Do you want to know how to stop President Trump from separating children from their parents?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
One in three separated children not reunited by court-ordered deadline
As a court-ordered deadline to reunite all families the Trump administration separated at the border elapsed, one in three children still remained away from their parents, with no clear indication when they would be reunited.
If these assholes would stop crossing our borders illegally(Breaking our laws) and use the proper system to come here legally, then their snot nosed brats wouldn't be separated. Not president Trumps fault but their own parents. Fuck them and the liberals who support the shit for them to cross..
I support the Trump policy. If these horrible illegals would not involve their own children in criminal acts, there wouldn't be separations. They need to stay where they belong and take proper care of their children, not do all this wetback stuff with little kids. IMO, the parents are entirely to blame.
With parents that bad I have to believe we are improving those children't lives.
I support the Trump policy. If these horrible illegals would not involve their own children in criminal acts, there wouldn't be separations. They need to stay where they belong and take proper care of their children, not do all this wetback stuff with little kids. IMO, the parents are entirely to blame.

These assholes drag their kids here, through God knows what kind of hell just because they think that push come to shove, enough liberal jackasses here will fight to make a way for them and they'll eventually get their foot in the door using the kids as political fodder. The only solution is to slam the door on their foot. Put signs at the border that says, criminal trespassers will be prosecuted and any children brought with them separated and returned to Mexico. The Left thinks that the more they can keep these criminals together as families, the better their chances of pushing them through the legal system "for the children" and given citizen status as new democrats.

This is an INVASION, and our borders must be protected; those attempting to cross it illegally should be SHOT ON SIGHT.
l system "for the children" and given citizen status as new democrats.

This is an INVASION, and our borders must be protected; those attempting to cross it illegally should be SHOT ON SIGHT.

It is an invasion. Here, and in Europe. Overpopulated countries are swarming us, like zombies.

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