The Hill We Die On

"Stop the Squeal"

He won in a landslide, shit for brains,
Fake news.
Democrats don't want secure elections. They want elections that are easy to swindle
I think it's time for Texas to remove itself from this farce.
There is massive evidence of massive

During the first space shuttle launch, the liftoff had to be put on hold because the backup computer data did not agree with the other computers on board. Come to find out all the naysaying computers were wrong and the lone backup was correct.
Dump the mass mail-in voting, as most countries have.

Way too many potential exploits.

We weren't at all ready for it, using the pandemic as an excuse to ram it through, which is not a reasonable justification in the context of running an election and ensuring the process is secure, safeguards were actually rolled back in some cases and it turned into a very predictable shit show.

What do we do about this one? It's over. Better chance of finding Hoffa than anything moving on this at this point, but this cannot be the status quo as it's a joke. Totally inadequate protocols or safeguards. Utterly ridiculous. Might as well be clipping ballots off the back of the cereal boxes and sending those in.....
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
Nothing was stolen, but you guys probably want to convince the REPUBLICAN STATE LEGISLATURES THAT PASSED MAIL IN VOTING LAWS TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR REPUBLICANS TO VOTE to amend those laws

Gosh, you asserted that as fact SO FIRMLY, we just HAVE to accept it as true . . . oh, wait, we don't. Can you name any of these alleged state legislatures that allegedly passed mail-in voting laws?
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
To quote the militant commie peckerheads who burned Murca's cities last summer:
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
For Christ's sake, Frankie! You Trumpers have had nearly 60 cases under judicial review so far with two of them before SCOTUS. Ya got one decision in your favor which didn't change a single vote out of well over 160 million that I know of. The two SCOTUS cases were kicked to the curb by unanimous 9-0 decisions with SIX conservatives of the nine voting as a block right along with the remaining three liberals.

There was no theft of the election. Any voter fraud which may have occurred has not been placed before a Court and there sure as Hell hasn't been any voter fraud shown to be of the magnitude to overwhelm the 7 plus million margin in the popular vote or any other proper measure. You Trumpers keep whining about voter fraud, but you just can't produce it in a Court of Law. That is so damn lame, and makes you all look like infants crying for your mother's breast! Fucking pitiful!
Who ties your shoes, moron? There is enough proof of fraud to fill a giant football stadium. The Marxist judges have not looked at the evidence. Doesn't matter. President Trump will soon institute his 2018 Executive Order and the Insurrection Act and many of your Democrat - and Republican - comrades will be behind bars.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
For Christ's sake, Frankie! You Trumpers have had nearly 60 cases under judicial review so far with two of them before SCOTUS. Ya got one decision in your favor which didn't change a single vote out of well over 160 million that I know of. The two SCOTUS cases were kicked to the curb by unanimous 9-0 decisions with SIX conservatives of the nine voting as a block right along with the remaining three liberals.

There was no theft of the election. Any voter fraud which may have occurred has not been placed before a Court and there sure as Hell hasn't been any voter fraud shown to be of the magnitude to overwhelm the 7 plus million margin in the popular vote or any other proper measure. You Trumpers keep whining about voter fraud, but you just can't produce it in a Court of Law. That is so damn lame, and makes you all look like infants crying for your mother's breast! Fucking pitiful!
Who ties your shoes, moron? There is enough proof of fraud to fill a giant football stadium. The Marxist judges have not looked at the evidence. Doesn't matter. President Trump will soon institute his 2018 Executive Order and the Insurrection Act and many of your Democrat - and Republican - comrades will be behind bars.
The Marxist judges have not looked at the evidence. Doesn't matter. President Trump will soon institute his 2018 Executive Order and the Insurrection Act and many of your Democrat - and Republican - comrades will be behind bars.
With so much evidence, why hasn't the Orange Clown and his minions produced that stadium full of evidence, indicted all the perps your dumb ass claims to be breaking the law and started at least ONE trial for all this crime you're running off at the mouth about? Could it be a form of Trumpian ED the Idiot-in-Chief is dealing with? I believe so!

And you really think that the six SCOTUS Justices, three of which were appointed by Trump who shot down the only two cases to make it there would allow the Cheeto-in-Chief to go through with that bullshit. You have no knowledge of how the Pretorians at the gate of our liberties would act given you're banking on a Trump autocratic overthrow of republican* forms!!!! You really don't know shit from Shinola kid!

