The economy is not booming under Biden- The S and P 500 success is carried by a few companies. Most of them are underperforming.

Sorry bout that,

1. If you just starting out looking to buy a house.
2. It wont get any better to look at in ten years.
3. You will never get it paid off, unless you rob a bank.
4. Maybe just rent.
5. That is expensive to, but don't dare look into buying, too costly.
6. Even shacks are expensive as hell, like $179,000 stop looking, do not buy.
7. There is no way out of this nightmare right now, maybe just chill for ten years, till prices come down, and interest rates come down too.

Sorry bout that,

1. If you just starting out looking to buy a house.
2. It wont get any better to look at in ten years.
3. You will never get it paid off, unless you rob a bank.
4. Maybe just rent.
5. That is expensive to, but don't dare look into buying, too costly.
6. Even shacks are expensive as hell, like $179,000 stop looking, do not buy.
7. There is no way out of this nightmare right now, maybe just chill for ten years, till prices come down, and interest rates come down too.

Changing soon,and without corrupt deregulation bubble and bust
Poor frankie.
Processed food is dangerous garbage, usually by monopolies... your GOP world is imaginary. Francophile- We are #1 in unhappiness and being screwed over. Thanks GOP and dupes....Will admit I need travel...
Democrats have TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations. Where do you think all the retirement funds are invested? So don't trash corporations or you will look like a blithering imbecile.
Really I'm just saying the GOP and rubes let them off too many hooks.... I'm with joe and good unions and CEOs. Dem ones lol
The average price of a home has doubled under Biden compared to what it was under Trump.
Still hanging onto that fake news that trump is some kind of savior.
The average price of a hamburger has TRIPLED.
I can still get a hamburger for $1.49.
And a Really Good one at the local Drive-In for $3.29.
Also bread prices have tripled.
Where do you Clowns get your data?
They are everyone's friend.
They are what their leaders decide, and lots of illegals and children and poor schnooks working for them... French socialism is fair capitalism and what we need more of.... Every other modern country has at least one month vacation after one year for example, France six weeks and great farms and food arghh lol-- and of course living wage and healthcare free college and training 😃 daycare etc...
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High home prices are not high everywhere just in larger cities, the interest rates are lower than when I bought my first house in 1986 when it was 9%.. Guess what, we lived.
The average cost of a home has doubled in the USA

This says it all

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

At least back in the 80s there were still some ways to get into a steel plant or Auto plant. Those jobs are gone.

But the headline says it all

It’s also a disaster to grow up in America today ….. with left-wing radical feminist BLM policies, which are very poisonous. The mass school shootings we had today was nonexistent even in the 80s.
It was 13.5% interest when we bought our first home as a young married couple with no credit history yet, in the 80s!

We too, survived the madness!

It’s much more difficult now due to a variety of reasons

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

He said my house DOUBLED in value since Trump, just 4 years ago.

I track it, and that is simply not true, where I am at....

then again, Maine is not known to be a HOT real estate market...especially way up here where we are....

We bought the house 17 years ago, during the 2006 boom, so we bought high.... It is now, worth about double of what we paid, allegedly!
On average home prices have doubled. Period on average. Not necessarily every home in the country.

The key point is this. The overwhelming majority of middle past Americans cannot afford to buy a home. It is extraordinarily difficult to make it into the middle class today.

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

either Biden supporters are blatantly ignoring it or they’re not reading it.

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