Do you Tweet? Do you Facebook? Do you post cute pet pictures on social media?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.
No on Twitter yes on Facebook no on bitching about Trump on social media.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

so there is no difference between the president of the US being an internet troll and decent people?
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

Bizarre that RWNJs believe the president of the US is so unimportant that we all have the same power, our tweets and FB posts are as important as trump's.

Gramps - yousens a funny guy.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

so there is no difference between the president of the US being an internet troll and decent people?

Thanks. You said it much better than I did.

Gramps - why do you believe trump is so unimportant? Is it because the entire planet knows he's lying and will tell a different lie tomorrow? Is that it?
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

so there is no difference between the president of the US being an internet troll and decent people?
Nope. We are all Americans with equal rights and privileges, including Trump.
He is no more special or unique than you or I. Because you place him on an unattainable pedestal does not mean he actually resides there.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

NO. Next thread..
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

NO. Next thread..
Next hell, I'm spent. This was all I had bruh.
Google Babymetal for a good laugh if you're bored
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

NO. Next thread..
Next hell, I'm spent. This was all I had bruh.
Google Babymetal for a good laugh if you're bored

Lol. I actually kind of dig Babymetal. Shame about the guitarist.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

so there is no difference between the president of the US being an internet troll and decent people?

What he's saying is, stop being a hypocrite.

If you are not being a hypocrite, then this doesn't apply to you.

As for Trump being an internet troll, I find it hilarious.

I don't think anyone voted for Trump because they thought he was the epitome of being "Presidential".

In fact, I think a large number of them voted for him specifically because they wanted to see people on the left, freak out. I'm enjoying that myself.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

so there is no difference between the president of the US being an internet troll and decent people?

What he's saying is, stop being a hypocrite.

If you are not being a hypocrite, then this doesn't apply to you.

As for Trump being an internet troll, I find it hilarious.

I don't think anyone voted for Trump because they thought he was the epitome of being "Presidential".

In fact, I think a large number of them voted for him specifically because they wanted to see people on the left, freak out. I'm enjoying that myself.

One of the attractions of Trump is he can relate to the little guy. He talks about politics the way most of us do at the bar, lunch room at work, with family or friends. He says what he feels without going through the political correct machine first.

The left can say what they want about Trump, but one thing nobody can deny, he is the most entertaining and funniest President of our time.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.
I tend to disagree here. As the president, you have to uphold a certain image and demeanor. Your life as any politician really, has to be measured with restraint. Remember, it's not just your own citizens who are watching, it's the eyes of the whole world, and in that type of position, that does matter.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.
I tend to disagree here. As the president, you have to uphold a certain image and demeanor. Your life as any politician really, has to be measured with restraint. Remember, it's not just your own citizens who are watching, it's the eyes of the whole world, and in that type of position, that does matter.
I can agree somewhat but I also disagree.
For generations we've had "messured" & "tested" messages.

I kind of prefer the "real deal"
I hate when someone bullshits me with semantics & side talk.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.
I tend to disagree here. As the president, you have to uphold a certain image and demeanor. Your life as any politician really, has to be measured with restraint. Remember, it's not just your own citizens who are watching, it's the eyes of the whole world, and in that type of position, that does matter.

So in short, be a phony like the rest of them.
What's ironic is that everyone should love that Trump tweets as much as he does. For his supporters, it's a way for him to bypass the media spin machine and speak directly to the people, unfiltered.

For his detractors, it's even better. You get the red meat you crave. The dumbass statements, the emotionally charged backlashes and everything. It's a window right into the man, and shows just how insecure, pompous and narcissistic he is. You wouldn't be able to credibly attack him for that without that ammunition at your disposal.
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

so there is no difference between the president of the US being an internet troll and decent people?

What he's saying is, stop being a hypocrite.

If you are not being a hypocrite, then this doesn't apply to you.

As for Trump being an internet troll, I find it hilarious.

I don't think anyone voted for Trump because they thought he was the epitome of being "Presidential".

In fact, I think a large number of them voted for him specifically because they wanted to see people on the left, freak out. I'm enjoying that myself.

One of the attractions of Trump is he can relate to the little guy. He talks about politics the way most of us do at the bar, lunch room at work, with family or friends. He says what he feels without going through the political correct machine first.

The left can say what they want about Trump, but one thing nobody can deny, he is the most entertaining and funniest President of our time.

He can relate to “the little guy” who owns private planes

It’s that he’s as stupid and angry and CICU
Lua as trumpkina
Tell everyone about that awesome movie or dinner experience? How bout your latest bowel activities? Tell everyone your child is an honor student on Facebook? How bout their latest sports score from today's boring soccer game?

If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.

so there is no difference between the president of the US being an internet troll and decent people?

What he's saying is, stop being a hypocrite.

If you are not being a hypocrite, then this doesn't apply to you.

As for Trump being an internet troll, I find it hilarious.

I don't think anyone voted for Trump because they thought he was the epitome of being "Presidential".

In fact, I think a large number of them voted for him specifically because they wanted to see people on the left, freak out. I'm enjoying that myself.

One of the attractions of Trump is he can relate to the little guy. He talks about politics the way most of us do at the bar, lunch room at work, with family or friends. He says what he feels without going through the political correct machine first.

The left can say what they want about Trump, but one thing nobody can deny, he is the most entertaining and funniest President of our time.

He can relate to “the little guy” who owns private planes

It’s that he’s as stupid and angry and CICU
Lua as trumpkina

See how you are responding? When I read your post, that is how I relate to Trump. He pisses you people off, so you come on here with your little freak out sessions, and in that moment, I appreciate Trump.

You... are how we relate to Trump. We both, us the public and Trump, love seeing you people freak out. The more you screech about Trump, the more his supporters appreciate him.
I posted a cock pic on Facebook and the qu33rs at Facebook banned me for 3 days. :p

Long story short, they have an algorithm for helping Crooked Hillary and identifying penis pics. :p
If you said yes to any of the above then you have no business bitching about Trumps social media habits.
So your logic is that because we're a nation of social media addicted zombies that it somehow excuses the childish rants the President of the United States vomits all over the Internet?

Gee.. I was under the impression that POTUS was a leadership position which might involve setting some sort of an example with respect to behavior and civility for the common citizenry. Perhaps the Teflon Don might want to utilize that twitter account pursuant to bringing the citizenry closer together rather than making every effort to further tear it apart.

The current knave in the Oval Office makes one yearn for the days of Ronald Reagan and his eternal optimism and wry, self deprecating sense of humor.

"This fellow they've nominated claims he's the new Thomas Jefferson. Well let me tell you something, I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine, and governor, you're no Thomas Jefferson." -- Ronald Reagan

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