The Hill We Die On

We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
You lie.
To you anything you do not like is a lie. Can't you just disagree like an adult in public or at a business meeting. If you think you have been ignored, (and I don't think you have been) maybe it is your attitude that would get you ignored, placing you on the outside looking in.
Still lying. Nope, all of you thugs should be dealt with harshly.
People like you probably should be on the outside looking in, then. These are serious times and call for serious people, not simple (and I use the word pointedly) disruptors and childish name callers.
After rejecting reality yet another time, conservatives will sit on their butts and whine a lot on the internet, exactly the same as they're doing now.

Remember, if you're doing more than whining, you're not considered to be a true conservative. Any hint of "working" or "sacrificing" will cause other conservatives to think you're a dirty liberal.
While we are sitting on our butts we will watch as the dems sink to the bottom of the swamp....they almost lost the house last month...they will lose it in 2022....people do not like cheaters....

The D's will just cheat in 2022, if they get away with a theft in 2020.
You'll have to take that up with people who haven't bought the con, such as the Republican governors, Republican election officials, Trump-appointed judges, and the Supreme Court.
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
You lie.
To you anything you do not like is a lie. Can't you just disagree like an adult in public or at a business meeting. If you think you have been ignored, (and I don't think you have been) maybe it is your attitude that would get you ignored, placing you on the outside looking in.
Still lying. Nope, all of you thugs should be dealt with harshly.
People like you probably should be on the outside looking in, then. These are serious times and call for serious people, not simple (and I use the word pointedly) disruptors and childish name callers.
No other interaction is worth having with leftists. Try and stop lying and and supporting a senile fool and dangerous whore and maybe we can get along better.
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
BS What universe do you live in? The paper evidence of fraud could fill a large football stadium not to mention 100's of sworn witnesses' affidavits. If President Trump doesn't institute the Insurrection Act to halt this, a civil war will ensue.
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
BS What universe do you live in? The paper evidence of fraud could fill a large football stadium not to mention 100's of sworn witnesses' affidavits. If President Trump doesn't institute the Insurrection Act to halt this, a civil war will ensue.

I hope you're mother's basement is warm.
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Your orange autocrat lost and you’re butthurt.

Go sit on an donut shaped pillow and shut the fuck up
He won in a landslide, shit for brains, and it's far from over. Ever hear of the Insurrection Act or Exe
cutive Order 13848?
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Your orange autocrat lost and you’re butthurt.

Go sit on an donut shaped pillow and shut the fuck up
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
BS What universe do you live in? The paper evidence of fraud could fill a large football stadium not to mention 100's of sworn witnesses' affidavits. If President Trump doesn't institute the Insurrection Act to halt this, a civil war will ensue.
Welcome to USMB, hhfarmwins. Hope you enjoy USMB as much as I liked your post. :thup:
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
You lie.
To you anything you do not like is a lie. Can't you just disagree like an adult in public or at a business meeting. If you think you have been ignored, (and I don't think you have been) maybe it is your attitude that would get you ignored, placing you on the outside looking in.
Still lying. Nope, all of you thugs should be dealt with harshly.
People like you probably should be on the outside looking in, then. These are serious times and call for serious people, not simple (and I use the word pointedly) disruptors and childish name callers.
No other interaction is worth having with leftists. Try and stop lying and and supporting a senile fool and dangerous whore and maybe we can get along better.
I guess you just wanted to be a warp frustrated old man and achieved your life's dream. Enjoy it in your little bubble.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
For Christ's sake, Frankie! You Trumpers have had nearly 60 cases under judicial review so far with two of them before SCOTUS. Ya got one decision in your favor which didn't change a single vote out of well over 160 million that I know of. The two SCOTUS cases were kicked to the curb by unanimous 9-0 decisions with SIX conservatives of the nine voting as a block right along with the remaining three liberals.

There was no theft of the election. Any voter fraud which may have occurred has not been placed before a Court and there sure as Hell hasn't been any voter fraud shown to be of the magnitude to overwhelm the 7 plus million margin in the popular vote or any other proper measure. You Trumpers keep whining about voter fraud, but you just can't produce it in a Court of Law. That is so damn lame, and makes you all look like infants crying for your mother's breast! Fucking pitiful!
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
BS What universe do you live in? The paper evidence of fraud could fill a large football stadium not to mention 100's of sworn witnesses' affidavits. If President Trump doesn't institute the Insurrection Act to halt this, a civil war will ensue.
Which trump appointed judge or justice agreed and supported your BS? None that I am aware of. Who knows? Maybe you are wrong.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
If you have faith in Christ, now is the time to pray. In the end, that is all that matters anyway. Everything else is rubbish.

I know it doesn't seem like an answer, but it truly is. Now is the time. Be reconciled. The tribulations are on us.

Not much we can do to prevent the tribulations. Make ourselves right with the Lord and rejoice in that.