*See Article IV US Constitution for comprehension, kid
This is the Hill we Die on.

Allowing dems and the CCP to cheat they way into the White House and Senate majority will be the Death of America. The US dollar will collapse as the Worlds Reserve currency. No one will buy our debt or our products at current prices. Think about that for a second.
China will become the world's sole superpower, the China renminbi will supplant the US dollar.

You have to understand how completely fucked will we be at that point. Total, completely. An entire nation turned into Baltimore, or Newark or Detroit. Fucked in the trillions column.

Trump either locks the fuckers up - or USA R.I.P.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
Don't tease me with fake promises. I'm no virgin.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
Don't tease me with fake promises. I'm no virgin.

Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it

Pursue all legal means?

Please name one person who has been arrested for voter fraud in PA, NV, AZ, MI, WI, GA.
Please name one poll worker who has been arrested for falsifying election results in those states.

The sad thing is that if you guys had actually done the grunt work of filing complaints (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), got local and county law enforcement to investigate the crimes (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), and then had some arrests (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), and indictments (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at) you could then go to the State legislatures and point out that there have been arrests made....clearly there are cases of fraud.

Instead, you guys tried to start at the top (likely because there was no sizable fraud) and it didn't go anywhere.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it

Pursue all legal means?

Please name one person who has been arrested for voter fraud in PA, NV, AZ, MI, WI, GA.
Please name one poll worker who has been arrested for falsifying election results in those states.

The sad thing is that if you guys had actually done the grunt work of filing complaints (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), got local and county law enforcement to investigate the crimes (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), and then had some arrests (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), and indictments (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at) you could then go to the State legislatures and point out that there have been arrests made....clearly there are cases of fraud.

Instead, you guys tried to start at the top (likely because there was no sizable fraud) and it didn't go anywhere.

Right, corrupt democrat run cities are ALL OVER voter Fraud that pumped tens of millions of votes to CCP Joe
actually done the grunt work of filing complaints ... got local and county law enforcement to investigate the crimes
Small town cops don't know shit about the law except how they are punished to enforce it by their corrupt city hall administration. They don't know or care shit about the Constitution because they were never disciplined or punished at the police academy to uphold their oath to support it as the highest law of the land. It's just get the Democrats in office guns are banned they got their handcuffs out to arrest Republicans already.
>>> Shadowgate introduces two people who both claim to have been private contractors working for private companies that siphon digital information (web traffic, text messages, phone calls) collected by the National Security Agency (NSA), the national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense.
>>> According to the whistleblowers, information collected by the NSA is mirrored, or duplicated. That duplicated data, it is alleged, is retained by contractors who sell it to people who use it for nefarious purposes. Those purposes include using data in psychological operations deployed through mainstream and social media outlets to influence elections, and as a source of blackmail to bully opponents of political initiatives.
>>> Charles Weaver and Gavin Wince were also released Monday on their own recognizance.
>>> The trial date is set for November 2, the day before the 2020 United States Presidential election.<<<
And isn't it high time for NSA and DHS to get out of bed with that small-town law shit?
actually done the grunt work of filing complaints ... got local and county law enforcement to investigate the crimes
Small town cops don't know shit about the law except how they are punished to enforce it by their corrupt city hall administration. They don't know or care shit about the Constitution because they were never disciplined or punished at the police academy to uphold their oath to support it as the highest law of the land. It's just get the Democrats in office guns are banned they got their handcuffs out to arrest Republicans already.
You're an idiot.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it

Pursue all legal means?

Please name one person who has been arrested for voter fraud in PA, NV, AZ, MI, WI, GA.
Please name one poll worker who has been arrested for falsifying election results in those states.

The sad thing is that if you guys had actually done the grunt work of filing complaints (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), got local and county law enforcement to investigate the crimes (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), and then had some arrests (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at), and indictments (where there are no TV cameras for Rudy to mug at) you could then go to the State legislatures and point out that there have been arrests made....clearly there are cases of fraud.

Instead, you guys tried to start at the top (likely because there was no sizable fraud) and it didn't go anywhere.

Right, corrupt democrat run cities are ALL OVER voter Fraud that pumped tens of millions of votes to CCP Joe

Gee...perhaps there would be some arrests of the fraudsters or corrupt election workers at some point. When can we expect that to happen?

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