Do you invest in Foreign markets ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
My better stock choices this year have been mainly outside of the UK. Meredith Corp an American publisher is my superstar and also Moncler , an Italian luxury goods company.
Ive got a small amount in a Mexican ETF which is doing ok and I am looking at Vietnam at the moment.

Do you Guys just invest in the US or do you spread your wings ?
My better stock choices this year have been mainly outside of the UK. Meredith Corp an American publisher is my superstar and also Moncler , an Italian luxury goods company.
Ive got a small amount in a Mexican ETF which is doing ok and I am looking at Vietnam at the moment.

Do you Guys just invest in the US or do you spread your wings ?
My apologies that my question is a bit out of topic, but how do you buy these shares in Mexico, Italy, Vietnam.? Is there something like an online stock exchange?
My better stock choices this year have been mainly outside of the UK. Meredith Corp an American publisher is my superstar and also Moncler , an Italian luxury goods company.
Ive got a small amount in a Mexican ETF which is doing ok and I am looking at Vietnam at the moment.

Do you Guys just invest in the US or do you spread your wings ?
My apologies that my question is a bit out of topic, but how do you buy these shares in Mexico, Italy, Vietnam.? Is there something like an online stock exchange?
For the main markets like Europe,US, Canada and so on my broker offers a full service. For the smaller markets like Mexico and Vietnam, I invest through an index tracker generally. Sometimes I do invest through an actively managed fund but mostly I am betting on their economy rather than individual shares.
For a lot of big Chinese companies they also list on the American exchanges so I go through them.
It pays to look at the make up of some of the regional funds as well. For example European Emerging Markets should give yo exposure to all of Eastern Europe but may be a Russian fund with a few token securities tacked on.
Lots of foreign companies capitalize their stocks in American stock exchanges. From Russia and China and Afghanistan to Brazil...a LOT of companies do it here. (Of course European companies too).

And some of them I tend to avoid regardless of performance or expected performance. Taiwanese stocks are OK but PRC stocks are definitely out. Same thing with Russian and Slavic country stocks. South America is ok but mostly just Brazil. The rest have issues. Companies in India? It really depends...they gotta have something. Canadian stocks? Of course... Mexican stocks? Meh!

Currently I like coffee futures...the chart formation looks great and like it's about to explode.

I can get more into the reasons for my choices if you want...but mostly because of the audit trails aren't as good as I would like.
And...just as a tip....the Brazilian Real is quickly climbing against the Dollar until such time as the US raises interest rates. A penny or two can be had's currently at 5 Real to one dollar but is expected to get as high as 8.
it's currently at 5 Real to one dollar but is expected to get as high as 8.

So you meant the Real is tanking versus the dollar?
It's complicated, but up to a point you are correct....
Currently our dollar is gaining strength more quickly than the Real...but the value of the other currencies are tanking more...Peru has a currency that has made the news media recently. "Peru inflation" is what I would Google to read up on it.
You can buy mutual funds that have international companies
You should have 15-20 percent international to diversify
I only buy the index type of funds and it has companies in Asia and Europe
Does gun running to The Sudan count?


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