Do you support same sex marriage legalization?


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
So homosexual marriages are finally legalized and destigmatized. I'm completely not okay with that. I have always been conservative and marriage will always stay for me the union of a man and a woman. It seems so strange that we didn't have a nationwide referendum. Gay marriages is a very important issue and it needs to be discussed with people. But for some reason the supreme court completely ignored the people's opinion.
So homosexual marriages are finally legalized and destigmatized. I'm completely not okay with that. I have always been conservative and marriage will always stay for me the union of a man and a woman. It seems so strange that we didn't have a nationwide referendum. Gay marriages is a very important issue and it needs to be discussed with people. But for some reason the supreme court completely ignored the people's opinion.

Yo, just think? The courts will be busy coming up, then busy with all of the soap opera divorce cases! AHHHHH, Life Is Great! TAXES!

So homosexual marriages are finally legalized and destigmatized. I'm completely not okay with that. I have always been conservative and marriage will always stay for me the union of a man and a woman. It seems so strange that we didn't have a nationwide referendum. Gay marriages is a very important issue and it needs to be discussed with people. But for some reason the supreme court completely ignored the people's opinion.

The Supreme Court broke the law. 9 Judges broke the law. 6 were Roman Catholic and 3 were Jews who apparently have no fear of God.

I am absolutely against the legalization of same sex marriage. It is an abomination before God.
I don't know.

I am not religious, nor do I appreciate the craziness secularism ushers in. Marriage is a man-made social construct, much like everything else not found in a planet that contains no humans.

When I think of humans, I prefer the idea of one man, one woman, in love, raising their little ones. Because America is not a religious nation, and is comprised of 1000+ flavors of crazy, I don't think there is really a way to prevent the legalization of gay marriage, if ever. Then again, polygamy, polyamory, incest... those marriages will be inevitable as well, given time and steam. More often than we care to admit, one thing does usually lead to another.

Do I support gay marriage or the notion of homosexuality? No, never. Do I think it is something to be proud of? No. Anything that you are supposedly born with [or not, because homosexuality has no genetic precursor] is not something to take pride in. Are there string reasons for me to fight against it? Not really, because America is not only for Christians. We do have perverts like furries, and confused folks like the transgendered and homosexuals in our nation as well. Everyone is an American and has a say, not just the Christians. I imagine it would be the same if you swapped out Christians and Christianity with Muslims and Islam.

Am I of the opinion that homosexuality is absolutely disgusting and totally not normal? Hell yeah. But, then again, the same can be said for any oral or anal sex, because it's not natural and really isn't that normal. Do I feel little ones are better served having the influences of one mommy and one daddy? Yes, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Are you automatically a bigot and hate people because you don't believe in the notion of gay marriage because it conflicts with your personal morals? NO. Don't believe the hype some of these shameless partisan hype-sters spew. They're like the idiots who scream racism at everything, or the morons who scream commie-pinko at anything not die-hard Right ideology. These f***ing media whores keep manipulating and pitting us against each other, making us HATE. THEY are the enemy. They manipulate us like pawns, and LIE TO US to get us to act as they want us to.

Boy, now I'm getting on a tangent. Gonna grab a hot cup of coffee. BRB.
There's nothing unconstitutional about it, but the same could be said about incest between two adults, having a dozen wifes or a dozen husbands.

Morally it is a gate to hell.
It was most certainly unconstitutional Matthew. That decision should never have been placed in the hands of the Surpreme Court. it was not their decision to make. The Supreme Court broke the law of this land. Imagine that. The highest court in the land broke the law and the people rejoiced (many). It is a very sad day for America.
Yes I do. Being Gay is not a choice ,you are born that way.It is no different than being born Black, or with red hair,or having blue eyes.
My brother is Gay ,no if ands or buts about it. He is one of the smartest people I know.He has told me he wishes he was straight but he isn't. It would have made his life a whole lot easier. Wether he ever gets married or not is up to him, but now he has the right to, finally.
Now he has been Givin his right to marry something most other people have had so long that they take it for granted.
So homosexual marriages are finally legalized and destigmatized. I'm completely not okay with that. I have always been conservative and marriage will always stay for me the union of a man and a woman. It seems so strange that we didn't have a nationwide referendum. Gay marriages is a very important issue and it needs to be discussed with people. But for some reason the supreme court completely ignored the people's opinion.

The Supreme Court broke the law. 9 Judges broke the law. 6 were Roman Catholic and 3 were Jews who apparently have no fear of God.

I am absolutely against the legalization of same sex marriage. It is an abomination before God.

Except biblical laws or dogma have no place in US law.
So homosexual marriages are finally legalized and destigmatized. I'm completely not okay with that. I have always been conservative and marriage will always stay for me the union of a man and a woman. It seems so strange that we didn't have a nationwide referendum. Gay marriages is a very important issue and it needs to be discussed with people. But for some reason the supreme court completely ignored the people's opinion.

There was already a nationwide referendum on equal treatment under the law when the 14th Amendment was passed by Congress and ratified by the States.

Since that has already been decided all that was necessary was to make the ruling that it was unconstitutional to deny gay Americans their right to equality under the law.
So homosexual marriages are finally legalized and destigmatized. I'm completely not okay with that. I have always been conservative and marriage will always stay for me the union of a man and a woman. It seems so strange that we didn't have a nationwide referendum. Gay marriages is a very important issue and it needs to be discussed with people. But for some reason the supreme court completely ignored the people's opinion.

The Supreme Court broke the law. 9 Judges broke the law. 6 were Roman Catholic and 3 were Jews who apparently have no fear of God.

I am absolutely against the legalization of same sex marriage. It is an abomination before God.

Fortunately We the People are answerable to ourselves and not your God.

We get to decide for ourselves what is best for ourselves now and while we protect your right to believe as you wish you don't get to impose your beliefs on We the People.
Marriage is a man-made social construct, much like everything else not found in a planet that contains no humans.

Actually there are instances of "gay marriages" in nature where it takes two adults to feed and raise their offspring and one has died. In those instances another adult, often of the same sex helps with the child rearing. This has been observed and recorded in bird species.
There's nothing unconstitutional about it, but the same could be said about incest between two adults, having a dozen wifes or a dozen husbands.

Morally it is a gate to hell.
It was most certainly unconstitutional Matthew. That decision should never have been placed in the hands of the Surpreme Court. it was not their decision to make. The Supreme Court broke the law of this land. Imagine that. The highest court in the land broke the law and the people rejoiced (many). It is a very sad day for America.

The SCOTUS merely ruled that everyone is equal under the law of the land. They committed no violations of the law although Scalia proved once again why he is not fit to remain a Justice.
The animal kingdom has all kinds of polygamous action goin' on. All kinds. How's that for "nature"?​
^^^ They can also get their meals from the nearest trash can and have no health issues from it afterwards. That doesn't mean that we humans can too.

God bless you always!!!


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