Harris rally live

Poor Canadian. Look at that packed gym. Grady Seasons said it best:

It's like a nightmare isn't it? It just gets worse and worse.
Meh, I don't know anything about music today. This does explain the crowd though.

So this isn't really a Harris rally. It's a concert that her campaign paid the artist to play at and the people get in for free.

More fake news in an election cycle full of smoke and mirrors.

people did not come out for 15 minutes of music.

Stop being a moron
She is going to be greater than Abraham Lincoln! Even greater than Joe Biden!

Let's go!

"Abraham Lincoln once said, "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Four score, meaning a different calculation of time. Time being counted by a different calculation. That is not to mean they literally brought it forth, they were just measuring the said time differently than we do today. And don't get me started about equality and only white men being created equal unless you people want to be here all damn night!!!"
It looks like Judge Joe Brown is confirming that Kamala is the whore we thought she was. He called her a "piece of sh*t" and has no business in the capacity that she is in today. She got plenty of perks from Willy including a BMW and moved through the ranks sleeping with the Deputy DA and an NBA Player....She is real trash....
Trash is paying off porn stars in order to advance your political career which is exactly what Trump did. Harris was single, she could fuck who she wanted to when she wanted to. Personally, I like women who love sex.
Meh, I don't know anything about music today. This does explain the crowd though.

So this isn't really a Harris rally. It's a concert that her campaign paid the artist to play at and the people get in for free.

More fake news in an election cycle full of smoke and mirrors.
It was a rally. Trump rallies have music and dancing too.
She is half white devil like Obama

You don't expect the party that started the KKK to put a full blooded black in office do you?
At least Kamala doesn’t embarrass herself by doing the double jerk off dance that Trump does.
Harris followed the Karl Rove Playbook: hit your opponent hard in his strength.

She did that with immigration and inflation right out of the starting gate.

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