t the American dream.

The only way to overcome these brutal is interest rates. In addition to inflation and very high cost of homes is to somehow try and save up a bunch of cash, and just buy the whole amount right. That’s very difficult for most Americans to do though. Talking about saving up $400,000 at least most places.

Old school Democrats of the middle 20th century are looking down from heaven shaking their heads at what’s going on in America today with the left-wing radical politics, the third wave feminism, the poisonous BLM politics. Whatever happened to helping out the working man? The Democrats have forgot about the working man.

We post remain positive though. For a better American future.
On average home prices have doubled. Period on average. Not necessarily every home in the country.

The key point is this. The overwhelming majority of middle past Americans cannot afford to buy a home. It is extraordinarily difficult to make it into the middle class today.

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

either Biden supporters are blatantly ignoring it or they’re not reading it.
Getting better now, on solid Dem ground 😄
There was one report that said for the first time in 20 years renting cost less than a mortgage. And that ain’t the American dream.

The only way to overcome these brutal is interest rates. In addition to inflation and very high cost of homes is to somehow try and save up a bunch of cash, and just buy the whole amount right. That’s very difficult for most Americans to do though. Talking about saving up $400,000 at least most places.

Old school Democrats of the middle 20th century are looking down from heaven shaking their heads at what’s going on in America today with the left-wing radical politics, the third wave feminism, the poisonous BLM politics. Whatever happened to helping out the working man? The Democrats have forgot about the working man.

We post remain positive though. For a better American future.
This is GOP America for forty years now obstruction of Dems...
The average cost of a home has doubled in the USA

This says it all

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

At least back in the 80s there were still some ways to get into a steel plant or Auto plant. Those jobs are gone.

But the headline says it all

It’s also a disaster to grow up in America today ….. with left-wing radical feminist BLM policies, which are very poisonous. The mass school shootings we had today was nonexistent even in the 80s.
Not every where, in Mobile, Alabama you can get a three bedroom house for around 120k. Don't like home prices then blame the investment groups that are buying them up.
They are what their leaders decide, and lots of illegals and children and poor schnooks working for them... French socialism is fair capitalism and what we need more of.... Every other modern country has at least one month vacation after one year for example, France six weeks and great farms and food arghh lol-- and of course living wage and healthcare free college and training 😃 daycare etc...

Patriotic Americans aren't surrender monkey, lazy Fuck, French loving faggot-faggot nonfunctional brain dead morons like you.

So there is that.
When the yield spread (10yr-2yr) uninverts is the recession flag. That, and when all the experts say there will not be a recession.



Here is the real American economy for most people

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

Under Biden we see that inflation, high interest rates on home loans, and high prices of homes are affecting the American middle-class. More Americans than ever cannot reach the middle-class today. The average price of a home has doubled under Biden compared to what it was under Trump.

Go to 6 minutes in

Jimmy shows you that on Fox News, one show reports how great the economy is. On other shows, the more talky, opioniony, bigger liar shows like Hannity, they are reporting how horrible the economy is. I guess Fox is fair and balanced. LOL
Patriotic Americans aren't surrender monkey, lazy Fuck, French loving faggot-faggot nonfunctional brain dead morons like you.

So there is that.
Just how stupid conservative English and Americans get the award for most obnoxious ignorant aholes in the world....just like ignorant people born with a silver think you're so wonderful but it's all because of geography, channel and ocean - haven't needed armies, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool lol....mainly chumps of greedy lying megarich RW swine....
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The average price of a hamburger has TRIPLED.

Have you looked at the credit card debt lately?
Are we talking Big Macs and Whoopers and Drive-ins.

I can get a Deluxe Cheeseburger for $3.65 at Drive-In Dari Delight.
Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 11.05.04 AM.png

Here is the real American economy for most people

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

Under Biden we see that inflation, high interest rates on home loans, and high prices of homes are affecting the American middle-class. More Americans than ever cannot reach the middle-class today. The average price of a home has doubled under Biden compared to what it was under Trump.

Perhaps the ones left open during Fauchi flu and the ones dinating to the Deep State.//

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