That is the answer.
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...
Over all it was the will of the people, chicanery. The election was not stolen. Move on and support American democracy in action and wish the best of luck the the Biden Administration. Everything is going to be alright.
You lie.
To you anything you do not like is a lie. Can't you just disagree like an adult in public or at a business meeting. If you think you have been ignored, (and I don't think you have been) maybe it is your attitude that would get you ignored, placing you on the outside looking in.
Still lying. Nope, all of you thugs should be dealt with harshly.
People like you probably should be on the outside looking in, then. These are serious times and call for serious people, not simple (and I use the word pointedly) disruptors and childish name callers.
No other interaction is worth having with leftists. Try and stop lying and and supporting a senile fool and dangerous whore and maybe we can get along better.
I guess you just wanted to be a warp frustrated old man and achieved your life's dream. Enjoy it in your little bubble.
Fake news.
Work closely together with Democrats across the country to insure that future elections are absolutely as secure as possible, with intelligent built-in contingencies in place to deal with a wide variety of potential situations. Communicate, collaborate and innovate so that the best ideas of both parties are implemented without ego, and so that both parties have skin in the game to keep silly finger-pointing to a minimum. Just like America used to do.

Ha ha, just kidding.

Voter ID, right?
There was ample opportunity for evidence with a thread dedicated to it, which I reposted in several threads- and got NO responses from anyone, including those on the so-called right. The evidence is available. It's public knowledge- if it isn't used, then, the fix is in. There will never be another credible election in this Country no what side of the aisle you feel you're on.
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
For Christ's sake, Frankie! You Trumpers have had nearly 60 cases under judicial review so far with two of them before SCOTUS. Ya got one decision in your favor which didn't change a single vote out of well over 160 million that I know of. The two SCOTUS cases were kicked to the curb by unanimous 9-0 decisions with SIX conservatives of the nine voting as a block right along with the remaining three liberals.

There was no theft of the election. Any voter fraud which may have occurred has not been placed before a Court and there sure as Hell hasn't been any voter fraud shown to be of the magnitude to overwhelm the 7 plus million margin in the popular vote or any other proper measure. You Trumpers keep whining about voter fraud, but you just can't produce it in a Court of Law. That is so damn lame, and makes you all look like infants crying for your mother's breast! Fucking pitiful!
TC, Crusader Frank is so right. The people you trust are shooting for chaos that will enable the leftists to
Big winter storm coming in 1 to 2 feet so I made a run to several stores. Had Rush on and he was talking to a caller who references Mark Styne standing in yesterday saying that "this is the hill we die on" with respect to stopping the greatest Crime in American History: the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Rush asked her, "Um, OK What does that mean? What should we do about it?" And the caller had no answer

Here's that I think it means: We pursue all legal means. We divulge any and all evidence. What does CISA have? I keep hearing "we have it all" from the Q branch. Um. OK, LET'S SEE IT! Stop dicking around and show us what happened!

If that still does not sway a Court, and if it's really shown that the Election was stolen, then...


I was going to post another paragraph with my thoughts but what say you? I will post it later on, unless someone else says it
If you have faith in Christ, now is the time to pray. In the end, that is all that matters anyway. Everything else is rubbish.

I know it doesn't seem like an answer, but it truly is. Now is the time. Be reconciled. The tribulations are on us.

Not much we can do to prevent the tribulations. Make ourselves right with the Lord and rejoice in that.

That is the answer.
It doesnt get better than that, The owl32.
We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...

For starters, McConnell needs to tell Biden to cool his heels, make take a trip to China while we sort it out
Work closely together with Democrats across the country to insure that future elections are absolutely as secure as possible, with intelligent built-in contingencies in place to deal with a wide variety of potential situations. Communicate, collaborate and innovate so that the best ideas of both parties are implemented without ego, and so that both parties have skin in the game to keep silly finger-pointing to a minimum. Just like America used to do.

Ha ha, just kidding.

Yeah, and we'll also work closely with the fox to ensure that the henhouse is absolutely secure.
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We must make sure this stops right here....we must persuade the GOP to fight voter fraud and to clean up our elections....short of that will mean all out side of the political isle can break laws steal elections rape women cheat on their taxes and tell all the lies they want with no repercussions...and the other side gets nailed for nothing...if that doesn't change we are going to have to fight....they leave us no choice...

I'm encouraging everyone I know who lives in one of the problematic states to join me in lobbying our state legislatures to clean up our elections, the way Florida did theirs after the debacle of 2000.
Work closely together with Democrats across the country to insure that future elections are absolutely as secure as possible, with intelligent built-in contingencies in place to deal with a wide variety of potential situations. Communicate, collaborate and innovate so that the best ideas of both parties are implemented without ego, and so that both parties have skin in the game to keep silly finger-pointing to a minimum. Just like America used to do.

Ha ha, just kidding.

Yeah, and we'll also work closely with the fox to insure that the henhouse is absolutely secure.
I don't expect people like you to be involved in any constructive conversation. Carry on.
Two Trump loyalists have already said that Biden won the election. Barr basically said it when he said there was no evidence of election fraud. What did that result in for him? He's resigning by Christmas.

McConnell congratulated Biden and said he was the president elect on the floor of the Senate yesterday. What did that get him? A nasty attack tweet from Trump.

Face it guys, everyone knows that Biden won and Trump lost. The only ones who are still yelling about stolen elections is Trump and his hard core supporters. For some strange reason, Trump loyalists believe everything that he tweets or says, even when it's a bald faced lie.

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